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saliva scent = bad breath?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:41 pm
by Crepusculo
Can a person notice a certain smell on your own saliva and not have bad breath? Because i've noticed a scent when i lick the back of my hand but i was told by more than one person that i dont really have bad breath.
Also, how important are mouthwashes (alcohol free) and would they actually make the breath worse if you stop taking them after a while? Since the mouth got used to them or something.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:21 pm
by ihatebacteria123
If you're saliva smells like shit, your breath smells like shit. Your fart smells like shit because your shit smells like shit hehe.

I always wondered if it's my saliva causing my bad breath. Is bacteria being produced in my saliva. If so, does that mean the more saliva I have, the worse breath I have? Is this kind of like sweating? More you sweat, the stinkier you get? But when I do sweat, I don't stink. It's a mystery. If bacteria is being secreted in my saliva, then doesn't that mean bacteria should be secreted in my sweat too...even in tears?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:05 pm
by Crepusculo
I dont think it really works like that since saliva is actually good, like a natural mouthwash. My mouth is very dry due to this inhaler i use, so i dont know if my saliva has this smell because of that.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:23 pm
by BronxJazzy
I had a friend when I was in Junior high who always sucked her thumb it was a bad habit of hers. When she took her thumb out I smelled a smell not like shit but like I don't knwo bad smelling saliva and she had NO I mean NONE AT ALL bad breath not even remotely bad. My mom also one day took a bite of my mango I was eating and when I went to take another bite into it I could smell her saliva smell on it and it stunk. I didn't eat the piece she bit off of after that the smell turned me off but once again she doesnt have any bad breath at all. So it depends but if you have a strong poop smell to your saliva then i would say that isn't a good thing. I also smelled my moms toothbrush and her brush always smells like morning breath but no bb and my dads toothbrush smells like a baby but he sometimes has dry mouth and can have bb but not intense you can only smell it if you are within like an inch from him while he is talking and he has been working for a while but he is a natorious mouth breather.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:36 pm
by Crepusculo
Thanks BronxJazzy, that was helpful. It's hard to say, really. I've noticed i had bad breath due to creatine intake and my saliva had no smell. Now it does have a little smell but i was told i dont have bad breath, so it's weird... Maybe the saliva has a smell because the mouth is dry, i'm not sure.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:18 pm
by unsungzero7
saliva is odorless, you probably don't have really bad breath if it doesn't smell too harsh

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:44 pm
by onewhocares
In my opinion if the saliva smells to the person from whos mouth it came then you can bet for sure that person's breath will stink to other people.

You know the old saying... if you can smell yourself stink, just imagine how you must smell to others hehe

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:39 pm
by unsungzero7
most everyones saliva has a particular scent to it but you can be pretty sure that if it smells bad your breath is bad as well, like i said if the smell is neutral i wouldnt worry about it, i know plenty of people who dont have bad breath whos saliva has some kind of scent to it, on the other hand, your saliva can smell odorless yet you can still have bad breath

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:39 am
by jc
Sweat only stinks when it combines with a certain bacteria that resides on our skin. If the bacteria is not present the sweat that comes of our pores will not smell. I wonder if this is the same with bb.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:37 am
by Crepusculo
jc wrote:Sweat only stinks when it combines with a certain bacteria that resides on our skin. If the bacteria is not present the sweat that comes of our pores will not smell. I wonder if this is the same with bb.
Well it would make sense...