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Betaine Hydrochloride on my tongue (!!) fights my BB :|

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Betaine Hydrochloride on my tongue (!!) fights my BB :|

Post by oasis »

I'm a chronic BB sufferer for as long as I can remember (I'm 29 years old and still hanging in there). I had a peritonsillitis behind the right pharyngeal tonsil for ages which didn't reveal any typical symptoms nor give any indications for a tonsillectomy (enlarged tonsils, recurrent infections/sore throat, pain when swallowing, fever, etc.) according to the surgical customs.

BB obviously became much better after I finally had my tonsillectomy (loads of pus came out according to the surgeon) 4 years ago but the problem lingers on till this day. I have tried all kinds of mouthwashes, diets, probiotics, without any significant improvement. A long lasting infection in your throat irreversibly affects the other mucosa in your mouth, a doctor once told me. :(

The one thing that keeps my BB level down is daily use of BETAINE HCL on my tongue. I split the tablets, flush it in water a bit so it starts to dissolve, then I scrape with the flat side of the tablet on my tongue. Bad taste is somewhat relieved after I do this, as is my bad breath.

I've been doing this daily now for almost 3 years. I WARN you that this probably will cause some light bleeding on your tongue the first times you do it (it's highly acid as you understand) as it did for me. I am sure not to do it too much and I have water at hand to quickly neutralize the acid if needed.

After the first couple of times I tried Betaine Hcl on my tongue it stopped bleeding and didn't cause any discomfort whatsoever. I guess my tongue adapted fast (good or bad I don't know).

Anyways it has been the only method (after tonsillectomy of course) that has given me significant relief of BB. Betaine Hcl dissolves the protein on my tongue (the protein which causes a lot of bad odours, since a lot of bacteria feed on the protein), so the beneficial effect is clear to me. However I don't know if this is a cure to my BB. Maybe it's not good to my tongue in the long run. As long as it doesnt cause any discomfort I can keep up with it.

I would be grateful for any thoughts on using Betaine HCl on the tongue. I hardly believe that many have tried this though.

I did a lot of tongue scraping for years when I had my tonsillitis, but now when I use a scraper it has no effect, nothing "gets stuck". Again, I don't know if that's good or bad. It's my saliva that smells bad and I have a lot of that in my throat and on my tongue.

I hope that vigorous tongue scraping do not cause too much friction that gives rise to keratinization on the tongue; it has been found in studies on primates that there is a positive correlation between level of keratinization on the tongue and levels of bacteria. (keratine is a protein that the bacteria, again, feed on).

I will try apple vinegar cider against BB next, and also give probiotics another chance. I might buy some peroxide too.

It never ends. :(

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Post by dick.karma »

uhmmm. so Betaine Hcl doesn't work for you anymore?
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Re: Betaine Hydrochloride on my tongue (!!) fights my BB :|

Post by deebo »

oasis wrote:
I've been doing this daily now for almost 3 years. I WARN you that this probably will cause some light bleeding on your tongue the first times you do it (it's highly acid as you understand) as it did for me. I am sure not to do it too much and I have water at hand to quickly neutralize the acid if needed.
It never ends. :(
WOE . Those are indeed drastic measures friend . I hear that most of the smell comes from the back of the tongue so if this works for you its uncommonly great . Do you notice that your tasting ability has changed over the 3 years of HCl ?
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Post by oasis »


I dont feel that Betaine hcl improves my condition much anymore (not as it did during the first year of use) so now I'm trying to be without it (and I don't see it as a long term solution).

I feel that my BB has gradually improved (very slowly though) since I had my tonsils removed so I hope that the improvement will continue.


Using betaine hcl has only improved my tasting. It has helped me to decrease my tongue coating. ENT and dentists say my tongue looks absolutely normal (whatever that means).
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Post by hopelessone »

oasis wrote:dick.karma>

I dont feel that Betaine hcl improves my condition much anymore (not as it did during the first year of use) so now I'm trying to be without it (and I don't see it as a long term solution).

I feel that my BB has gradually improved (very slowly though) since I had my tonsils removed so I hope that the improvement will continue.


Using betaine hcl has only improved my tasting. It has helped me to decrease my tongue coating. ENT and dentists say my tongue looks absolutely normal (whatever that means).
i'm sooooooo glad to hear that for you......i hope it continues getting better.
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