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Important antibiotics question

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:18 am
by foxhound
I went to my doctor who I can talk about bb with and told her that I want to take Metronidazole. She told me that it is a very strong antibiotic and that she wants to make a smear for germs before.

In the result the only mentioned germ is Enterobacter cloacae, she told me that it should be only in the gut, not in the mouth. She can give me Cotrimoxazol against that germ but she doesn´t want to give me Metronidazole.

So what to do? I heard many times that antibiotics worsen the bb in many cases. Should I try the ab she recommends or should I insist on taking metro?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:21 am
by willfindacure
Cotrimaxizole is often given wih urinary tract infection. I have used it many times and after sometime of constant using it, I have become allergic to it. Metrodinazole is also not a solution to eliminate bb at all. If you suspect that you have candidiasis, the easiest way to find out is to have a urinalysis or papsmear. I have recurrent vaginal candidiasis which i have tried to cure with Metrodinazole both oral and inserts, but I dont think it really cures me. The symptoms is recurrent and my doctor suggested me to go to an immunologist because of that. If you really want to take Metrodinazole, I suggest you do the test first, that way you know if you really have to take the drugs or not. Wishing the best for you to find out your cure. God Bless!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:29 am
by foxhound
The question is should I try the antibiotic or do I have to expect that it could have a bad impact on my bb or the bacteria in my mouth?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:20 am
by willfindacure
If youre experiencing infection and doctor asked you to take it, then you should, other than that dont. If you take antibiotics, be sure to also take probiotics inorder to produce good bacteria that the antibiotic killed.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:33 pm
by ruch
i have taken antibiotics for certain ailments in the past (including a 9 month course a few years ago) and it didn't worsen it for me.
definitely take probiotics when you are on antibiotics though and eat lots of yogurt.

although when i was a kid, i took tetracycline which permanently stained my teeth (i was 2 years old or under). i suspect this may also be why i have bb issues now as well, and lots of oral issues in general (including gum disease since i was in my early 20s)