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Interesting Fyi's

Post by hali_grl »

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Post by hali_grl »

came across this when looking for a cheaper alternative to the Mccomb's Plan these capsules not only contain a better form of undecylenic acid but it also has grapeseed oil extract, hcl, and betonite clay in it for only $18.80
check this out ... ~SF742.jsp
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Post by mike987 »

Why do we keep pimping the clay? Does anyone here actually think it works?

Also, curezone sounds like hippy nonsense. Is there any evidence that doing these flushes and cleanses actually does anything at all? Can anyone here speak for the effectiveness of any of this?

Sorry, I'm just tired of seeing hundred of remedies that never help anyone. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like he's spinning in circles.
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Post by hali_grl »

im just trying to be an active member nd post topics and related material out there its up to the reader to research and come up with whats best for them so im leaving no stone unturned. im not going to not try something just bc no one else has which is why no one else is cured.

honestly i do believe cleansing and detoxifying are whole body and organs (esp the liver and colon) to build up the immune system is the only root way to cure this bb everything else is just a band aid. it seems like some ppl may have tried the clay and it not work and give up but i believe the clay is only a piece of the puzzle we need to improve digestion (hcl and digestive), immunity, bacterial imbalances, etc.
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Post by mike987 »

Yeah, my last couple months on here I've become aware of the immune system connection and how all my symptoms are all tied into something much bigger.

It's not longer a condition of the mouth.. a condition of the stomach... there's something that's triggering everything.

The reason I can't gain weight.. don't absorb nutrients from food. ->

Don't absorb nutrients from food because... food allergy/stomach acidity imbalance/etc ->

I (might) have a food allergy, or bacterial imbalance because the immune system isn't functioning properly... ->

My immune system isn't functioning properly because.. well it could be anything really, and it could be something I already mentioned, making it into a cycle...

I'm really confused. Thanks for helping out around here though.

There is so much prevalence of the idea of 'detox' and 'body cleanse', and it's infiltrated it's way into mainstream use without, I believe, any evidence of actually being effective. It's all surrounded by vague, unspecific vocabulary that makes it feel more like voodoo, or the communion ritual. Are there any journals or science articles on the topic? You'd think there would be. If so I'd love to see them.. I've done a colon cleanse before, and then the woman tried to sell me some kind of souped up vitamin water... Yeah right.

Anyway, I want to see real professionals talking about it. The idea is just so swamped in nonsense it's hard to take seriously, you know?
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Post by hali_grl »

yea i know what u mean there's really no science behind it bc the med community is only funding $ into research of synthetic meds to make more $$$. God forbid using readily available nature what our ancestors has been using for centuries. i believe most independent naturopathies don't have funding to do mass independent research studies.

i will be my own ginny pig im going to try sf742 as well as cleanses, digestive enzymes, multi-strain probiotics, and following mccomb's candida diet. im going to do the sweat therapy which i tried last nite i set my ac to 90 degrees and did 10 mins of yoga which is killing two birds with one stone. i plan on ordering around the first when i get more $ will keep everyone posted

ps-the liver & colon are the organs that most effect the immune system so thats a great place to start.
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Post by deebo »

hali_grl wrote:yea i know what u mean there's really no science behind it bc the med community is only funding $ into research of synthetic meds to make more $$$. God forbid using readily available nature what our ancestors has been using for centuries. i believe most independent naturopathies don't have funding to do mass independent research studies.

i will be my own ginny pig im going to try sf742 as well as cleanses, digestive enzymes, multi-strain probiotics, and following mccomb's candida diet. im going to do the sweat therapy which i tried last nite i set my ac to 90 degrees and did 10 mins of yoga which is killing two birds with one stone. i plan on ordering around the first when i get more $ will keep everyone posted

ps-the liver & colon are the organs that most effect the immune system so thats a great place to start.
If nothing else you will be fitter and healthier for sure grl . What other pro-bio and enzymes are you looking at taking btw ? thanks grl
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Post by hali_grl »

not sure yet swanson vitamins are cheapy and they have great daily deals vitacost is another great discounted site.
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Post by hali_grl »

i found interesting articles on vit c flushing to build immunity i never heard of this but im definitely going to add this to my protocol once i clean out my system.
here's one take a look
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Post by deebo »

hali_grl wrote:not sure yet swanson vitamins are cheapy and they have great daily deals vitacost is another great discounted site.
i will check it out . They are always known to have good deals.

looking into the C flush....
Years ago my Mom and I were told by a Dr that itss impossible to OD on vit C. Now I find lots of info saying that it is a real concern ,and it Is possible .
Something to research ..
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Post by hali_grl »

ok everyone I've ordered my products online just wanted to post my protocol very mccomb'isk it may seem like alot but including shipping & tax i didn't spend over $45 but progressing toward bb freedom is worth every dime i have anyways I ordered...

1. sf742 (contains undecylenate kills candida, grapeseed extract kills bad bacteria, hcl for digestion, & bentonite clay for intestinal cleaning)

2.hcl digestive enzymes

3.vitamin c powder 5000mg (for vit c flushing)

4. b50 complex vitamins

5. yogi detox tea ( which is suppose to cleanse the blood, liver, and kidneys)

6. im also going to follow dr hulda clarks liver flush recipe and do plenty flushes to release as many stones as possible
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Post by deebo »

$45 is a good deal i'd say for all the ammo you'v got there . Are you going to try it all at once ?
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Post by hali_grl »

yea im doing everything altogether i believe thats the key. $45 is a great deal and everything is going to last me a month so i want have to make another purchase any time soon.
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Post by deebo »

sf742 contains hcl , and you have hcl digestive enzyme pills. Do you think this can be problematic possibly ? I usually take 1 hcl Betaine in the middle of a meal and 1 at the end ,no issues. If i take more ,i get some burn .
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Post by hali_grl »

i want know until i try but i was recommended hcl w/ pepsin which is why i got it separate.
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