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How bad is your breath???

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:42 pm
by hali_grl
my breath is so bad ppl in the next lane while I'm driving can smell me...

i thought i was just being paranoid but now i know they can smell me :oops:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:14 am
by glamourgirl05
I went to the dentisst a couple of months ago,and the ladies in front desk,kept saying it smelled like sewer! May the Lord save us all!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:35 am
by hali_grl
yea its sad the last time i went to a dentist for a cleaning the girl from the front office came in and said to the hygienist who was cleaning my teeth "ewww i would hate your job!" the dentist would'nt even look at me directly.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:56 am
by glamourgirl05
Tell me about it,no eye contact with me either,to top it off,it was lunch time,and all I could hear was the workers laughing during my cleaning,I went home and felt so sad,honestly scarred to go again

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:40 am
by SonicBoy
Is it when you talk or when you are breathing threw your nose?

Re: How bad is your breath???

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:46 am
by halitosisux
hali_grl wrote:my breath is so bad ppl in the next lane while I'm driving can smell me...

i thought i was just being paranoid but now i know they can smell me :oops:
Haligrl, I'm not questioning whether they can smell you or not, but I cant help wondering how have you come to this conclusion? Do drivers all around you swerve or pile into each other? Do they honk their horn in anger? What makes you conclude this?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:59 am
by 2ndbanana
Hali_grl is just being paranoid this is like when you were driving/walking and for no reason you look at someone then that person all of a sudden just rub his/her nose it's like implying that you have bb coz they are being insecure and don't want to look stupid they're being defensive that you're gonna make fun of them that's why they're trying to make you feel like they can smell your stink but the fact is they don't coz you're way too far from them but I gotta say I don't like it when people does that to me maybe coz I really do stink it really hurt my feelings.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:00 am
by halitosisux
2ndbanana, think about what this kind of thing feeds though. Is it any wonder that the medical profession are reluctant to get involved and just fob people off that they must be halitophobic? If you know for a fact that people can smell you in such circumstances, i.e. trusted friends or family members tell you that you make the whole house stink, which does happen with certain kinds of odour problem, then you can count on that being the true situation.

But haligrl isn't being paranoid, she's not saying I think they can, she's saying I KNOW they CAN smell me.

There are quite likely to be researchers who read this forum for information on this problem. There are also going to be vulnerable people who read this forum, worrying about their breath, who'll then go on to develop paranoia from such unclear statements.

Haligrl please dont be offended, I just think it's important that these things are made clear because we could all say the same thing as you have just because we 'think' it's the case.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:06 pm
by hali_grl
trust me i thought i was being paranoid too when i pulled next to a car at a red light and they would roll their windows up or put their hands by their nose so i never took it to heart but yesterday a group of teens loud and rowdy in the lane next to me said "omg i smelled sh*t when she pulled up." so NO im not being 'paranoid' i got confirmation obviously if your not a room filler u don't have to worry about this but those who can be smelled feets away be aware.

yes my bb comes from nose and mouth

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:36 pm
by plumbum
Well I know mine is bad when. I have to travel for work. I was on the plane and the woman next to me requested to change her seat. this happens often. The people behind and in front of me complain of the smell. It comes through my nose also. The dentist are no help. I get my teeth cleaned three times a year. Does anyone know where the odor is coming from. I took Flagyl once but it didn't help. I have to find a solution to manage it because i hate traveling and I have to.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:50 pm
by danger
i have no idea how bad my breath is these days. it has been about 2 and a half years since i was directly told by somebody that my breath stinks. i still find it very hard to talk close to somebody's face though so i never really get a clear indication by reactions

what i do know is the same part of my tongue is still producing an odour, it seems to vary throughout the day. and when i open my mouth in the light and look in, i sometimes notice little white marks on my tonsils. they dont seem to develop into proper tonsil stones like some, i have never coughed one up for example. and these tiny white things have a particular smell but it is not as horrid as some have described on here, i find the odour on my tongue is worse when it is at its worst.
i know everyone dont produce tonsil stones but even people who dont get BB get white tonsils when they have a bad cold or the flu, so i dont know how to think of this and whether it is common for alot of people who dont have bad breath and they dont know. if i wasnt always looking inside my mouth i wouldnt even know they were there, as i have said i dont cough them up

TMAU has crossed my mind but i am fairly sure i am not producing really bad body odour. in fact when i have put some fragrance on a few times people have commented that i smell nice and ask what i am wearing

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:59 pm
by Jimi Stein
TMAU is not only related to body smell, check youtube, one woman claims her breath is only affected by TMAU, so that is tricky.

I am also clueless what is causing my bb. I might come from everywhere, tongue, stomach oesophagos......

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:51 pm
by Susie
hali_grl wrote:trust me i thought i was being paranoid too when i pulled next to a car at a red light and they would roll their windows up or put their hands by their nose so i never took it to heart but yesterday a group of teens loud and rowdy in the lane next to me said "omg i smelled sh*t when she pulled up." so NO im not being 'paranoid' i got confirmation obviously if your not a room filler u don't have to worry about this but those who can be smelled feets away be aware.

yes my bb comes from nose and mouth
I believe you Hail_girl 100%!!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:38 am
by deebo
hali_grl wrote:.... "omg i smelled sh*t when she pulled up." so NO im not being 'paranoid' i got confirmation obviously if your not a room filler u don't have to worry about this but those who can be smelled feets away be aware.

yes my bb comes from nose and mouth
I've certainly filled rooms .Having a lady on the other side of a conference table about 15 feet away exhale in protest ,shaking her head ,looking at me. Another person sitting in front of me in class a good 10' away "Pew.!" look back at me and then up at the a/c vent "something stinks in here" . 3 counselors show sure signs of my bb when I'm across the room . Always when I'm talking . Haven't yet had a complaint while nose breathing . I have gotten bb signs while breathing heavily during a hike from passers-by .
ive yet to have confirmation of my bb from another car though .

I don't think its impossible to project bb on that scale . But i'd have to meet Hali-grl in person to believe it 8) . We'd certainly run some dbl blind test around town for clarification

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:18 am
by depressed13
hello..i just want to ask if having an stomach ulcer can cause bb??Because when my ulcer aches i started tasting something sour in my mouth..please reply..