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1st day to work after surgery

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1st day to work after surgery

Post by john_bb »

Hi Folks...
2day is my 1st day to work after the removal of my wisdom teeth. Today is the 4th day after the surgery.
I am unable to detect my BB by licking and pillow tests. I dont have any strong pungent metallic taste on my tongue..Now I am able to eat sweets without having any inhibitions..
But this is all only one sided...I should see how ppl respond to my breath...
BTW I am on Amoxicillin 500 MG (thrice a day). I am also using periogaurd (I also took this before the surgery..this didnt help me a bit with my BB, I am using it as it helps me resist new infections).
At this point I have 2 problems
1) Will I get any offensive responses from ppl
2) Did wisdom teeth removal helped me or is it just the Amoxicillin which is working. I still have to use this antibiotic for the next 5 days.
Today I can get the answer for the for the first problem...but for the second I should wait for few more days....


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Post by hope4now »

As long as you're on an antibiotic, the bb is usually gone for most people. The real test is after you've stopped taking it. I'm recovering from tonsillectomy taking amox. also. I have to wait until the scabs heal and the amox. runs out before I'll know if it made any difference.
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:22 pm

Post by john_bb »

hope4now wrote:As long as you're on an antibiotic, the bb is usually gone for most people. The real test is after you've stopped taking it. I'm recovering from tonsillectomy taking amox. also. I have to wait until the scabs heal and the amox. runs out before I'll know if it made any difference.
hi Hope4now,
Thanks for ur reply...I hope you will have a swift recovery. Before my wisdom teeth were removed..I had horrible taste in my mouth...which is not felt now. Previously I used metronidazole...It solved my breath issues for a while but was never effective in removing the bad taste from my gums. i started using the Amoxicillin just 2-3 hours prior to the surgery...but the BB persisted until the surgery and vanished JUST after it..
I took Metro... 3times a day (previously) but it was effective only for 3-4 hours and even during that period I should sip water and be away from sweets...But now the situation is completely different.
After taking the Axoxicillin my tongue started becoming black and furry (this is what happenes to normal ppl) and I never had such a bad tongue...Irrespective of all these things I have a very light saliva which tastes good even when I getup from my bed in the morning....
I would say..the chance for my BB cure is 95% but I leave 5% to Amoxicillin...I still have 5 days to go with it...Its so bad..makes my tongue look like a tar road...but still I have to follow the prescriptions....BTW I read some where that Amoxicillin is not that effective as Metronidazole in countering the anaerobic bacteria...
I just vented out my feelings...Hope ppl like me and u get to normal soon..I am living with BB for the past 13 years...and let this be the last year of my life with BB...
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