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Wisdom teeth and nasal BB; general questions for all

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Wisdom teeth and nasal BB; general questions for all

Post by perrymason »

Hello all, I'm back after a 2 year hiatus from the message boards. I just couldn't take all the routines, medicines, mouthwashes, sinus rinses, etc.... I decided to give up on finding a "cure" and focus on college. Well, the time in my life has come where I am out interviewing for positions and I am absolutely fed up.


I do have BB, mouth and nasal, and both have been confirmed by numerous sources. I am a male in early 20s, who has wisdom teeth that are sticking up from the back just a little bit.

I have always assumed that my nasal BB originated near my soft palate and my tongue, but the new developments here have me thinking about my wisdom teeth, which are slightly erupted/sticking out.

I did indeed get a positive skin allergy test 2 weeks ago, and was told by my ENT I am allergic to grass, and dust mites. I was told this has caused my PND, and in turn my bad breath. I see no major improvements in my breath after 3 weeks of cortico steroid nasal sprays, and antihistamine nasal sprays. The PND has lessened, but what can be down about the breath?! (***k ENTs btw, can't solve shit. I'm 10x smarter than all these fools who go through medical school and can't determine the root cause for halitosis. Doctors can treat cancer, and many other health issues, but can't treat bad breath effectively? What a joke)

Also, I'm not really sure if my wisdom teeth are the cause. I will be looking to get them removed since they have erupted, but I can't really smell anything different when I poke my finger around back there.

I am becoming very methodical in my approach to this, and have decided that along with medical help, I am going to determine the cause of this bullshit. I can't live my life any longer with this issue lingering around. It's ruining me....socially, and mentally. It's ridiculous really...chronic halitosis...and I've been suffering for 7+ years, and it has been TOO LONG.

So my questions for all:

For those with nasal odor, are your wisdom teeth impacted, or erupted? Have you had any allergy testing done? Do you have PND?

For those who have been cured by wisdom teeth extraction, did you have nasal odor? If so, did you have any allergy testing done? If not, I would love to hear you describe your situation to me.

I'm optimistic. There is not a set "cure", but through the proper diagnostics, medical attention, treatment, and optimism I'm sure we can ALL get through this.

Deadline to eradicate BB: January of 2012.

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Post by perrymason »

Oh and just a quick thought of mine:

Modern medicine has advanced too far to not be able to combat this issue.

Stay positive,
Pervy :D
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Post by halitosisux »

Have you had a dentist's opinion on this yet? If your wisdoms are impacted, then you really should consider having them removed because no matter how much it may look like they're ok sitting there half-sunken inside your gum, the reality is that gum does not adhere to any part of the crown of your teeth, so the entire crown of your tooth now has a bacterial colony living around it.
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Post by perrymason »

I did have a dentist tell me 2-3 years back that I should have my wisdom teeth removed (they hadn't erupted yet). I didn't go through with it since I had braces on, but now I will indeed be going through with it.

How come others with impacted/erupted wisdom teeth do not have BB as severe as us? Surely for the years before my wisdom teeth erupted something else was causing my BB....BB was there long before the wisdom teeth erupted. Back to the dentist....

Did you have a nasal odor?
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Post by halitosisux »

I had all the same doubts as you are having now.. I never really looked after my teeth until I was about 14.. so the BB I was told about back then was probably because of that.. and then from about the age of 14 I started trying really hard to look after my teeth.. then one day while I was 15, my brother told me to get help because my breath stunk so bad.. roll on the next 25 years of hell trying to find out why..

As far as I knew, I didnt have nasal odours. There's always the possibility you have more than one odour causing issue, or your teeth are somehow affecting your sinuses. Read "cured's" wisdom teeth posts. I think this is what happened in his case.

My dentist also advised my to have my wisdoms out in my early 20s, in hospital, but I ignored this advice because ironically, I needed to focus on my bad breath problem and at the time I thought I had serious health problems behind it. There was no internet back then, so information gathering meant trips to libraries in cities all around the UK hoping not to get caught reading about tongues and intestines, by anyone I knew.
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Post by Phantasist »

Unless you have gum pockets around your partially erupted wisdom teeth which might collect some bacteria producing debris, it is very unlikely that the teeth have anything to do with your bad breath.
I think it is more likely that the PND is causing a lot of mucus to collect in your throat which becomes stale and takes on an odor. The air passing over that area picks up the odor as you exhale.
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Post by halitosisux »

If you have partially erupted wisdom teeth, then you will have pockets around the entire crown of the tooth that remains buried. This is what dentists dont understand regarding the potential for such a situation to cause BB. They think gum has to actually be infected and have a pocket like the type you get with periodontal disease or gum disease. But this is not true. A pocket that forms around a partially erupted tooth just becomes a giant anaerobic cesspit where oral bacteria will colonize and where they'll get a constant supply of nutrients.
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Post by perrymason »

thanks for the input guys

any one else?

I'm trying to understand how is it that my breath travels 15-20 feet across a room....does it really smell THAT bad?! I've confirmed that it is horrendous smelling, but wow....

I never knew exhaling normally would lead to such a horrible stench with such distance.
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Post by missjj »

Yes, I don't understand how we can send someone to the mood but are still unable to help us.
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Post by halitosisux »

If there were martians living on Mars and just one of them had bad breath, scientists here would know exactly why, and know the exact chemical composition of the gases coming out of their mouth from hundreds of millions of miles away.
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