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My wisdom teeth Pictures

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My wisdom teeth Pictures

Post by john_bb »

Hey BB folks
Here is my erupted and impacted wisdom tooth. I have another tooth which looks the same. Do you guys think that this might cause BB..??

I took a lot of pain taking pictures..pls suggest me...


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Post by halitosisux »

John, as long as you have impacted wisdom teeth, they could be causing you problems leading to BB. Those pictures dont look as bad as the two bottom wisdom teeth in my own case, one of which is still in my mouth. The one I had out in 2009 was similar looking to your pictures, but they were further back in the mouth, half growing into that wall of tissue at the back of the mouth.

A lot of people on here have had their impacted wisdom teeth removed and it didnt cure their BB. It totally depends on whether or not the situation was causing problems that are known to occur with such deformities, or whether, as in my case, it simply became a huge trap for anaerobic bacteria and debris to create a discharge.

If you can't smell any odours when you rub the area around them, then it's not very likely that removal of these teeth will have any effect on your BB.
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Post by john_bb »

halitosisux wrote:John, as long as you have impacted wisdom teeth, they could be causing you problems leading to BB. Those pictures dont look as bad as the two bottom wisdom teeth in my own case, one of which is still in my mouth. The one I had out in 2009 was similar looking to your pictures, but they were further back in the mouth, half growing into that wall of tissue at the back of the mouth.

A lot of people on here have had their impacted wisdom teeth removed and it didnt cure their BB. It totally depends on whether or not the situation was causing problems that are known to occur with such deformities, or whether, as in my case, it simply became a huge trap for anaerobic bacteria and debris to create a discharge.

If you can't smell any odours when you rub the area around them, then it's not very likely that removal of these teeth will have any effect on your BB.
Hey Halitosissux...thank you very much for your insights.
The reason why I am suspecting my wisdom teeth are as follows
1) My BB started at the age of 13. I assume that my wisdom teeth started popping up during that time.
2) In the morning I found that the floss stinks when I floss between my first and the second molar.
3) I always have strong metallic or purified taste on the back of my tongue.
4) I have no PND or acid reflux. I have IBS but not too often. I have coated tongue but not really that bad. My dentist said that I have a good looking tongue and assured me not to think about it.
5) When I used gave me fresh breath. So I assume that anaerobic bacteria is responsible for my BB and not diabetes or smell from lungs or blood stream.
6) When my wisdom teeth popped up it appeared very black. I assume that it has dragged with it some infected tissue which was black.
Few of these things are assumptions. Truely speaking no matter where ever I rub in my mouth it smells. But there is a stronger odor on the molars. I have no gum disease (as said by dentist). One very important piece of info is that when I visited a dentist 3 months ago, she mentioned that I have a 6mm deep pocket near my wisdom tooth.
Halitosissux...This is all the info I have....Can you pls evaluate my situation
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Post by halitosisux »

You're welcome John.
Even though I had this stench coming from around this tooth I had, it wasn't until I poked my finger at the back there one evening that I realised what was going on, such was the stench my whole mouth was making. This is pretty much the same kind of revelation I had with my tonsils too.

People must wonder how I could miss something like this for so long, but when you feel negative and convinced it's got to be something much much deeper going on, it's very easy to miss the obvious.

I'd been to plenty of dentists asking if they could see anything wrong with things like my fillings or my gums, which in some areas do look a bit strange, but they all said nothing was wrong. Only one dentist told me in my early 20s that I would need my wisdom teeth removing, but this was not during my BB enquiries. Quite ironic really.

I was taunted by my siblings about BB from as far back as I can remember. I can remember one guy in my class who I sat with kept asking who farted when I couldnt smell anything, but in my denial I dismissed it. It wasn't until other things happened that I put 2 and 2 together and it all made sense. I was about 14 or 15 when I think my BB really became so bad that the who's farted questions started. But it was when my brother suddenly told me to get help for my breath that everything suddenly made sense. My BB before my wisdom teeth started to cause problems must have been due simply by a lack of basic care. I dont remember brushing my teeth regularly until I got to about 13 or 14.

One point you made about metronidazole - there are many possibilities why metro could reduce your BB, other than it's direct action against your oral bacteria. For instance, if you happen to have helicobacter then metronidazole would weaken and suppress this infection while you take it and it might make a difference if the infection is in some way responsible for your BB. The same thing applies for the bacteria in your gut, which will also be suppressed while you are taking metro, if your BB is in some way related to the bacteria in your gut, as it is in TMAU for instance. Your BB might be due to sinus issues, in which case metronidazole will likely have an impact on any chronic sinus infection you might have.

I'm fascinated how your wisdom tooth was black when it first erupted. That could be dried blood, but whatever it is, it's not normal and it's indicative that germs have been getting right into this gum at a stage where the tooth is fully formed, but still partially buried in your gum, potentially leading to BB.

A pocket around a abnormally erupted tooth is a totally different thing to a pocked formed by periodontal pockets. While a 6mm deep pocket may be relevant on a normally erupted tooth, it probably means nothing too serious on a partially erupted tooth, except of course, the anaerobic gunk-trap it may be forming.

There's not much more I can say, except that if your dentist advises you to have these teeth out, then it's a very worthwhile thing to do to prevent problems in the future that may well lead to BB, even if they aren't at the moment. And you get to rule out this possibility once and for all from the equation, as so many of us decided to do with our tonsils and adenoids.

Best of luck.
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Post by john_bb »

Hi Halitosissux...thank you very much for your reply. God bless you..

Just now I have put a small plastic ruler on the gum space between my 2nd molar and wisdom tooth. The smell was stinky....

Tomorrow is my Judgement day.....I am getting my wisdom teeth out....

Hope this will be the final remedy..

I dont have PND, no sinus problems...I used Metronidazole as a rinse and it worked for me until I discontinued it.

All praise to Lord....
I will keep the forum updated
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Post by missjj »

John!!!! I hope this cures u!!!!! Pls pls pls god:) I will pray for u.
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Post by john_bb »

missjj wrote:John!!!! I hope this cures u!!!!! Pls pls pls god:) I will pray for u.
Thank you very much missjj..
May God bless us all...
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Post by mike987 »

Good luck john, but try your best to stay positive and not be disappointed if it doesn't help.

If I were you, I'd try to just think about how it's going to save you from complications in the future, and will at least give you peace of mind knowing that it can't be the cause of your problem.
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