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GoodNews/Dr. Sami Yanikian

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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GoodNews/Dr. Sami Yanikian

Post by oceanside »

Hello Members,

I've spoken to Dr. Sami Yanikian over the telephone regarding his mineral spray. He reported that the spray is extremely powerful and effective for halitosis. Naturally, I asked was this reported and confirmed by a chronic halitosis sufferer? He said yes. He IS a chronic sufferer himself and thus created the product.

Very interesting lead thanks to our member Winterssr22 over on our sister site.

I will have another telephone conversation with him today as he was at work. If his mineral spray works, we may just have another possible remedy, including Lavoris, to shade some light on our darkness.

He will send us the information of his mineral spray. One of us can order it, try it, and report to the group.

I will keep you posted.



From <John>
Sent Monday, March 19, 2007 2:03 pm
To [email protected]
Subject halitosis
Hello Dr. Sam,

I am very pleased to spoke with you over the telephone. As an advocate, a moderator, and a member of and Brethhelp4u, I hope our relationship will
be fruitful and one that will bring new hope of freedom from our sufferage.

Please contact me as I have many questions and bussiness proposals to
share with you.

I go by the username, Oceanside on Feel free to
begin open discussion with the members on this site. Breathhelp4u is a
closed site, therefore you must register as a member. Larua Hart is the
moderator on this site. I moderate and Jimi is
the owner.


winterssr22 <[email protected]> wrote:

A few years ago I met this guy who is actually A forgein medical
doctor that lives in La.he was making natural products that are
electromagenically charged making them 1000 times more potent, his
words.I tried one of his product for asthma and it worked.To make a
long story short for some reason I decided to google his name and
see what he was up to.he has a new product called universal mineral
spray and it lists halitosis as one of the things that it treats.For
me it wont help because my odor isnt coming from bacteria in the
mouth but for people who have odor from the mouth this might be the
answer your looking for.hes not a marketer and I think he makes it
out of his apartment he is a little bit of a mad scientist but very
Heres what I would do call him he will answer all your questions.His
phone number is 1-323-937-6401, his name is Sami Yanikian.Pick one
person from this site and ask if you can have a free sample.I dont
know if he will give you one but tell him you are from this site and
you could pass on the information to all the people who belong to
the group if it works.I ask that you do one thing choose a person
that will 100% confirm from an actual human being after trying the
I hope this helps,
keep your fingers crossed

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Post by noptical »

John these are great news, thanks for letting us know. I googled his name and I found one of his posts on curezone. He clearly states that you can get relief from respiratory problems like asthma, PND, chronic sinusitis, allergies, rhinitis (all -probably except asthma- cause bb) for a WHOLE week by using only three drops.
Its pretty expensive though, 100$ for a bottle, but if it works 100% WHO CARES? :D

Here's his post;
Dr. Sami Yanikian wrote:From Dr. Sami Yanikian
Dear Debbie
Get complete relief and cure of your asthm by using this herb inhaler nebulizer which I developed. Please call me for questions

I Sami Yanikian a foreign medical graduate in the year 1973, living in Los Angeles developed a natural, magnetically charged nasal drops of Ginkgo and Ginseng.
--It has the potential to reverse and relief all types of nasal allergy, such as seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, postnasal drip, hay fever, molds, in addition to pollens and animal dander.

--It relieves, prevents, immunizes against all types of flu, cold and SARS viruses.
-It is also helpful in acute and chronic sinusits due to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections or allergic reactions with congestion and headache.
--It gives immediate results of relieving the upper conditions within couple of minutes of application of the nasal drops.
--Three drops are applied to each nostril that gives long lasting effect of relief for one week or more with one application according to the case.
--The same formulation in an inhaler spray form, in three inhalations at one time once daily, till the results are reached, will dramaticly relief all types of asthma, and emprove performance in elite athletes, with the potential to reverse chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis and other pulmonary conditions as SARS viruses. Costs $170 for two oz.
-It costs for one dropper of 1 oz, $100 including SH.
--Mail orders by check to the following address:
Dr.Sami Yanikian
1117 S. Bronson Ave. #1
LA, CA 90019
-For information about other products of natural orgin which I devloped check this web site:
My contact information: Tel (323)937-6401
Email:[email protected] or [email protected]

Natural Super Nasal Drops
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Post by oceanside »

I spoken to Dr. Sami a few mintues ago. He said he is willing to allow 3 members to try the mineral spray for $40 (2 oz) bottle.

If any of you wld like to try let me know, than I might ask him to give us a lower price. Otherwise, I have been promised the MOON, STARTS, n PLANETS before only to be disappionted by a product. All of us have been letdown for that matter.



This is an oral spray of 72 electro-magnetically charged minerals with herbs of Polygonum, and Clove.
It has powerful healing effect on Gingivitis (Gum), Periodontitis in addition to other uses such as skin and for Sexually Transmitted Ds.
Bellow are descriptions of it's uses:

1) Periapical abscesses with gingival fistula, bacterial
periodontal pockets, plaque inhibitor and reversing
alveolar (jaw) bone loss and loosening of the teeth.
2) Halitosis (bad oral smell) due to gingival, dental
and oral causes.
3) Denture related sore mouth and pressure pain.
4) Pulpitis (dental root inflammation) secondary to
5) Snoring reduction by spraying once to the
oropharynx and soft palate before sleeping at
7) Remodeling of the mandible (jaw), TMJ
syndrome and skin diseases.
8) Anti-inflammatory systemic effects on all organs.
9) Anti-arrhythmic, heart attack and stroke effects.
10) Sprayed on the sexual organs before coitus
will reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted
diseases including HIV..
Method of use
Applied after teeth brushing at night before sleeping for lasting results, by spraying once on the involved buccal (cheek) and lingual (tongue) sides of the tooth involved and then spray the tooth brush to keep sterilized.

The products is available in 2 and 4 FL Oz mist spray containers, and costing $60 and $120 each including S&H.
This liquid formulation was developed by Dr. Sami Yanikian since the year 2006. This is my website with the link to this page:
Send checks Payable to this address:
Sami Yanikian
1117 S. Bronson Ave. #1
LA CA, 90019
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Post by KL »


I am willing to try, Let me know How I can get for the price you are negociating.

Great job, as Usual, John. You have been a great support of finding the cure for this nightmare.

Thanks once again for your effort
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Post by oceanside »

KL wrote:John

I am willing to try, Let me know How I can get for the price you are negociating.

Great job, as Usual, John. You have been a great support of finding the cure for this nightmare.

Thanks once again for your effort
Great, KL. I'll let him know and get back with you the price-how low Dr. Sami willing to nogociate with us. I told him that if it helps he has hundreds of customers for life. So, we are sitting in the driver's seat with options.

Another person willing to try? Let us know.

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Post by yeagermeister »

Jonny boy, if possible I would like to be a test dummy for this new product. If I drop over dead, hell at least I can say I died trying.
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Post by oceanside »

yeagermeister wrote:Jonny boy, if possible I would like to be a test dummy for this new product. If I drop over dead, hell at least I can say I died trying.
Great! That's three of us. I'll talk to Dr. Sami and ask him to maybe $20 or $30 a bottle. I'll get back with you guys. Thanks for offering. And we won't drop dead. We aint that lucky. LOL.

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Post by oceanside »

Dr. Sami,

We have three members, including myself who volunteered as test subjects to try your mineral spray to determine if it will help to alleviate their chronic halitosis symptoms. Our support group/sites total 750 members from two combined sites. As we had discussed, the members had tried every concievable means of finding relief/cure for their breath disorder without success. I've personally seen ENT, halitosis clinics, dentists, and MDs. All of them unable to help me.

If your mineral spray privides reasonable relief than we will surely support your product, purhaps even providing an "endorsement" "seal of approval" on the mineral spray and its effacacy to alleviating chronic breath disorder. You would than gain valuable, life-long, loyal customers resulting in financial windfall (revenue) beyond your current monthly intake. 750 members times $60 a month would equat to roughly $4500 a month. That's aggressive financial gains, wouldn't you agree?

If you're interested in a partnership with us, and if your product helps, we will surely advertise to millions of halitosis sufferers via the power of the internet. Our site recieves thousands of visitors in one months' time. We also advertise products. Again, if your product proves effective the members will surely do wonders for your financial endeavor.

As a "trial run" the three members/volunteer asked that you allow us to try the mineral spray at a reduced price $20 for your 2 oz bottle. I realized you will take a lost. However, we have been given free samples from other halitosis manifacturer in the past. Since I approached you I won't ask for a free sample/trial but willing to pay $20 to "put my mouth to the test".

Please get back with us. I had post this message for the nearly 750 members to investigate. You now recieved "free" advertisment of your mineral spray, a captive audience is eagerly awaits to hear our assessment of your mineral spray.

Let's get excited, Dr. Sami. Let's hope that it will do wonders for our breaths.



----- Original Message -----
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:09 pm
Subject: Re: halitosis
To: J

> Hello Juhn,
> Thank you for your interest. I am hastily sending you my website
> with the link to the universal mineral spray:
> Regards,
> Sami
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Post by snoopsister »

This would be so cool if it worked, but 60 bucks to try it seems a bit much, since we don't really know anything about this dude. John, good work trying to get him down to 20. I will also try it and report back to him.
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Post by jc »

Great job John. I hope it works & if it doesn`t, we`ll just have to keep on trying.
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Post by succ »

Great news! In what country is this? USA I presume. In the best case scenario that this new product works, I wonder if they ship to europe, and if not, would someone be able to send a bottle here?
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Post by oceanside »

succ wrote:Great news! In what country is this? USA I presume. In the best case scenario that this new product works, I wonder if they ship to europe, and if not, would someone be able to send a bottle here?
If it helps in any shape or form to reducing the level of halitosis, you'll have access to it.
KL, Yeagermeister, Snoopsister, and members;

Dr. Yanikian called me this morning to discussed my symptoms. That was the first time a doctor took the time, over 1/2 hr, to understand my halitosis symptom. He is a very nice man.

We talked about the price for this "trial" run. He's willing to let us try the Mineral Spray for $30. If it works, than we go from there. If not, maybe we can work with him to develop something specifically for us. After all, we can help Dr. Yanikian to become financially successful if he can help us with a product that relief our halitosis so we can also become successful in our lives. Whatever the outcome this is a huge discovery b/c we made another contact with a skilled MD.

If any of you wld also like to try it for yourself for $30, give it a try. Consider it "nothing ventured, nothing gain". We spent money on many products in the past w/o even knowing the person who sold it to us. Dr. Yanikian read this thread and he's very interested in helping us, and also expending his products as well. I can respect that. There's also a nasal drop that supposibly helps with PND, sinusitus, ect.

Send your $30 check/money order to his address. Write a short note telling him that you are one of the 750 members of support groups willing to try his mineral spray to see if it helps with halitosis. Address below.


Sami Yanikian
1117 S. Bronson Ave. #1
LA CA, 90019

This is an oral spray of 72 electro-magnetically charged minerals with herbs of Polygonum, and Clove.
It has powerful healing effect on Gingivitis (Gum), Periodontitis in addition to other uses such as skin and for Sexually Transmitted Ds.
Bellow are descriptions of it's uses:

1) Periapical abscesses with gingival fistula, bacterial
periodontal pockets, plaque inhibitor and reversing
alveolar (jaw) bone loss and loosening of the teeth.
2) Halitosis (bad oral smell) due to gingival, dental
and oral causes.
3) Denture related sore mouth and pressure pain.
4) Pulpitis (dental root inflammation) secondary to
5) Snoring reduction by spraying once to the
oropharynx and soft palate before sleeping at
7) Remodeling of the mandible (jaw), TMJ
syndrome and skin diseases.
8) Anti-inflammatory systemic effects on all organs.
9) Anti-arrhythmic, heart attack and stroke effects.
10) Sprayed on the sexual organs before coitus
will reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted
diseases including HIV..
Method of use
Applied after teeth brushing at night before sleeping for lasting results, by spraying once on the involved buccal (cheek) and lingual (tongue) sides of the tooth involved and then spray the tooth brush to keep sterilized.

The products is available in 2 and 4 FL Oz mist spray containers, and costing $60 and $120 each including S&H.
This liquid formulation was developed by Dr. Sami Yanikian since the year 2006. This is my website with the link to this page:
Send checks Payable to this address:
Sami Yanikian
1117 S. Bronson Ave. #1
LA CA, 90019
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Post by noptical »

Guys I think we need to test that nasal spray. Its not a coincidence that most of us if not all of us have sinus problems and post nasal drip (and probably allergies that most dont know about). Lets try to solve the problem in its root and not halitosis directly because halitosis (as I always say) is a symptom not a disease.
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Post by oceanside »

noptical wrote:Guys I think we need to test that nasal spray. Its not a coincidence that most of us if not all of us have sinus problems and post nasal drip (and probably allergies that most dont know about). Lets try to solve the problem in its root and not halitosis directly because halitosis (as I always say) is a symptom not a disease.
I agree w you. Who wld like to try the nasal drops? Reading the description of that product "sounds" really great. We just need someone to try it so we have a rounded experiment. He's calling me in the morning. I will ask for a discount for the nasal drops if anyone willing to try. Heck, I might get the dam thing and try it for myself.
I Sami Yanikian a foreign medical graduate in the year 1973, living in Los Angeles developed a natural, electro- magnetically charged nasal drops of Ginkgo, Ginseng, Polygonum, and Reishi.
--It has the potential to reverse and relief all types of nasal allergy, such as seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, postnasal drip, chronic and acute sinusitis, hay fever, molds, in addition to pollens and animal dander.

-It is helpful in acute and chronic sinusitis due to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections or allergic reactions with congestion and headache.
--It gives immediate results of relieving the upper conditions within couple of minutes of application of the nasal drops.
--Two drops are applied to each nostril that gives long lasting effect of relief for one week or more with one application according to the case.
--The same formulation in a spray form, works for the above conditions, in one spray in each nostril, and
in three spray mist inhalations at one time once or more daily, till the results are reached, will relief all types of asthma (status asthmaticus), and improve performance in elite athletes, reduce snoring, with the potential to reverse, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, and respiratory viral conditions as SARS, Avian flu, and other new emerging viral respiratory infections. Helps QUIT SMOKING easly.
The above products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Consult with your physician when you get improved.
* It costs $170 for two fl. oz. of the spray mist Inhaler. * It costs for one dropper of 1fl. oz, $100 including SH.
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Post by yeagermeister »

Sorry John I have to bale on this expeirment, I`m not in the best shape moneywise right now, so I can`t justify spending $30 on a spray that almost certainly will not work. What`s up wtih the price for this guy`s sinus drops..$170, what a ****ing ripoff.
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