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bad breath

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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bad breath

Post by mpkle »

has anyone on this website been cured of bad breath.Does hydrogen peroxide help at all.I just started using it but i cant tell it feels like it is but im affraid to get to close to somone to find out.I can be within three feet of somone and they dont react but one or two and i see alittle head movment but im kinda paranoid about it.I really dont know who do you trust.When were talking about bad breath can people five ten feet away smell it.

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Post by noptical »

When you make a thread please make sure the subject describes the content because "bad breath" is what the forum is about and doesnt say much about the thread ;)

Yes few people have been cured, some after having their tonsils out. Peroxide helps for a while but then the bacteria become resistant to it and I dont know how bad it would be for your health so stay away from it. A week free of bb wont change anything.
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Post by Busted »

Hydrogen Peroxide only helped a bit I think, but people still rubbed their noses when I talked to them. So I stopped using it.
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Post by succ »

For me it helped at first, but the effect seemed to fade away. It was effective for few hours and now I don't really feel like trying it again. It can cause hairy tongue if overused, even in low concentrations.
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