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bad breath

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:53 am
by DK3790
Hi guys I am new here and I gotta say, I am so happy to see something like this. A place where I can just talk about my bad breath without being embarassed. But anyways, back to the main point. I am 17 yrs old and I have suffered from bad breath for as long as I can remember. I have tried everything that I could find, including those advertised rememdies and even hydrogen peroxide. None of it worked for me. I don know what my bad breath is caused by and worse how to treat it. The bad breath is gone temporarily after I brush my teeth but it comes back within an hour and comes and goes throughout the day. When I tried that licking your arm thing I smelled it and it smelled like feces, is this a good clue? Do any of u know what the problem is, how to cure it, or any bad breath clinics around North Jersey? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:13 am
by Crepusculo
I think this is a good site to read something about bad breath and maybe help you get a better idea of your own case:

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:33 pm
by noptical
DK3790 welcome to bbh,
Read all the forum posts you can, ALL of them have little bits of very useful and valuable information. Just dedicate a few days for research. Take notes if you can.

Good luck

New to the Site

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:09 am
by BeauTiful Woman
Hi DK, I am new to the site as well, but I am definitely not new to the issue. I have been struggling since age 18, I am now 31 one with two children. I have stuggled so greatly, all alone... But I have gotten the smell to tone down some, by taking digestive enzymes... I Still stuggle very much though; I just had a meeting at my kid's school, and it was very nerve racking. I am feeling a little down today, but we'll get through this, and one day it WILL be all behind! This site is a step in that direction (a miracle...)

Your going to be fine.



PS: I am on MYSPACE (

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:00 pm
by DK3790
can u give me a little more info on the digestive enzymes you take?

Digestive Enzymes Help to Clear Fermenting Food Particles

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:01 pm
by BeauTiful Woman
I have had to most success with Ultrazyme, but right now I am taking Essential Zymes by Source Naturals, which is vegetable based. It's not working as much on the odor, but it helps a great deal with my heartburn which I had a lot of...


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:13 pm
by DK3790
where can I get this?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:37 am
by DK3790
is there any way I can get rid of the fecal smell?

Re: Digestive Enzymes Help to Clear Fermenting Food Particle

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:35 am
by waitingforrelief
BeauTiful Woman wrote:I have had to most success with Ultrazyme, but right now I am taking Essential Zymes by Source Naturals, which is vegetable based. It's not working as much on the odor, but it helps a great deal with my heartburn which I had a lot of...

hi beauti,

could you share how ultrazyme helped you? i have tried different kinds of enzymes (the latest being bromelain). when i first started taking it, i didn't feel bad - but i'd stopped for a few weeks an re-started a few days ago. and i'd been having heartburn.

my diet has been bad the last few days as well, so i don't know if it's because ot that. i try to keep myself on track but i slip often. sometimes it's just a matter of over-eating. i overeat to combat anxiety, esp. caused by bad breath . but my breath seems to get worse after i overeat. *sigh*

with other enzymes, i just tend to get a feeling of always wanting to go to the bathroom. it wasn't a comfortable feeling. so i stopped eventually.