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sweet breath tea

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:19 pm
by john_bb
did some one try sweet breath tea....

here is a useful review about the tea

"This tea actually does what it advertises: it removes bad breath. Anyone who struggles with halitosis knows that even good oral hygiene will only do so much. I didn't expect much from this tea, but I was desperate enough to try it when I first saw it in an Asian store. I'm, frankly, surprised at how well it works. I simply use one tea bag a day in hot/cold water and replenish with more water throughout the day. Even though it has green tea and jasmine, it tastes more like a cross between jasmine and oolong tea. It can taste medicinal if you're not used to Chinese teas, but I find that a little wedge of lemon completely masks the taste and helps to keep your mouth even fresher. Careful that you don't overdo on the lemon. It's acidic and can erode your enamel. You don't have to drink this all day. I think one of two cups will suffice. After a week of drinking it daily, I went a day without any tea at all and I could still feel its effectiveness. A box of this sells for $6.99 in most Asian markets, so it's a much better deal here."

the same person also wrote a review for therabreath and that is where he/she once again referred this "sweet breath tea"

"I've used Therabreath,Smartmouth, Dioxirinse,etc. without long-term success. Those suffering from a mild case of bad breath may benefit, but if you're a chronic sufferer who practices perfect oral hygiene--rinses, scrapes, flosses, drinks water all day, watches diet, and keeps the gum industry in business--YET still suffers from bad breath, all you'll achieve from any of these products is short term relief, a few hours if you're lucky, a few minutes if you're not. If these products work for you, thank God. I'm sincerely happy for you because I know the misery of living with chronic bad breath, of fearing proximity, speaking, and being chained to products that offer a little relief.

I write this review because I've found something that has worked for me and has given me FREEDOM to live my life and I need to share it where fellow sufferers will see it. It's called "Sweet Breath Tea" from Health King and it can be purchased at Amazon or in most Asian stores for about $6.99/box. Each box contains 20 tea bags.I'm not saying it'll work for everyone. I'm not even sure if there are health risks associated with taking this herb tea, but it works for me, giving me ALL DAY relief from bad breath and not just a temporary fix.You can see my review for this product at Amazon.

I know it's weird to talk about another product in a review for Therabreath, but it pains me to see the suffering of those struggling with bad breath, grasping at whatever products promise them solution because those with chronic halitosis are desperate enough to try just about anything. I honestly don't know if this is a permanent fix for me, but I've been drinking it for about a month and I finally know what it feels like to have a normal mouth. Even after I've eaten something stinky, like fish, it seems as though my mouth sanitizes the odor and I'm back to having a clean mouth again. I'm not saying you can forgo oral hygiene. I still brush, scrape, floss, and use a strong mouthwash (in my case Dioxirinse), but I don't have to do it all day long nor chew gum every minute of my waking day. When I was suffering from bad breath the relief of finally ditching my gum when alone was enormous. I still chew gum at times. Your confidence really takes a beating when you've suffered as long as I have with this condition, and it's still somewhat of a security blanket for me, but I have gone without it for hours at a time--a mighty feat for me.

I'm not promising a cure for everyone. I just want people to try it and see if it has the same results. I'm not saying that the $6.99 price tag is cheap, but I now use one bag 2 days in a row and have the same results, and believe me when I say it's easier to have a bottle/cup of tea at your side during the day than a bottle of mouthwash. More than anything, it's long term relief. It's changed my life; I hope it does yours."

Now its time to try sweet breath tea folks!!




Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:18 am
by john_bb
the ingredients are

Aromatic madder, perilla leaf, prunella, peppermint, atractylodes root, tender green tea leaf and jasmine flower

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:48 am
by joe1
nice john bb. ill give it a try if i can get it.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:12 am
by john_bb

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:18 pm
by Anna
john, i'm ready to try anything ..and i'll start trying them one by one..Having hope and a battle to fight feels live living- a lot more than giving up and just accepting your fate!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:35 am
by john_bb
An interesting update...
My sweet breath tea is still in transit..mean while I went to a Chinese store to pick up Jasmine tea...I drank 2 cups of it yesterday night and 2 cups today....My breath improved to some extent....say 30-40 % better..........

With this I hope even sweet breath tea will help me....

lets c

BTW Anna....common that's the spirit!!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:45 pm
by paul
just ordered 3 boxes, was only $15 but then+ $45 freight to australia. financial pain, hope it helps :)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:39 pm
by john_bb
Hey Paul...thats the way to go

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:58 am
by deebo
anyone try yogi teas ? ... erbal-tea/

strangely my friend said i should try drinking tea last week . any one have any types that they've found to help ? :?:

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:53 am
by clara0
deebo wrote:anyone try yogi teas ? ... erbal-tea/

strangely my friend said i should try drinking tea last week . any one have any types that they've found to help ? :?:
I was also thinking about drinking yogi detox tea, but I am not sure since I am taking too many herbs at the moment...and I am traveling ...but I read many reviews about it, it seems that it works but gradually...maybe that is not bad to replace it instead of your normal tea if you drink any.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:50 am
by deebo
i dont drink tea or any hot drinks normally . my friend told me to try . he has a very keen nose as i do . I can usually smell if bb is from sinus, teeth ,tonsil ,food .. . i just bought 2 types of tea tonight :TenRen relaxing tea and Stash brand blueberry superfruit . I cant do caffine but i suspect tea will mostly clear the throat ,sinus and mouth . Also calm my nerves when working .

Today i read john bb's post about liquid chlorophyll as a mouthwash . i have a bottle so i tried it straight away . Also i made a sort of green topping for my rice . It is basically a whole bag of baby spinach blended, kelp ,liquid chlorophyll,lemon & lime juice and ACV . This morning i had i with brown rice. Tonight i made a huge baby spinach salad with 5 kiwi , a block of thawed chopped spinach and a little of the rice . No other seasonings but it tastes good enough for seconds .

After the chlorophyll wash my mouth felt good. Lots of non salty saliva . Now thursday i got Terrible reactions at work , very embarrassing to have women just walk through my breath and begin coughing loudly and a co-worker hide his laughter ,only to tell others about it all and have them snicker when i see them too . :roll: Now with all that a few days ago i ventured out tonight and did my breath test on strangers .. Not One reaction . No one reeled in horror ,not one rubbed nose, no cough ,no gag or odd look . Very weird .

Like Clara says ,its nearly impossible for humans to get enough calories from greens alone . I've been off high raw and eating crap for about a week but decided to go back on . gonna give this raw thing one more try . This time I will go heavy on the greens . I'll try not to eat too late too. I may also be ordering activated charcoal . Anyone have experience with it ?
Anyway , i'm ready for Hulk poops and better breath . Hoping and praying [-o<

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:09 am
by dick.karma
anyone else tried this tea yet? how did it go?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:35 pm
by john_bb
Hey dick.karma..
I tried it is helping me reduce the metallic taste in my mouth but not completely eliminating the BB. I am using it for the past 2 days

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:00 am
by joe1
i tried it too, my mouth feels fresher now but i cant tell if my bb is gone, i havent had any reactions though

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:39 pm
by john_bb
joe1 wrote:i tried it too, my mouth feels fresher now but i cant tell if my bb is gone, i havent had any reactions though
Just keep us updated..hope this will be the cure for you...
John \:D/