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after having my tonsil removed, deviated septum etc

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:06 pm
by kaz
Tonsil removal- excerbated my problem, Deviated septum correction is no help, H pylori therapy useless, regular dentists visit - usual complenets on my excellent hygien. Now again after first round of blood tests, blood count came up as low which means I have an infection in my system, second blood tests results are due. Meanwhile the quality of life is none existant,

Re: after having my tonsil removed, deviated septum etc

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:18 pm
by deebo
kaz wrote:Tonsil removal- excerbated my problem, Deviated septum correction is no help, H pylori therapy useless, regular dentists visit - usual complenets on my excellent hygien. Now again after first round of blood tests, blood count came up as low which means I have an infection in my system, second blood tests results are due. Meanwhile the quality of life is none existant,
did you test positive for h-pylori ? When you say low blood counts , do you mean red ?white ??.. I and other members also have really low white blood cell counts . My dr said the same , that its "from an infection ".

I wonder .. Has anyone fixed this "infection", raising their WBCC and fix BB??

By the way ,Welcome to the site KAZ

Re: after having my tonsil removed, deviated septum etc

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:01 am
by mostlylogical
kaz wrote:Tonsil removal- excerbated my problem, Deviated septum correction is no help, H pylori therapy useless, regular dentists visit - usual complenets on my excellent hygien. Now again after first round of blood tests, blood count came up as low which means I have an infection in my system, second blood tests results are due. Meanwhile the quality of life is none existant,
tell me more about this tonsil removal process.did your doctor was certain that your tonsils were the problem ? my ent doctor advised me to remove them also, but when i asked if he is %100 certain that it is the cause of bb, he avoided giving solid answers, so i stopped asking him more questions, and waited him to finish and leaved his office forever :) and oh, dont tell me i'm exaggerating, i've already been circumcised, i dont want to harm my body makes me mad reading how many people are manipulated by doctors hungry for money.even thinking this stupidity is biting me.

also, did your tonsils removed recently ? it's quite common(as far as i read on forums) that after the removal process, it smells even horrible, but later weeks it is said that your breath gets better.

and what did you mean at the last part of your post ?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:40 am
by hope4now
An ENT can't promise tonsillectomy will cure bb since every case is different. In my case I had chronic fetid tonsillitis, which is reason enough to remove them. Laser cryptolysis is less likely to work. I believe the tonsils were causing most of my bb since it had the same smell as tonsil stones. Time will tell.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:49 pm
by kaz
@deebo yes I was diagnosed H Pylori positive twice and had tripple therapy with different combinations seperatly. I guess my diagnosis was false as I was on PPIs, I read they can temper with tests. Not sure which blood counts are low or how to improbe BC and potential of getting rid of this BB malais thru BC improvement, sorry. thanks for welcome message ;) @ mostlylogical yes surgeon was positive but not definite, and - had tonsillectomy five months ago, atleast I tried.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:40 pm
by hope4now
kaz wrote:@deebo yes I was diagnosed H Pylori positive twice and had tripple therapy with different combinations seperatly. I guess my diagnosis was false as I was on PPIs, I read they can temper with tests. Not sure which blood counts are low or how to improbe BC and potential of getting rid of this BB malais thru BC improvement, sorry. thanks for welcome message ;) @ mostlylogical yes surgeon was positive but not definite, and - had tonsillectomy five months ago, atleast I tried.
A few questions: How are you detecting your bb - taste in mouth, reactions, asking people etc.?
Do you still have a visible coating on your tongue? What kind of antibiotic if any did you take after the tonsillectomy?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:59 am
by kaz
@hope4now, how can you hide your BB wud b useful question. Beside peoples reaction, I have a constant stream of nasty tasting phlem flowing from sinus into throat , nothing left to the imagination. I am pencilin based anti biotic mostly. For h pylori pencilin based and some others which I don't remember sorry. I am using nasonex roid based anti inflam nasal spray :)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:43 pm
by nicc
Do you have dental fillings Kaz?