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I think I got a lead please help

Tell us your story with bad breath
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I think I got a lead please help

Post by lifeishard »

I dont know what to do anymore, for the past 6 months ive been having chronic bb which is affecting my life so much. I've been always the outgoing one in every crowd i hung out with, i have many friends and was never nervous in any situation. But now i dont even want to go out anymore or talk to anyone, it's got me really depressed considering the type of person i am. im 21 and in college and in most days i dont want to even go to class afraid that people will judge me based on my breath. I've tried everything you can do for my mouth including hp therabreath and many more, i even got my impacted wisdom tooth out thinking that was it. i also did a nasal rinse which helped for a bit. (but actually ended up makin me smell the bb more through my nose since it was cleared) And used natural laxitives to help clean out my colon. Dentist told me everything in my mouth was fine so i went to the doctor for him to tell me to lay off any kind off junk food and not to drink alcohol or smoke, which i did to no success. Then i went to a EMT to get checked and he took a cam and look down my nasal passage and said that the only thing he noticed was it was kinda red possibly from acid reflux.So i've been taking zantac for the past week and i didnt really notice a difference. But now i've narrowed it down because i noticed that when i smell my breath it doesn't smell until i clear my throat. You know when you do that move with your throat where you're trying to push something out of it into your mouth like mucus and your adams apple moves up. thats when the smell actually comes out. Somebody please help me i should be starting my life up now and it just went into a complete halt because of this.

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Post by potty_mouth »

hey there mate. i know exactly what you mean about the smell coming up when you clear your throat. i have been certain for a while now that i get the worst reactions from people when i have just swallowed (which i do a lot because I have PND and excess mucous). In fact I'm pretty sure I smelled a girl's breath when she swallowed once (we were close though as we had just kissed and it was only a brief smell).
i recently made my ENT swab my throat and do a culture. The result came back as heavy growth of mixed anerobes and medium growth of Staph aureus. the result said both were sensitive to metronidazole. So I now have a prescription of a 7 day course. I would advise you do the same. I don't like the idea of taking metronidazole and having the bacteria grow back again because it encourages resistance. However, it is an experiment to see if my condition is sensitive to such treatment. If it is then I'm one step closer. Check out the other posts on metronidazole.
Can I ask you also, did your bb start at around the same time you had any kind of surgery?
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Post by ruch »

pottymouth, did this treatment work for you?
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Post by Phantasist »

Lifeishard's post is very interesting. Not too many people picked up on it. But I have also suspected that the breath odor could be coming from the throat instead of the mouth. I also always seem to have mucus in my throat. I don't know if the mucus comes from post nasal drip, but mucus has to be a terrific food for the anaerobic bacteria.
If that is where these anaerobes are multiplying out of control, that area would certainly produce an odor. And since air has to pass over the back of the throat as we exhale, it would pick up any odor in that area.
I have also noticed that when I bend my head down, vigorously clear the mucus out of my throat and then swallow some hot water to wash the rest of the mucus down to the stomach, the breath odor diminishes.
So what this means is that the stupid doctors and dentists are concentrating on the mouth when the odor could actually be coming from the throat. No wonder how much we perform oral hygiene in the mouth, nothing helps. Maybe we should be concentrating on the throat?
Now, how to get rid of that mucus is another question.
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Post by halitosisux »

If you still have tonsils it can make your stench seem as though it's originating from your throat whenever any throat actions move or squeeze the tonsils.

If the back of your tongue smells particularly bad then that's likely to be where the problem originates and makes it seem like it's coming from your throat. Odour may originate elsewhere and find it's way onto the tongue - for example unidentified gum or sinus problems - but if your PND is colourless and odourless then it's not likely to do anything but exacerbate the situation. Also, as you say Phantasist, there may simply be as yet unknown reasons that allow bacterial overactivity to occur.

Anything else relating to the throat or esophagus will tend to be quite easy to diagnose.
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Post by Phantasist »


I love the way you always say that everything is so easy to diagnose. So far, we in this forum have had the experience that every time we go to a doctor, they can't diagnose sh*t!

Secondly, I don't have any tonsils. What I said was that I always seem to have mucus in my throat. I don't know where it's coming from, but I don't think it's coming from my big toe. And we do know - eventhough we're not doctors - that PND goes right down into the throat, don't we. So why are you so quick to dismiss the obvious? Wouldn't the accumulated mucus in that area be a perfect breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria? If the bacteria from a relatively small gum pocket around your partially erupted wisdom tooth could give you bad breath, you're telling me that a throat full of mucus would have no effect!?! Are you kidding me? After a while that mucus turns stale, like rancid butter (which by the way doesn't smell very good.)

I know you're used to disagreeing with everything I say, but I still think this is an area of investigation.
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Post by halitosisux »

Fair enough.
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Post by deebo »

Phantasist wrote:..And since air has to pass over the back of the throat as we exhale, it would pick up any odor in that area.
I have also noticed that when I bend my head down, vigorously clear the mucus out of my throat and then swallow some hot water to wash the rest of the mucus down to the stomach, the breath odor diminishes.
So what this means is that the stupid doctors and dentists are concentrating on the mouth when the odor could actually be coming from the throat. No wonder how much we perform oral hygiene in the mouth, nothing helps. Maybe we should be concentrating on the throat?
Now, how to get rid of that mucus is another question.
I think I've heard you describe this head bending actions before . I've tried it to clearing my own mucus . Its been said by others that the tonsil is one of a few spots for stinky gunk to collect and putrefy . I suspect the throat can host this stuff too .

Maybe cultures from the area will be telling . Then again , Docs will likely just deny any odor and offer antibiotics as a consolation . We should start listing Dr's who are known for good ,uncommon investigation . Talking with some MEBO members , there are some Drs out there who will dig for answers .
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