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Here is my story,pretty shocky

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:07 pm
by wenjie
i posted here about 1 year ago a few times about stuff like my bb can travel far and seeking horny girls whos willing to show me naked.
i was telling the truth and i am a pretty good guy in fact,a little horny maybe.i dont wanna hurt people and i dont wanna get hurt eighter.
but as you have terrible bb,things always happend.bad bad bad things.
i know,some of you guys here only have a mild bb which maybe can be smelled when mouth opened or can travel only a few feets like 5 or 6.and those guys will never believe what i say about that a really HORRIBLE bad breath can trave like about 200 feets.
what does it mean to the bb maker?he/she cant go out,cant have many friends/a girl firend or even cant have a nice neighbour who has suffered from his/her bb or worse when he's in a country which no social secure and has no job,can have any money to feed his mouth.
i am the guy.i have a bb that travels that far and i live in china.
i dont know how much you guys here know about china.we have no social insurance,the food here is expensive,so as medicine,and the house is more.
but i am still alive.coz i can do some network job like writing php code and something else to earn some money to pay my super,renting etc.and i have have a girlfriend which seems lucky enough coz she's the same as me,having bb.i found her on internet on purpose.that's my goal for this year and i did it.
but luck never last long becauz luck didnt cure my bb.
as i live in a city neighbour seems really cant stand my bb.i dont go out often or we say i bearly go out all day.that makes things worse coz she and she husband have to suffer my bb all day long.i can hear them cough sometimes.and at the night,sometimes they knock the wall once and once again to transfer their anger and other mood or we say,trying to scare us.i was really a little scared.coz i know it was not only them,when i move to other place,people would do things makes me think if the whole world cant stand me and wanna drive me dead.
but last night,i was not only scared and also pissed off.i knocked it back gf knocked even louder.and then their knocking stoped.i thought things was over,but it was not.
this evening as we just got up(we used to work at night and sleep at day time),she saw something bad was placed in front of our was made by the neighbour,no wonder.they made a witch stuff which means curse in china and placed it in front of our door.
we were so ****ing shocked and pissed off.i shouted on to the upper floor,said:any one wanna dead i'll make it happend!and then i burnt the stuff,and put some oil on it to make the girl bigger.and my gf was even more crazier,she make the fire go round and round.