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Is the answer for some of us...Getting rid of reflux?

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girlie girl
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Is the answer for some of us...Getting rid of reflux?

Post by girlie girl »

I was online ordering some Betadine HCL and I found this review post of the product I was ordering...
For the last 6 years, I've had chronic acid reflux and stomach problems. I did some research and read a book by Doctor who mentioned that a majority of acid reflux victims have a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and how most doctors (and pharmaceuticals) instantly will provide a simple "coverup" of the symptoms by prescribing a variety of antacids on the market that simply neutralize the stomach. These products provide temporary relief (for the most part), but effect the bodies natural process of digestion and nutrient absorption as well. I know...I've been on Nexium, Pepcid, Gaviscon, and many other doctor prescribed medicines for years. I finally decided to give it a chance, and see if getting off all the med's and letting my body work for itself naturally. I stopped taking my antacid (yes...I was scared to death) and started the new regiment of the betaine hydrochloride at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I realized you have to experiment with what your body can handle. I started off with two tablets at each meal, and over a two week period went to one tablet per meal. I then discovered that I didn't need the HCL at breakfast, and only continued using one tablet at lunch and dinner (foods and meat that are harder to digest). I must say...after three months, my reflux is GONE! In addition to the betaine hydrochloride, I take a 1000mg d-Limonene (orange peel oil) softgel, which helps soothe the stomach. I have to admit, my body feels better, and my reflux is gone. I didn't have just a little reflux, I had one of the worst and most chronic form acid reflux. This caused me to have breath odor problems, sinus problems, and major throat irritation. It's all gone. :)
I know that Bbc has been healed by taking Zantac and I believe it's because his problem was the GERD, but I am also wondering if it's of too little acid and that I am only going to temporarily help myself with Zantac. So I've decided to take Betadine HCL, enzymes, and 1000mg d-Limonene and see what it can do. I know it will probably take some time to see if it will make a difference. Anybody with some input would be great!

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Post by caramiamine98 »

You could try a home test first to see if your problem is too much stomach acid or too little stomach acid or neither. Not sure how accurate the test is but it’s simple enough to do if you haven’t tried it already.
Self Test

You can also easily test at home with a simple and inexpensive stomach acid test. For this test, you will need to mix together a solution of one-quarter teaspoon of baking soda and eight ounces of cold water. The solution should be consumed soon after waking up, before any other foods or drinks are consumed. After drinking the solution, measure the amount of time it takes before you belch. If you belch within two to three minutes, your stomach is producing adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid for digestion. If you belch sooner than this or if you continue to belch, you are likely producing too much stomach acid. And if you do not belch within five minutes, your stomach is not producing enough acid.

Read more: Alternatives for a Stomach Acid Test | ... z18LVoJJNC
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

Very interesting...will try it!
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Post by deebo »

girlie girl wrote:Very interesting...will try it!
yes . Haligrl ,I and others have discussed stomach acid testing . i'll try and find and post it here .
heres a few vids regarding it this woman often replies to questions .
her blog about gut acid ... d-remedies
Either way ,youre doing good to try the hcl pills . They may help tell you if you are under or over producing acid or your digestive acid is on track and should move to the next possible bb cause .
I hope that helps

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Post by Bbc »

Hi girliegirl, read your post with interest. Having corresponded on my thread, I'm sure you would have realized that I'm not proposing that zantac is the magic pill for everyone.

Testing for acidity or the inadequacy thereof is the best thing you could do. Till then however, I would recommend that you go the Zantac way rather than the hcl pills. I'm no expert on this matter (and if dolittle is reading this I hope he can clarify, because he knows a lot), but I'm assuming that if you get it wrong, hcl pills on an overly acidic stomach would likely do more harm than Zantac on a stomach that produces inadequate acid. Besides, whereas reflux from acidity and GERD seem to be commonplace, I haven't heard/read of many cases where this is caused by a lack of hcl.

Just my 2 p worth. Have you read username123's latest post in my thread? Sounds encouraging.
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Post by snoopsister »

BBC, thank you so much for all your kind support and being so helpful and positive! God bless you :D
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