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Finally Cured After 38 Years of Hell? LADIES PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:05 pm
by HopefulOne
Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in awhile because I have been dealing with other issues in my life. I posted a question mark in my subject line because I'm afraid to get my hopes up too high. I do believe I'm finally cured and as I look back over my life it all makes sense.

I first became aware of my halitosis during my middle school years (puberty) because a boy on the school bus announced my bad breath to all the other kids on the bus. I don't think I had it prior to puberty because I have 5 siblings who believe me would have teased me unmercifully. I have been told many times about my breath so believe me it was not in my head. I ALWAYS had a bad taste in my mouth and a white coated tongue no matter how often I flossed, brushed and/or gargled. On a scale of 1-10, my breath is a 10 PLUS.

Like many of you I have tried just about every product on the market. I have changed my diet to eliminate certain foods; I have taken so many supplements...anything to have a normal life. I have had several marriages because I've always married beneath what I deserved because of my breath. My family has no clue as to why I have so many failed relationships because I can't talk about the breath problem. I always turn my head when talking to others and everyone probably thinks I'm wierd.

I noticed over the years that my breath would get worst during my menstrual cycle (Sorry guys but keep reading). I suffered the worst cramps and PMS since the age of twelve. Recently I've been going through perimenopause, I'm 48 and have had many female problems. I also started getting very sick during my cycle which would end up with me breaking out in terrible hives. I've since found out that I was having a hormone allergy (progesterone).

My OB/GYN finally agreed to give me a hysterectomy due to all of the bleeding and pain I was having. I had the surgery two weeks ago and guess tongue is bright pink and my BAD BREATH IS GONE. I had her remove my ovaries and my uterus. The ovaries are responsible for producing estrogen and progesterone (hormones). A week before my surgery I thought to myself, "What if my bad breath disappears." I dismissed the thought as wishful thinking.

I can eat and my breath does not smell bad. Even after drinking coffee and smoking a breath goes back to normal. I have not chewed any gum since the surgery!!!

I know bad breath can be caused by many problems, but I am posting this because someone else out there is suffering due to hormones. and yes men have hormones too including estrogen. I will post back in a month to let you all know if I am REALLY CURED. FWIW, I have not taken an antibiotic since the IV during the surgery.

I have searched the internet about hysterectomy and bad breath but I have not found anything. I did however find many articles about bad breath and hormones.

Any thoughts about the hormones and my possible cure? Any ladies want to discuss this further?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:23 pm
by halitosisux
I'm a guy, but have you considered you might have some form of TMAU?
Hormone fluctuations can trigger TMAU symptoms.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:54 pm
by HopefulOne
I don't know much about TMAU. But I do know that I have not had any other body odor but my breath. I do believe I've suffered from a hormonal imbalance most of my life. Lately I've been reading different menopause message boards and some women who take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) are complaining about bad breath and/or an unpleasant taste in their mouths. They did not have bad breath in the past. My doctor wants to put me on a low dose HRT due the surgery. My answer is HELL NO!! I will deal with hot flashes and night sweats over bad breath any day.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:01 pm
by mindyb
Hi there hopeful. Are you fully recovered from the hysterectomy ? Could there be an alternative to having a hysterectomy to balance the hormone allergy?

Sorry you had to lose your uterus, but if it grants you freedom, welcome to your new bb free life!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:30 pm
by HopefulOne
Thanks Mindy!

I'm still recovering from the hysterectomy. I had the old fashioned abdominal uterus was too high for the vaginal, laparoscopic or Davinci method. My belly is still swollen and I still have pain, though I have stopped all narcotic medications.I take an ocassional motrin 800 for pain. I am staying off my feet and doing no housework for 6 weeks :)

My doctor offered to put me on birth control and/or the Lupron shot instead of the hysterectomy, but I refused. The last time I took birth control pills (at 17) my hair fell out in bald patches and I gained weight. I have two adult children, a grandbaby and will be 50 soon, so I opted for the hysterectomy. I did try a uterine ablation (destroy the lining of the uterus) about eight months ago,but that did not help the bleeding. I am so glad I chose a hysterectomy.

There are many bioidentical hormone supplements out there, but the problem is knowing which one to take. I believe there are tests out there for hormone levels. I know my estrogen was low prior to surgery because of my symptoms, but I think my problem was too much progesterone which is produced by the ovaries. My breath was at its worst every month during the second half of the menstrual cycle when progesterone came into play. Progesterone has alot to do with preparing the uterus for pregnancy. I would literally go crazy during this part of the cycle.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:36 pm
by Archimonde
My bb started at puberty, when i was 11 years old.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:49 pm
by Archimonde
Relevant info #2:

"Gastric acid production is regulated by several hormones."

" ...high level of progesterone also causes relaxation of all the smooth muscles in your body, including that of the digestive tract. Movement of food forwards through the stomach and intestines slows down. Food that normally moves out of your stomach in 3 hours can now remain there for more than 6 hours. "

@ HopefulOne, thank you by the way. And i sincerely hope you are cured for good, you have suffered long enough.

Can you tell us what other symptoms you had when you had BB? I wanna know if you had PND, stuffed up nostril, lump in throat.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:06 pm
by HopefulOne
Thanks Archimondo,

I had no PND, stuffy nose, nor a lump in my throat....Just bad breath. My breath had a severe "mousy" odor, if that makes any sense. I always had a heavy bitter taste in my mouth that would get worse during my periods. I also had a white tongue. Also my dental floss would smell horrible during that "time of the month" which makes sense if you read this:


The surge in production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone that occurs during puberty can increase the blood flow to the gums and change the way gum tissue reacts to irritants in plaque, causing the gum tissue to become red, tender, swollen, and more likely to bleed during brushing and flossing.

The monthly menstrual cycle

Due to the hormonal changes (particularly the increase in progesterone) that occur during the menstrual cycle, some women experience oral changes that can include bright red swollen gums, swollen salivary glands, development of canker sores, or bleeding gums. Menstruation gingivitis usually occurs a day or two before the start of the period and clears up shortly after the period has started.

Use of birth control pills

Women who take certain birth control pills that contain progesterone, which increases the level of that hormone in the body, may experience inflamed gum tissues due to the body's exaggerated reaction to the toxins produced from plaque. Tell your dentist if you are taking an oral contraceptive.


Hormone levels change considerably during pregnancy. An increased level of progesterone in particular can cause gum disease any time during the second to eighth month of pregnancy – a condition called pregnancy gingivitis. Your dentist may recommend more frequent professional cleanings during your second or early third trimester to help reduce the chance of developing gingivitis. Tell your dentist if you are pregnant.


Numerous oral changes can occur as a consequence of advanced age, the medications taken to combat diseases, and hormonal changes due to menopause. These oral changes can include altered taste, burning sensations in the mouth, greater sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages, and decreased salivary flow that can result in dry mouth".

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:11 pm
by HopefulOne
I have purposely started eating and drinking items that have normally kicked my breath into the "dragon breath" zone. Today for breakfast I had a boiled egg and yogurt. An hour ago I had a small glass of wine. My breath is still fresh and my tongue does not have a speck of white. I wish I had a before and after picture of my was GROSS!! I'm starting to get really excited and happy!!! But I'm still afraid....Please God let this be my long awaited cure!!! I've suffered for toooooo long.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:33 pm
by mindyb
Dear Hopeful,
I can hear your excitement and I am so happy for you. Hugs, hugs and more hugs! I don't think we as a forum have closely looked at hormones, but I know almost all of us got this when our hormones started raging.
At age 18, my bb started. I had a number of "things" happen that I thought may have ignited my bb. ( wisdom teeth removal, accutane for acne, began my consumption of alcohol)
BUT I also started birth control (hormones )and had my first boyfriend. I took it on and off thru the years, as I never liked the way it made me feel. Haven't been on it in years. I guess I should start here with research in how hormones may have to do with my bb. Any insights are welcome since you are educated a bit now, having your procedure.
I too have been able to marry, he is wonderful and given me two beautiful kids. He's sees past my problem, and that is hard to find. I know he sees my internet history and all the products I try. He silently knows and is a positive plus in my life. However, I would've married him had I never had bb. I hope you now have someone in your life you find worthy of your love!

Again, I am so glad for you! This is the kind of post I love to read.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:04 am
by seanlee1980
Congratulations. I remember reading about a woman taking some kind of hormonal pill that made her bb go away on here...probably more than one instance. I am a man but my bb started onset of puberty also. Would this be the same as getting our pair chopped off? Theres certainly a correlation with our hormone to bb. Anti deppressants have been a controversial cure as it changes hormonal level

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:25 am
by Tibya
Dear Hopeful,

Please keep us posted. I am so very happy for you and really pray that it doesn't come back. It may be the case for several women. For me I have bad breath all the time, not just during regular cycles. Tongue is always white (and i scrape like several times a day).
I have adult acne, and my bb increased during my pregnancy and did not go away after delivery. My dentist says, maybe your whole body anatomy might have undergone change with pregnancy. And as all women are different, some may develop bb.
I really hope there is a cure. I really don't mind going for hysterectomy, if this takes my bb away.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:28 am
by hali_grl
do some 'atrophic rhinitis' which starts at puberty and can cause room filling badbreath....

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:18 am
by mike987
Castration will cure your BB!

Who's going to be first, gentlemen?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:15 am
by Tibya
hali_grl wrote:do some 'atrophic rhinitis' which starts at puberty and can cause room filling badbreath....
Thanks. I will search on this. Just wanted to know from others if their breath really fills the whole room?
For me, its chronic and really bad when I am talking to someone face to face. When not face to face, its not that offensive to others. (Its still present, but I manage to somehow prevent it a bit, by not talking facing people).