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My chronic "feces in mouth" started after taking a

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My chronic "feces in mouth" started after taking a

Post by applen »

Couple months ago, I took antibiotics for my wisdom teeth surgery. I didn't know the pills were antibiotics, i thought they were painkillers(god damn ****ing dentist, why the hell would you prescribe me antibiotics when I don't have infection) The first week after that, my breath was fine, but exactly a week later, my mouth started tasting so bad it got out of control. No matter how many times I brushed my teeth, it just won't go away.

What I can remember, the life I used to have, after eating a meal, my mouth would feel fresh for a long time, presumably because my mouth is alkalizing or neutralizing the odors in my mouth. I'm certain of that because that's how my mouth functioned all 19 years of my life. But after taking antibiotics, it's like my mouth forgot how to alkalize or neutralize the food odor, and the odor and taste would stay in my mouth for hours. Even after I floss and gargle with water, all the food taste in my mouth still remains, even though there is no food particle in my mouth.(I bought the mirror tool that you see dentists using to check how clean my back teeths are)

I take deep breaths and exhale every now and then to try to feel and get a sense of where this odor is coming from. Sometimes its from my back molars, sometimes its from my throat, and sometimes it feels like its coming from my stomach. When I'm constipated and get that uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen, my mouth taste like absolute shit The odor is so strong I can feel it rising from my body to my mouth. My mouth feels slimey, dry moisture, and the leftover food taste. just absolutely disgusting. If I brush my teeth, then the leftover food taste goes away, but the slimey, dry feeling is still there. I don't think I have insufficient saliva because my mouth seems to be producing tons of it. I also got tested negative for H plyori whatever the hell you call it

I come to a conclusion, its either coming from my stomach, lungs, or mouth. Or maybe they're all working together to make my life a living hell. Thanks body, thanks for betraying me. it can also be a bacterial imbalance in my mouth I don't know

First I went to the dentist, he did the cleaning, took some x-rays and said everything looks great. But the surprising is my mouth still had that slimey, dry disgusting taste even after finishing the cleaning.

Then I went for a health-check up, everything turned out fine, but I discovered there could be a source. My x-rays showed a bunch of feces in my intestine. and my lungs seem to have some sort of infection. doctor said to just exercise drink more water to get rid of the feces(it doesn't help, i'm still constipated). as for my lungs, its just a cold I had over winter break. I thought alot about it, maybe my stomach is releasing the toxins into the blood stream which leads to my lungs, which then leads to my teeth as I understand theres blood nerve connected to teeth. That's why there seems to be odor releasing through my back molars, even if theres no food particles there.

The thing is, life before chronic shitbreath, I don't remember my mouth tasting bad when constipated, or when having phlegm stuck in my throat. But it does now, Its like something is amplifying the odor from these 2 sources.(I could be wrong, they may not be the source at all, idk)

so yeah, very depressing life for the past 5 months. At one point I just stopped talking, I became a mute. I just didn't want to talk to anyone anymore. I don't have to worry anymore if someone smelled my breath, if people are laughing at me. I can have some sort of peace in my mind. I thought about s*****e almost every week. Break down and cry every now and then. I had it all planned out, what I wanted to do, to achieve in the next 5, or 10 years. but no I can say good bye to all of that. I'm lucky enough to get a job now. How do I pass a job interview? How do I meet people, how do I get a girlfriend? I can't do those things anymore. Those aspects are no longer possible in my life.

in other words, I'm fucked. Why do I even get up in the morning.

at the end of 2012, if my chronic bb still remains, I'm gonna pull all my teeth out. If it still remains, then too bad, but it's just a way to narrow down the source, to be 100% certain its not coming from my mouth.

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Post by Phantasist »


Pulling out all your teeth probably won't help because it is very unlikely that your breath odor is coming from your teeth, since your dentist said everything looks good.
What could have happended is that the antibiotics destroyed the good bacteria either in your mouth or in your intestines or both. Were you constipated before the antibiotics? Do you have a white coating on your tongue? Do you have a lot of mucus in the throat?
As far as your constipation is concerned, you can take Metamucil, which is mild and will help to clean the colon. If you don't want to take Metamucil, you can eat cucumbers and drink water afterwards. The cucumbers provide soft bulk in the colon and push everything along. You might also take probiotics to restore some of the beneficial bacteria in the colon.
If you have a lot of mucus in the throat, try to clear it out as much as possible. I think the mucus turns stale and is a good breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that produce the volatile sulphur compounds.
These are just a couple of practical suggestions. They may help, but if you have an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth, it may be very difficult to get rid of that.
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Post by halitosisux »

What reason did you/your dentist decide to remove your wisdom teeth?
Which teeth were removed? Upper/lower for example.

It's possible that if they were impacted or decayed at the time, some damage was done to adjacent molars and the timing of the onset of your BB might just be a coincidence or it may relate to the extraction.

Also, if you had upper wisdoms removed, these are sometimes very close to the sinuses and in some cases the roots actually invade the sinuses. You can imagine what could happen in there when such teeth are removed.

What kind of antibiotics were they and how long did you take them for?
If it's only a short course then it's not very likely at all that the antibiotics have anything to do with this.
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Post by applen »

I got all 4 wisdom teeth out because they were crowding my teeth, making my jaw very uncomfortable.

I'm pretty certain the upper wisdom teeth did no damage to my sinuses because I feel no discomfort in my nose area.I could be wrong, so maybe I'll go to an ENT and get it checked out.

I lurked this forum for 4 months now,and i noticed some people did try probiotics and didn't help at all. I pretty much recognize all the users here too.

I just made an appointment to see a Gastroenterologist. Can you guys give me any tips, what to do, what questions to ask.

Phantist, I read your other thread "Saliva transplant" and thats exactly what I've been thinking the whole month of December. Maybe if I mix someones healthy saliva into my mouth, maybe it will balance out the good and bad bacteria.

I either suffer from bacteria imbalance in mouth/stomach
silent reflux
or infection in my lung.

If I do have overgrowth of aneorabic bacteria, what should I do to stop the overgrowth?

also can mouth bacteria survive outside the mouth? Is it possible I got nasty bacteria from someone else? or something else like eating utensils??

is it possible I have TMAU? Can you get this disorder later on in life?
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Post by Phantasist »

A number of members in this forum have reported that their bad breath problem started right after a course of antibiotics. You did say that your bad breath began after your dentist gave you antibiotics because of the extractions. So there may be a connection. Antibiotics wipe out the good bacteria along with the bad. The body usually adjusts for that in time, but probiotics can help that process along.

If you do go to see a gastroenterologist, ask about small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBA).

As far as a "saliva transplant" is concerned, this was just a theory of mine and I have absolutely no proof that that would work.
The hand we are dealt is fate. How we play the cards is free will.
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Post by Bbc »

Phantasist - please see my thread "the answer to your problem" where I have been extolling the virtues of Zantac and h2o2 gargle/rinse. GERD is a common and often silent problem. You'll find the linked articles interesting and informative, and may decide to give it a shot. Good luck!
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Post by killmenow »

i have had bad breath since i was 16, i'm 25 now. i tried therabreath but i dont think it is working anymore. i live by myself and i would be terrified to ask a friend if u know i have bb.
To make matters worst i'm a very attractive girl n i always have guys hitting on me and i dont even wanna open my mouth to reject them.
And i feel you, ive been thinking about s*****e too. or maybe just a dating website for people w shit breath :(
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Post by mindyb »

Applen, I too share your experience. I had all of my wisdom teeth out when I was 18 and was also given antibiotics. Shortly after my nightmare began.
I would also describe my breath as feces smelling. I would really like an explanation as to why this occurred, and why only us "lucky" ones got bb after the antibiotic

I'm thinking of trying MMS. Have you read the thread "I'm completely cured"?
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Post by Libby »

Hi Mindyb, I read the thread, but was is MMS?
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Post by exume »

same pr0blem im having and what the hell is this mms share this cure please :-k
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Post by pland »

has anyone tried glycerine... brush your tongue with it.. and then make a mouthwash with 1 spoonfull of glycerin mix with 1/2 cup of water gargle for 30 sec.. see if these works... glycerine is fairly cheap. buy the one used for baking..
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