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Re-cap on MY CURE

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:30 pm
by AliD
Still pink tongued and fresh as a daisy from Gluten free diet, it's so easy! Mood is a lot better and no more dandruff and my skin is glowing.

Good luck everyone, I'll still be lurking :)

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:16 pm
by glamourgirl05
What was your cure? Sry a bit lost on forum

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:44 pm
by Tibya
1)How long have you been on gluten free diet?
2)How did you get diagonalized that you need a gluten free diet? (By your doctor or yourself)
Please reply.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:25 am
by AliD
glamourgirl05 wrote:What was your cure? Sry a bit lost on forum
Not eating anything that had gluten (such as wheat/white flour from wheat, cous cous, batter etc)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:41 am
by AliD
Tibya wrote:1)How long have you been on gluten free diet?
2)How did you get diagonalized that you need a gluten free diet? (By your doctor or yourself)
Please reply.
About 4/5 months, I do lapse though when I have had a bad day at college or am too tired or stressed to care which occurs about once a month or so and really end up regretting it.
It took about 2 years of trial and error and a few doctors visits to find out what was causing my BB + whitish tongue coating. The doctors were absolutely useless and tried to convince me that my tongue was normal and gave me ephedrine(used as a placebo as well as a stimulant) and various nasal sprays but it did nothing. It really did feel like such a slap in the face. The NHS is pouring medication down the drain to make us shut up.
I also think people on here get excited about the candida diet for a while and then crash because it doesn't allow gluten for the first few steps and as soon as it is reintroduced BB will flare up again.
I had tried fasting, dairy free, sugar free, atkins, candida and was unsucessful with all and various treatments/medications/physical experiments but annoyingly but thankfully gluten free was the last. And it works a real treat, I have had a couple of reactions (orally) from flavoured crisps, french cheeses, some types of alcohol, really sugary foods and unlabled ethnic foods, I'll copy and paste my previous topic underneath in case you need any more info. Good luck x

I really think more people on this site should try this.

Prev post:
Gluten sensitivity. All my life I have been concerned as to why, even when hungry my tummy swells like a balloon, thick, horrible white tongue coating and terrible sinus issues. Dandruff and stunted growth all can be caused by to wheat protein in gluten, just think about how many times a day you ingest it. It's in bread and pretty much almost everything. And until trying to go gluten free, as a final resort not even thinking it would do a thing my mood improved greatly and quickly, energy levels through the roof and I can finally breath through both nostrils. Furthermore I have a fresh clean salivary mouth and there is no textured coating on my teeth but most importantly, the stubborn coating has reduced significantly, very significantly, on a thin layer on the very back now exists. My tongue feels 'slimy' rather than beefy and dry. It took around just 5 days until my breath was clear, perhaps give it a try? Even only for a week? What's better a life with gluten or one with bb? Also rice flour is brilliant for making all of the glutenous foods such as cakes and pasta etc. Thank you for reading. I have now been on the diet for 2 months. Good luck to everyone. Feel free to ask any questions.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:50 am
by halitosisux
Hi, well done for discovering this. Did you ever have any blood tests? Do you know whether or not the kind of problem you have would show up positive in a standard blood test for celiac disease?

What I mean is, are there different types or different levels which a person can have this before it would begin to affect them and possibly lead to bad breath?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:18 pm
by AliD
halitosisux wrote:Hi, well done for discovering this. Did you ever have any blood tests? Do you know whether or not the kind of problem you have would show up positive in a standard blood test for celiac disease?

What I mean is, are there different types or different levels which a person can have this before it would begin to affect them and possibly lead to bad breath?
I suspect it is gluten sensitivity rather than coeliac disease. I have not had any blood tests but if someone who thought they could be susceptible, it would be a good idea to not eat gluten for a good 40 days and on the night before the test eat a lot of gluten containing foods.
In answer to your third question, it began to develop in me I think at about 7-8 years old (sometimes people are not born with it). I knew a girl at my highschool who has full on coeliac disease and she only found out just last year. She was experiencing hallucinations, voices, her growth was severly stunted and had almost whitish-grey skin, she was a very unhappy girl who saw a lot of therapists and missed a lot of time off school because of it. She is now very happy and is so much better, all of her symptoms have dissapeared. She was very very unsociable and so I think she had BB also, I have had it since I was around 8 (my first memories of abnormal tongue and people commenting).
Also, BB returns to me in about 7-8 hours (+ coating) after consuming gluten. I hope I answered your question okay. sorry for waffling on a bit x

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:11 pm
by halitosisux
AliD, you don't need to worry about waffling to me, please look at how many posts I've made lol.

That's really interesting though. You should make a mention in the "who is cured from the help of our site" thread. Information like this is really important to keep for others to see.

I always thought gluten sensitivity was coeliac disease. Well maybe it is, or maybe it's just different sensitivity levels. But whatever, it's great that you stuck at it and eventually made this discovery for yourself.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:58 pm
by dick.karma
AliD, thank you for sharing!

i'm curious to know what your diet is like every single day

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:36 pm
by jen
When I was on the anti-candida diet, I cut out all wheat, dairy, sugar, etc. For 7 weeks. It didn't help for the bb. So, I guess it's not my problem or should I try it for longer?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:22 pm
by Tibya
I am interested in knowing the diet too. I searched online for gluten free food and looks like everything that I eat has gluten in it.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:00 am
by mike987
I've been eating gluten free for more than half a year.

I think it helps lessen gassiness, but hasn't saved me from my breath... I might end up going back to eating anything I want, which would still be incredibly healthy compared to a typical diet.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:45 pm
by Phantasist
By all means, Mike, go back to eating anything you want and forget about the gluten. It's in everything we eat. Just don't eat anything that might irritate your colon - you have enough trouble in that area.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:48 pm
by halitosisux
Mike, do your stools improve or worsen when you eat more "normally"?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:52 pm
by AliD
dick.karma wrote:AliD, thank you for sharing!

i'm curious to know what your diet is like every single day
Well I'm trying to tone up for my job at the moment so had prawns with lime with probiotic yogurt for breakfast and for lunch have had cauliflower and chick-pea curry with brown rice but yesterday I had rice pasta, gluten free cookies, beef curry for tea and a hot banana with cinnamon.