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Here's what I believe is causing my bb...

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Here's what I believe is causing my bb...

Post by sadmum »

I've been trying to recollect my memory of all the events and symptoms that occurred during the onset of my bb and then I came across a few articles and websites about Candida and I became about 70% convinced that it could be Systemic Candidiasis that's causing my BB.

(But before I continue with this I must mention that I had my GI appointment today, it was interesting, I'll post about that later)

Here’s why I suspect it could be ‘Systemic Candidiasis’. When I first noticed I had bb which was around the age of 10, I began getting skin fungal mainly on my upper body, some of the fungus appeared in small whitish spots and other ones were brown with rough surface and got very itchy. At the same time I suddenly developed a yeast infection (down south) this lasted for about 8 years, only because I never went to see a doctor about it - I guess I was too embarrassed, anyway it disappeared by the time I turned 18 and hasn’t reoccurred since! As or the skin fungal, it only disappears once I’ve applied treatment on it which completely banishes it for 3 to 4 months, but always returns with the same intensity after that period so I have to purchase the treatment again and reapply (I’ve been doing this for ever!).

Anyone who suspects they have candida please read the following report, it provides a few tests in the form of a questionnaire to allow you to determine whether you have candida or not. it also has treatment methods which has nothing to do with diets.

Here's another link where someone was able to eliminate his candida by following a specific treatment and diet;

I need to get to bed it's getting late, but would love to hear everyone's views and opinions on this topic....nite all

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Post by StillHoping »

hey sadmum

I have been testing out the candida theory for the past 3 months by using the threelac program. My symptoms are similar to yours and include oral and vaginal thrush; so it does seem like I may really have it. But unfortunately haven't gotten any progress yet, soo I'm starting to give up hope :(

But I did read your link below and looks like the main difference between this one and threelac is that they use liquid oxygen instead. I have almost 2 more months left of threelac and if no changes then, I would be interested in trying this one out instead!!

Are you going to start this regime?
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Post by meowkity1 »

Iv been leanings toward nose fungu. Iv been puting antifungal in my nose and ears.eatinga a lot of garlic and sucking on it. Finally 'when I woke up todaye and sneeze, I didn't smell swage. I juyst want to. Hav:-) e a happy summer and -hfind a job. I can't get anyon.e to- hire mme
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Post by meowkity1 »

Oh and I founldj a article that said hairy tongue is most likely fungus

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Stankie »

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who farted?
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Post by who farted? »

i often wondered if it could be oral sex related,an old girlfriend with oral thrush maybe, i wasnt thinking of that at the time [-X
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Post by sadmum »

StillHoping wrote: Are you going to start this regime?
I think this would be my last resort as I'm terrible with such diets, I've tried the candida diet before and it did improve my breath but I gave it up after a few weeks, it's just too difficult to follow. I don't have the inner strength to continue with it.

Funnily enough my GI doesn't believe that candida can actually cause such condition/s. He believes that parasites are the likely culprits.
But I’m still convinced that Candida can cause this and all the other symptoms that I mentioned earlier.

@ Stankie….I’m not on the diet yet but will probably try it later on….I so bloody wish cannabis was legalised here. I swear I would give it a try without even blinking!

@ meowkity1…..Candida does cause hairy tongue, and PND which also causes the white tongue plaque.

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Post by StillHoping »

sadmum, any update on this? Are you thinking of trying the liquid oxygen regime?
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Post by sadmum »

StillHoping wrote:sadmum, any update on this? Are you thinking of trying the liquid oxygen regime?
StillHoping...No I haven't began any diets as yet, I've been so busy with work and life. I did try Bismuth though which I didn't find very effective, it actually gave me stomach pains, and I feel that it messed up my whole intestinal system. So I stopped taking it a few days ago.

But I did notice an improvement in my breath which I don't think is because of bismuth. For the past month I've been brushing my teeth with Oral-B, taking L-Salivarius probiotic as well as other type of probiotics, Vitamin D-1000 IU and Iron+Vitamin C supplements.

I also went back on taking Zoton as I've having terrible acid reflux at night while sleeping.

So I'm not sure which of the above is helping me the most or maybe it's a combination of several of them. I'll continue taking those and see how I go. Might start a green juice diet someday!

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