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Anyone try these dry mouth lozenge products?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:01 pm
by mike987
In my search for a peridontist in my area, I came across some site with articles on oral health, one was talking about these products.

I'm not an affiliate nor am I pushing this product. I want to know if anyone's tried any of them and if it's crap or not..

edit: There are some positive reviews on amazon, but who can trust them.. Here's the negative one:
takes about 30 minutes for the tablet to melt down and leaves an overwhelming minty taste in your mouth and throat. Wears off quickly. If you take them throughout the day to keep your breath fresh, your gums get dried out. a big disappointment

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:38 pm
by coconuthead
I've never heard of it. I've recently decided to just stop wasting money on these over the counter/temporary bad breath reliefs. I have a serious problem, and I think only a physician or dentist can help me.

I am too looking for a peridontist. Not at the moment, but if these antibiotics don't do anything, then I will be. I was just doing a lot of research on periodontal disease, and found out that many people have periodontal disease and never show any symptoms. They said that most individuals don't show symptoms until they are in their 30's and 40's when it is in its late stage. I do have good oral hygiene, but you can still develop periodontal disease regardless of this. Females can even develop it when they first begin puberty. SHOCKER!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:36 pm
by Tibya
Well, they misspelled their ingredients - it should be zinc gluconate
Zinc Gluconate has shown results for some folks to reduce their bb. One can purchase zinc gluconate from drug store. Maybe worth trying, if you know what is the cause of your bb.
Xylitol is another bacteria killer. I use it in my tea daily as a sugar substitute.
Here's another post from this website:
viewtopic.php?t=317&sid=52f39089734859e ... 65a3f56f1c

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:42 pm
by Tibya
coconuthead wrote: I was just doing a lot of research on periodontal disease, and found out that many people have periodontal disease and never show any symptoms. They said that most individuals don't show symptoms until they are in their 30's and 40's when it is in its late stage. I do have good oral hygiene, but you can still develop periodontal disease regardless of this. Females can even develop it when they first begin puberty. SHOCKER!
Quite a few, if not all females also develop it more during pregnancy because of increased blood flow or estrogen levels. What they called in olden days that pregnant lady's skin usually glows (especially her cheeks or face) or sometimes turns dark, is nothing but increased blood flow/estrogen levels. This increased level can cause periodontal disease, if not monitored well through out pregnancy. Wish you luck in to find a good periodontist.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:29 pm
by bblady
I've tried all of their products with the exception of the tooth whitener lozenges.

Salese is the best of their lozenges. It works well for dry mouth relief, but you have to constantly drink small sips of water in order for it to work for dry mouth and bad breath relief. It is probably the best of the dry mouth products on the market. As for bad breath, these lozenges work for this as well, but only if you do not get too close to anyone. A major downside of this product is its overwhelmingly strong minty flavor, which will be very noticeable on your breath. I found the strong mint flavor offended coworkers if I got too close to them. If you're going to try salese for dry mouth, I'd recommend the wintergreen flavor, only because it is slightly less minty as their peppermint flavor, which is overwhelmingly too minty strong; it's almost spicy hot. The lemon flavor tastes awful, and I don't think this flavor works at all for freshening the breath. Unfortunately, since salese only comes in peppermint, wintergreen and lemon, which are flavors not recommended for GERD sufferers, they can cause stomach upset. This stuff would be perfect if only they would develop a non mint and/or non acidic flavor. I would be totally in love with this stuff if only it came in vanilla or butterscotch flavor. [-( The lozenge lasts about an hour in your mouth, depending on the amount of water you drink with it.

Dentiva - Not as effective for dry mouth and bad breath as the salese. I barely noticed if they worked at all for dry mouth and bad breath. They seem too weak, and they don't melt as well in the mouth as the salese. The texture is ver stiff, and rubbery. They do not dissolve fast enough to be effective.

Breath Nuvora did absolutely nothing for my dry mouth or bad breath. These are weaker than the Dentiva lozenges. Do not waste your time or money on these. Chewing gum and mints are better than these.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:43 am
by mike987
Thanks for the feedback guys!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:41 pm
by Nick Livermore
Hello all,

I work with Salese and would like to extend you all the opportunity to try the product. Just fill in the details at and I will get it out to you.


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:53 pm
by kart
Guys the best Product to dry mouth is Pilocarpine, is very cheap here in Brazil, 15 USD for 30ml 2% pilocarpine have 1 month of duration, if you use times a day..

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:24 am
by deebo
Nick Livermore wrote:Hello all,

I work with Salese and would like to extend you all the opportunity to try the product. Just fill in the details at and I will get it out to you.

Nick . Thank you for inviting our forum members to test and review your products . I will also post this to our sites FB page if you don't mind . The NuvoraBreath product seems like the 1 to try for members here .

It looks like the main active ingredient is xylitol . This is something I've been experimenting with for the past couple weeks . Using xylitol ,salt and water for weekly sinus rinses and gargle/swallows . I'm curious on the results of clinical trial if they have been any . Please post them if so .