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Hell Everyone ;]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:43 am
by H0peful
Hello ladies and gents :D

I'm not new to this website. I've been visiting on and off since 2009. I had two previous usernames, but forgot the passwords to both lol.

Anyways, I'm a 23 year old guy. I can't exactly remember when my BB problems started, but I can for sure say I had BB when I was in 5th/6th grade (about 11 years old). This was around the same time I hit puberty.

A little background info. I was born in a third world country. When I was 1, I was diagnosed with polio. I had a very rough childhood. Taking care of my oral health was the least of my priorities. When I was 8, I was told I had severe Hemophilia (it's a bleeding disorder). During one of the many blood transfusions back at home, I contracted Hepatitis C.

Back to present - like I said, I can't remember when exactly my BB started, but it has been such a debilitating curse. If I could be rid of any one of my sicknesses (as stated above), I would choose to be cured of BB in a heart beat. It is that much of a curse, I'm sure you all understand.

Throughout high school, I tried a few things here and there to rid myself of this curse, but failed. Now that I am engaged and will be graduating this Spring, I cannot imagine how difficult the next phase of my life will be. Going to job interviews, talking to family and friends on my wedding night... AHHH!!!

Lately, I've been very determined to find the source[s] of my BB and find a way to reduce and/or stop it altogether. Because I have so many health issues, I honestly don't know where to begin.

1. Oral problems - I haven't seen a dentist in more than 2 years due to money problems. My insurance stopped covering dental when I turned 21 >=O! The thing is though, I had BB even when I was seeing a dentist. When I finally gathered enough courage to talk to my dentist at the time about my BB, he basically shrugged it off. I was so mad.

2. Hep. C - We all know how important the liver is to the function of the body. From hormones to enzymes, a poorly functioning liver can greatly impact the body. I was treated for Hep C and the virus has been inactive for more than 7 years now. Maybe it caused enough damage at the time to mess up with my hormones and enzyme production.

3. Candida - I've read about candida a lot online. The problem is that candida has a lot of symptoms and when I look at the huge long list of symptoms, it seems like even a healthy person can find a few symptoms on that list. I don't know if there is a conclusive test that my doctor can do. I will ask about it in 2 weeks during my appointment.

4. Hormone imbalance - I don't know how to explain this one, but I really do feel like my body is out of whack when it comes to my hormones. I don't know which hormone is up or which one is lacking, but I know the equilibrium is messed up. Do you guys have any ideas/suggestions about digging more into this? I would love to know more.

5. Others - this can be a whole lot of other causes.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:02 am
by H0peful
Here is some miscellaneous information.

- I'd say I have an irritable bowel. I don't know what the cause of this is, though. I'm lactose intolerant and maybe this is what is causing me to rush to the bathroom right after a semi-big meal. Or maybe there is something wrong with my digestive tract/stomach.

- I have very dry skin. Shaving sucks!

- I have always had problems with ear infections/ear pain.

- Ever since High School, I've had this 'fog' in my head. This fog comes and goes, and when it's present, I feel like it prevents me from keeping focus and being alert.

- I would describe my BB as fecal scented. I'm never BB free, even when I'm brushing my teeth! 15-20 minutes after brushing my teeth, I feel like the re-infestation occurs and the taste in my mouth is like a rotten smell. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels like a yeast infection - candida?

- I've discovered that when I use toothpastes that have whitening agents, about 5-10 minutes after I brush my teeth, this gooey jelly-like substance starts to cover my gums and the inside of my cheeks. That's when I start to roll my tongue around and over my gums to break up this jelly-like substance and spit it out. Surprisingly, after I have spat out most of this substance, my BB temporarily decreases in potency about 50%. It doesn't stay like this though, it goes back up in strength and the type of smell goes from rotten/yeast to fecal smell.

- I have never had a white-coated tongue. When I brush my teeth and tongue, I have a wet pink tongue afterward and it stays like this for a long time.

- I have not taken out any wisdom teeth. The last time I saw a dentist, he told me that in about six months he would consider taking one or two out. This has not happened, obviously. I don't know if any has crowned yet. When I feel back there with my tongue, everything feels like they're in their right places.

- I don't smoke much, but for some special occasions, I take a few hits of marijuana. I've noticed that my BB completely disappears when I'm high, despite the super dry (cotton) mouth. When I'm back to normal, I wonder if my BB really does disappear when I'm high, but I've tried smelling my BB over and over again whenever I smoke, and I can tell it's gone.

This is all the miscellaneous info I can think of right now. I'll add more as I remember them.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:08 am
by H0peful
After browsing some of the recent topics the past week, I decided to ditch my toothpaste this morning. I flossed and just brushed my teeth with my electric toothbrush. I was pleasantly surprised at how weak my BB was compared to when brushing with a toothpaste! I would say it went down from 100% to about 60%.

When I went to Target this afternoon, I got a Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I came home and flossed, brushed with the Biotene toothpaste, and rinsed with the Biotene rinse. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised at how much my BB decreased. I'd say it went down to like 30%.

I had ditched the regular toothpaste before when I tried OraMD back in 2009. I can't remember why I stopped that treatment. Probably because of the ridiculous price.

I've noticed that when I try new products, my BB freshens up dramatically (but not totally gone). Then after about a week, it loses its efficacy. I'm realllllllllllyyyyyy hoping this Biotene stuff keeps its potency and efficacy because my BB is totally manageable right now.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:40 am
by 222chick
I might give the Biotene a try. I hope it keeps working for you. Sometimes I get a short blast of a fecal taste every once in a blue moon in my mouth so I guess my breath may have that same smell sometimes :oops:. I notice I do have a white coating on my tongue, but I have noticed that my friends have that too, but their breath is perfect all the time even though they smoke and I've seen one of my friends literally brush her teeth for about 20 seconds max on several occasions. So incredibly unfair. My mouth also gets try a lot, but chewing gum constantly gets rid of that. I also try to drink a lot of water.

I go to the dentist once a year. Thankfully at the office I visit, they were the protective face masks that cover their nose. That puts me at ease. Then I wonder if they only wear that because of my problem. I am supposed to get my wisdom teeth out eventually. For some reason, I doubt it will help.

Maybe when you're high, your senses are a little dulled. Because if that really did help, then I might just have to become one of those everyday, all day fully-functional stoners lol.

I would say just keep going with your research. You mentioned you were getting married in two years. Well a lot can happen in that time. I will be researching as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:06 am
by Archimonde
H0peful wrote:
- I've discovered that when I use toothpastes that have whitening agents, about 5-10 minutes after I brush my teeth, this gooey jelly-like substance starts to cover my gums and the inside of my cheeks. That's when I start to roll my tongue around and over my gums to break up this jelly-like substance and spit it out. Surprisingly, after I have spat out most of this substance, my BB temporarily decreases in potency about 50%.
That's pretty interesting and worth exploring.

What color is the substance? What brand of toothpaste did you use?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:04 am
by H0peful
The substance is milky colored.

I've done some research on it and it seems like some people have a reaction to the whitening agent in the toothpastes.

I used to use Crest a lot. Then I tried Colgate and Aquafresh. With all of them, I still had that milky gooey jelly-like substance. Then I switched to Arm & Hammer and I noticed that this substance dramatically decreased in its presence, but it was still there.

Have any of you tried brushing your teeth without any toothpaste? I tried it a couple of days ago and my BB was MUCH improved than brushing with the regular commercial toothpastes.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:10 am
by H0peful
222, I recommend you use the biotene toothpaste and mouthwash.

I've been using it for two days now and I can confidently say my BB has decreased to about 30% in potency.

After flossing, brushing, and rinsing last night, I woke up today with very weak morning breath.

Also, try brushing your teeth with just your toothbrush, then rinse your mouth with the biotene mouthwash. That helped me greatly too.

I just bough a 2 oz. bottle of liquid GSE. I'll try brushing with that tonight to see how it goes.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:28 pm
by 222chick
Thanks for the tips. I will post how it helps. The thing is though even on the days when my mouth tastes perfectly fresh, I am still so paranoid so I can't really enjoy my "fresh breath" day if that's really what it is. But from reading on here, that is common.

Re: Hell Everyone ;]

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:13 pm
by Cauterize
H0peful wrote:Hello ladies and gents :D

I'm not new to this website. I've been visiting on and off since 2009. I had two previous usernames, but forgot the passwords to both lol.

Anyways, I'm a 23 year old guy. I can't exactly remember when my BB problems started, but I can for sure say I had BB when I was in 5th/6th grade (about 11 years old). This was around the same time I hit puberty.

A little background info. I was born in a third world country. When I was 1, I was diagnosed with polio. I had a very rough childhood. Taking care of my oral health was the least of my priorities. When I was 8, I was told I had severe Hemophilia (it's a bleeding disorder). During one of the many blood transfusions back at home, I contracted Hepatitis C.

Back to present - like I said, I can't remember when exactly my BB started, but it has been such a debilitating curse. If I could be rid of any one of my sicknesses (as stated above), I would choose to be cured of BB in a heart beat. It is that much of a curse, I'm sure you all understand.

Throughout high school, I tried a few things here and there to rid myself of this curse, but failed. Now that I am engaged and will be graduating this Spring, I cannot imagine how difficult the next phase of my life will be. Going to job interviews, talking to family and friends on my wedding night... AHHH!!!

Lately, I've been very determined to find the source[s] of my BB and find a way to reduce and/or stop it altogether. Because I have so many health issues, I honestly don't know where to begin.

1. Oral problems - I haven't seen a dentist in more than 2 years due to money problems. My insurance stopped covering dental when I turned 21 >=O! The thing is though, I had BB even when I was seeing a dentist. When I finally gathered enough courage to talk to my dentist at the time about my BB, he basically shrugged it off. I was so mad.

2. Hep. C - We all know how important the liver is to the function of the body. From hormones to enzymes, a poorly functioning liver can greatly impact the body. I was treated for Hep C and the virus has been inactive for more than 7 years now. Maybe it caused enough damage at the time to mess up with my hormones and enzyme production.

3. Candida - I've read about candida a lot online. The problem is that candida has a lot of symptoms and when I look at the huge long list of symptoms, it seems like even a healthy person can find a few symptoms on that list. I don't know if there is a conclusive test that my doctor can do. I will ask about it in 2 weeks during my appointment.

4. Hormone imbalance - I don't know how to explain this one, but I really do feel like my body is out of whack when it comes to my hormones. I don't know which hormone is up or which one is lacking, but I know the equilibrium is messed up. Do you guys have any ideas/suggestions about digging more into this? I would love to know more.

5. Others - this can be a whole lot of other causes.
Hello there search sadgirlbb post to find your cure. It's about lufenuron and candida

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:06 am
by daveparker
Every thread you've gone to has mentioned Lufenuron, getting commission?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:11 pm
by mike987
I hate people who talk about Candida.

They say everything so aggressively, and 'matter-of-fact'ly, without bringing much science into the discussion.

Are you cured now? Why should I believe Candida is the cause? Why does it seem like Candida can be the cause of a million different ailments?.. It's a red herring people. It's all about leading you down a crazy, winding road, spending lots of money.