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Hibiclens has been working for my breath

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:05 am
by corrin
Hello everyone, I havent posted in about a year or two. I have been plagued with bad breath and body odor for about nine years now, and not a day goes by when I wonder how my life could have been different if I didn't have either of the two. Through out high school and college i spent much money (somewhere near five hundred dollars) on different products that I thought would spare me of my offensive odors. I have tried everything from over 50 deodorants (LITERALLY), prescription antipersperants, body washes, oils, antibiotics, herbs, supplements, and other things to no avail. I just about gave up last year on finding my "cure" because it seemed so hopeless that I thought I just had to live with it...

However, last week I read someone's post on a mouthwash called cordosyl that has chlorohexidine in it. I think it's normally prescribed for people with gum disease since it is able to kill bacteria. Anyway, i figured instead of buying it online (which would have taken 3 weeks to ship) I would try hibiclens since it has chlorohexidine in it, just a lesser amount. And when I say the first time I gargled with it this past sunday, i noticed a difference when I woke up the next day. I woke up to fresh breath without any sour/bitter/garage taste in my mouth, which I have always woken up to for years even if I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash the night before. I also noticed that after I brushed my teeth once I got up my breath still didn’t smell bad and it only smelled like my toothpaste for about ten to fifteen minutes, which is abnormal for me. However, I do have allergies, so I wanted to keep using the Hibiclens for a few days and keep smelling my own breath and take note of reactions from other people to gauge how much it was really working since my sense of smell is on and off these days. Last night was my fourth time gargling with it, and I must say that I no longer get reactions from people. In fact, and I am not exaggerating when I say this, I have only had one slight reaction from a woman I was talking to on Tuesday when I was working. I work in a store so I constantly help people that walk in and come in close contact with them. Before I used hibiclens I could tell when people smelled my breath because they would cover their nose and such. My coworkers were the same way; when I came close to them they would cover their noses or when I finished talking to them they would turn around really quickly after (at least they weren’t too mean about it or didn’t mean to hurt my feelings). But now when they come up close, and I mean like a foot or two away, they talk to me like I have never had it. I know this is not in my head, and that this stuff is working. I will keep posting my progress and if anyone has questions I will be happy to reply.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:24 am
by mtr
I am very happy for you.. Keep it up!! I use the corsodyl toothpaste and I think its the best one I ve ever used!!

But this makes me wonder.. If we notice an improvement using toothpastes that are meant to treat gum disease, does this mean that we have gingivitis or something?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:30 pm
by Tibya
Hibiclens is used by doctors in general (before surgery etc) to make their hand bacteria free.
I have used the prescription one with high %age and it didnt work for me. It did for first few days and later bb came back. But it has been working for some, especially if bb is due to bacterial overgrowth. But if its due to candida, chlorinedioxide and chlorohexidine both have been ineffective to treat , but can be used in preventative way - as per wiki.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:58 pm
by corrin
thanks guys. I read that it works for some people for only a small period of time, so im hoping it will not stop working for me also. I didn't use it last night and I did not get any reactions today. My breath had a normal morning breath smell, it least to me, and still no sour taste present. But towards the end of the day, even now, I can taste it coming back so im definetely going to use it tonight for work tomorrow.

I hope that this is my cure everyone. I already feel more confident than before and talk to people freely now without having to woory about or mask my breath. I'll keep everyone posted on how it's going-and please keep praying for yourselfs guys, it never hurts to hope for something like I did.