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Complete diet change, hope this works....going insane.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Complete diet change, hope this works....going insane.

Post by karma »

Hey everyone I am new here although I have been browsing sporadically for many months. BB attacked me when I was 12 years old, I am 18 now and it hasn't relented.
I have tried every mouthwash, toothpaste you can think of, although I'm sure you all have too.
I have to chew gum constantly just to mask the smell!
I scrape my tongue, rinse my mouth with salt water and brush my teeth and mouth twice a day. Hell, I have Olympic standard oral hygiene, although no one would ever guess!
I have been researching BB and I am convinced that the cause of my BB is oral anaerobic bacteria, so I am going to change my diet to try and eradicate this crippling problem.

I will be eating no meat (which is not a problem as I am vegetarian anyway)
No dairy products
No spicy food
No highly acidic food
No coffee
And against doctors orders I am coming off anti depressants as they dry the mouth

So basically I will be vegan.
I really hope this works, I will try it for a month and if it doesn't work I think s*****e is the only option. Sorry to be blunt but I really cannot take another second of it.

I will let you all know how it goes.


Posts: 53
Joined: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:04 pm

Post by LisaLisa »

Hi Karma!

I think your diet sounds great. I'm a firm believer that adults do not need milk - especially milk from a different species. We're not calves who need fattening up!

I worry about you coming off your AD, especially since you're already considering s*****e. Were the pills prescribed by a doctor, or a psychiatrist? Do they know about your thoughts of s*****e? Also, especially since you're fairly young, there's a chance the AD itself is causing you to have suicidal thoughts. If you do quit the AD, you plan on tapering down instead of quitting cold turkey, right?

Okay I'll quit being a mom now. Please just take care of yourself. There are still many avenues you can explore in search of a cure, and many people here who are willing to help you.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to vent in private.

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