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My Lufenuron experience

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:54 pm
by mindyb
I have taken Lufenuron and it's been two weeks.
This product has changed my mouth and breath. I am able to speak and and have not had any reactions since my first dose (day2)
Im concluding that I had candida, not sure where in my body it was, but Lufenuron changed it. My mouth had a constant fuming smell, simply described and constant dragon breath. I could feel it and have been told about for going on 15 years.
It's now gone and my mouth is neutral. My small child has told me "no smell" and kisses me-(asked directly)That has changed because I was "stink face" previously.

I will not post anymore except on this thread and sadgirls original thread.... Unless of course it comes back to haunt me. I am starting a second round today, and will take Lufenuron once every year as a cleanse. Also taking GSE once a day and a probiotic.

Please refrain from any negative posts or nay saying the product. It worked and is working for me. Bb is like cancers- many different kinds and different treatments are
successful for different kinds. Believe me if it did not work for me I would post just that.

I am trying to suppress my joy in case it does come back, but I have never felt like this. I have also indulged in coffee, wine, beer and processed foods with no mouth evil. I haven't felt this since before I was 18. I hope this product is able to help some others.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:11 pm
by Archimonde

Other than BB, do you or did you have any other symptoms?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:21 pm
by MissPretty
it's great! Congratulations! I hope this is the cure for you :D

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:39 pm
by sadgirlbb
Thank you Mindy for posting. :) I have the same reserved joy you do. But so far so good. I'm so happy that lufenuron has at least helped another person here.

Good luck girl!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:02 pm
by halitosisux
Congratulations mindyb.
Hope you don't think I'm being negative by asking this, but how long have you been using the particular probiotic and the GSE? Have you ever used these in the past and if so did they help?

I really hope that for both you and sadgirlbb that you've managed to eradicate something in the same way that KeepTrying09 did.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:03 pm
by mindyb
thank you. As you can see by my history I am a positive poster. I have tried a million things and spent tons of money. I have seen posts and tried many things, but I never came back and posted that they didn't work. I guess that is helpful, but most other posters would confirm for me.
In the past, I have found a few things that MANAGED the bb. i.e. aerobic oxygen, bentonite clay, and liquid chlorophyll. ALL gave me terrible side effects, mainly constipation. And this was having to take copious amounts 24-7 to put a dent in the bb. I will research for the heck of it what the above do for candida.

BUT none have addressed the bb directly and stopped it after ending treatment like Lufenuron. My mouth is NOT fresh like the alpine spings and minty. It is neutral. If I drink coffee, there might be a faint trace of it. Before I had hot dragon breath... that coffee and other strong foods and liquids would ignite my breath to contact people feet away.

@Archi, my symptoms were mainly Dragon Breath all day, but during my menstral cycle it was 10x worse, stomach gas, ear itch, minor coating, but my tonque is still not pink today. No nose odor and it would only smell when I talked.
Poor memory is a symptom of candida, and that I can say is for sure. But I get little sleep and I'm aging, so that is going to happen regardless.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:07 pm
by mindyb
@hali...only started GSE and probiotic after a week or so of seeing this improvement. I want to maintain balance so these are what I think will help that.
I do know for sure that GSE and probiotic didn't balance my breath, it was Lufenuron- it was the only thing I changed in my lifestyle.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:22 pm
by Archimonde
mindyb wrote:but my tongue is still not pink today.
Don't worry about that. If you pay attention to people's tongue, you will see that many of them aren't pink, some are cracked, etc. It's very noticeable in music videos with close-ups.

mindyb wrote:liquid chlorophyll
The only thing that decreases my BB is drinking large amount of greens (blending spinach/kale with water) which is high in chlorophyll. It really does help but nowhere near manageable status. I'm not sure if chlorophyll helping is a sign that my problem is candida-related, i did try fluconazole and that had no effect. I did read somewhere that fungus doesn't like chlorophyll, all plants contain chlorophyll but not fungus.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:31 pm
by mindyb
I finished my second 3 dose round. I have to say I had more and intense die-off symptoms this time around.
Constant headache, Sadgirl- I'm pretty sure you said you had to pee A LOT. I also had major of that too. I felt dizzy and at one point felt like an airplaine went thru my body. Hard to explain, but I felt so off like I had to hold onto something to stay balanced.

I'm still having positive results in my mouth and breath : )

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:11 pm
by coconuthead
I'm coming to a conclusion that maybe mindyb and sadbbgirl are the exact same person. If you play close attention to a lot of these Lufenuron posts you'd noticed that they have extremely similar typing styles, and they used some of the same symbols in the exact same way. I could be wrong, though. :-k

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:37 pm
by yuckykat
coconuthead wrote:I'm coming to a conclusion that maybe mindyb and sadbbgirl are the exact same person. If you play close attention to a lot of these Lufenuron posts you'd noticed that they have extremely similar typing styles, and they used some of the same symbols in the exact same way. I could be wrong, though. :-k
I do not think so...why one's always to think negative? As soon as someone has some results there someone who doubt the member who's'll put people off...I've been on this forum for a few years(I know,I do not post,the reason being that I've never had any results..) and I can tell you that one's picks up the "lingo" of the forum..that's why,in my opinion,you can see similarities between the two members..

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:06 pm
by sadgirlbb
coconuthead wrote:I'm coming to a conclusion that maybe mindyb and sadbbgirl are the exact same person. If you play close attention to a lot of these Lufenuron posts you'd noticed that they have extremely similar typing styles, and they used some of the same symbols in the exact same way. I could be wrong, though. :-k
Good lord.... I have been accused of more things since I posted that something worked for me... WTF????????????

If you pay CLOSE attention coconut .... you will read that I had NO die off symptoms the second time around! Unlike Mindy! And I'm praying that I can keep managing my problem!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:43 pm
by halitosisux
Coconuthead, mindyb and sadgirlbb have been on this forum since 2008 and if you read through any of their previous posts it's obvious they are genuine. Besides this, as a moderator, I'm able to check the IP of every post and I can confirm they are not the same people. Please let's give everyone the benefit of the doubt. It's easy to spot spammers. Making accusations only will only deter genuine people from contributing important information for fear of such accusations.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:54 pm
by Virtuous Viking
Hahaha. Really? To someone who's trying to help? Enough of the accusations. Arguments like these only make outsiders think of us as complete losers. Coconuthead needs to apologize for making such an incendiary remark.

Anyway, I completed the 2nd dosage of lufenuron on Wednesday. No change so far. I get the constant headaches but what makes us so sure that this counts as a die-off symptom? It could just be the body trying to get rid of a drug that it's unfamiliar with and (if you don't have candida) it has no use for.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:41 pm
by coconuthead
Virtuous Viking wrote: Coconuthead needs to apologize for making such an incendiary remark.
I stated I could be wrong. However, I will not apologize.