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new job and terrified!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:10 am
by depressgirl
hello im 31 years old and have had bb for 15 years. I went to an interview last thursday and to my surprise the interviewer did not do any body language to indicate she could smell my breath. So I was very happy and became even happier when I got a call today from her saying that i got the job! So now my problem is that i am really stressed out about monday my first day of work like how will the co workers act, will they be nice or make fun of me infront me or go to the bosses and complain about my bb. This will be my first job In over a year.I still dont know why the interviewer couldnt smell me cuz I know 100% that i have bb and nasal odor. I am soo scared that so many bad things could happen like the boss firing me fo smelling so bad! By the way anyone from Phoenix, AZ?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:30 am
by mtr
First of all ... try to relax!!! Being terrified about bb reactions won't lead you anywhere else than reaching high anxiety levels..

Secondly, be confident and prove to your colleagues and boss that there are other things on you, more important that they should evaluate you for! I guess you got the job because you worth it.. Prove it and let the others, especially your boss, to feel that having you around was the best decision ever..

Everyday is a new day.. But today it will be the same s***t as yesterday if you don't manage to put yourself together and be proud for you.. If you don't appreciate yourself nobody would do that for you I can assure you! With bb or not, keep your head up and go over there with confidence and a smile on your face!
Instead of thinking that you might work with such impolite colleagues, why don't you start thinking that there are really nice people out there, and on Monday you will have the chance to meet them! And maybe you've already met one, your boss! ;)

You can do it girl!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:40 pm
by LisaLisa
Try not to worry, depressgirl! I doubt you'll get fired. They've already hired you, which is like an investment for them. If you have to go through training, that's even more of an investment. Essentially, you've already cost them money, so they aren't going to turn around and tell you to go home because they don't like your smell.

As mtr pointed out, you got the job because you're worth it. They've already decided you're the best person for the job. As far as your co-workers, all you can do is be as friendly and helpful to them as possible. If they're small-minded people who like to gossip, they don't deserve a second of your thoughts.

Good luck, and congratulations!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:00 pm
by Tibya
I have just learned to ignore gossipers. People will say what they want. Stay firm. They hired you because they know you are the right person for the job from several applicants. Be proud yourself and this achievement.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:46 pm
by Archimonde
Did it say in your resume that you hadn't worked in a year? If yes, did the interviewer ask you why, what was your answer?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:52 pm
by fthis
Yep, it's a b°tch, been through this so many times.

Try to stay calm, nothing as bad for BB than stress., except maybe spaghetti bolognaise and red wine.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:04 am
by 2ndbanana
maybe your boss don't think you have chronic bb. if you're gonna work in an office. i have a suggestion for you maybe you can put one of those mask that they put in the hospital and tell everyone or tell your boss to explain to everyone that you have a severe allergy to dust. i'm sure soon everyone will know about your problem. i know it's degrading to do it but think about it. i've seen a few people wear those mask in public. if i can move to another city where no one knows me, this is what i'm gonna do. i can't do it now because everybody knows i'm the bb guy. if i do this i'll be insulted openly.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:59 pm
by MrDoubleB
Hi, How did it go..? Any updates?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:30 pm
by stulla
I hope that your first day went well for you and that you are doing fine. Would really like to hear how was the first day on the job.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:01 am
by depressgirl
Thanks for all the great advice! So yesterday was my first day of work and I did what you guys said which was to relax and concentrate on the orientation and not to worry so much. Everything was good except for a few times some of the girls were giggling and whispering together. But they were really nice to my face so I was at least happy about them trying not to hurt my feelings. Today before I went to work my boss called me and said I tested for tuburcolosis on the x ray and that I couldnt go back to work until I got a second opinion and a clearane. So I saw a doctor it turns out that I am not positive and so I am able to go back to work tomorrow. The doctor said I have something in my lungs that is "sleeping" and not active but if it wakes up then it will be tuburcolosis. They are going to give me antibiotics for it this friday. I have read that one of the possible cause of bb is lung infection so do any of you think that after the treatment with antibiotics kills this thing in my lung that i could possibly be cured??? God I really hope so!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:32 am
by halitosisux
You should go along with this advice because TB and other lung infections do cause the worst bad breath apparently. Please keep us informed and good luck and congratulations with your new job.