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How to kiss someone passionately

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:51 am
by succ

This is shit, they have white coating on their tongue yet probably no smell. We all have less coating and much cleaner mouth yet our breath smells bad. Fking video ruined my day :?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:54 pm
by noptical
How do you know it doesn't stink, does youtube have a smelling service know? :P

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:53 pm
by Busted
It's pretty obvious they don't have bad breath. :roll:

You've been a chronic halitosis sufferer for a while now, noptical. I think you should be well known with other people's reactions to a chronic halitosis sufferer's breath. :)

(And someone please save the story about how they are actors. Even actors have a nose and will most likely refuse to kiss someone who suffers from halitosis).

It doesn't surprise me though, pretty much everyone I know doesn't have to worry about their breath. So if you just pick a random person you see on the street. The chances are much bigger he doesn't suffer from halitosis.

The coating they have is just from food I think, I mean a lot of people have a coating. Especially those who never brush their tongue, it may even have a brown colour. But this doesn't mean they suffer from halitosis.

Now that you mention this succ, one time at school during gym class a boy from my class was sticking his tongue out to another boy. The other boy's reactions was "Aah look it all white shit on his tongue". He was really grossed out by it. I've talked to the boy who stuck is his tongue out many times, I can assure you he is not a chrnoic halitosis sufferer. But wtf who cares, I'm not even sure why I'm typing all this stuff, maybe I'm just trying to say that having a coating doesn't mean someone suffers from halitosis, which you probably already know.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:58 pm
by Busted
But I understand your frustration though, I mean I can get really frustrated just by seeing other people communicate in a way I won't be able too. You know what I mean by it.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:19 pm
by noptical
Busted yeah I know what you mean, I've seen people with white coatings and no bb too. Some of my friends do. However this is not the white powder/salt-like gunk that we have on our tongues but instead its just the tongue surface itself being white.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:42 am
by unsungzero7
yah i think some people just have whiter colored tongues, i know people that have bright red tongues that have bb and i also know some that have whitish colored tongues that don't so who knows. I think its the white "gunk" on the tongue that emits odor not that actual pigment of the tongue which differs amongst different people and different races.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:11 pm
by Busted
noptical wrote:Busted yeah I know what you mean, I've seen people with white coatings and no bb too. Some of my friends do. However this is not the white powder/salt-like gunk that we have on our tongues but instead its just the tongue surface itself being white.
yea I agree sheriff noptical, it's still not very clear to me what exactly is causing the smell. Perhaps we just have different kind of bacteria in our mouth that can cause a smell.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 4:40 am
by thanatos

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:24 am
by j0n1982
This is not a thing to talk about. It is tantamount to reaching for the stars in our current state. What I do is supress that longing.

Thinking about it definitely makes me a less of a person. And I am 25.

Such is our small petty lives.
