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My alkaline diet plan

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:31 am
by emotional rescue
I apologyse if this info has already been discused, but I really think this could be something:

The other day another post caught my atention
(I don't remember exactly if it was about diary or gluten), but I started to do some research about it on youtube, and I've found a lot of info about how diary and gluten sensitivity could lead into countless disorders and diseases. In non case bad breath was mentioned, but I always think about how this disorder could be so difficult to erradicate, I mean, we already tried antibiotics, antifungals,surgerys, tooth extractions, and the list goes on and on. But there's something that in a lot of cases is right. We are fighting against simptons, and we don't know nothing about the causes.

And we don't know, in part because not one doctor take us seriously, and no one cares. Medicine in today's world has become plain and strictly a business, and it seem's that is not a good deal for a doctor to start and invest time in triying to figure out a cause or reason for something they do not know really nothing about it. It's like today the medicine is like going to Mc donald's: Take your big mac. You don't like it? Well I don't have time to cook anything else or I will loose money. So the doctors say: bad breath, is not big deal, but take this antibiotics, take metronidazole, take penicilin. If you trully had something, they will take it from you. If you still complain, then its really all in your head.

So here we are, like shipwrecks, like living in a purgatory, waiting for a miracle, praying for a miracle solution. But well, let's leave this for another topic.

The point is, I found this doctors talking about another way to aproach to diseases, to medicine, and a different approach on how to live a healthy life. ... re=related ... ure=relmfu ... re=related ... ert-young/ ... 0plan.html

Yeah, maybe they seem a little new age, and a little talkers or charlatans (especially Dr robert young when I did a deep research about his book and his dvd's to teach you "the cure" and all that). But, in the end, we all have to make money from something right?

The point is, I'm really liking their way of thinking (Hyman seems very serious to me, by the way) They talk about how not living in a healthy diet and a healthy way of life could take us to countless disorders, and how modern medicine only cares about simptoms, not causes. And how maybe there is not millions of diseases, but only one: and that is having behaviors that may not be healthy for your body, for your organism, and that could lead to a lot of disorders. Sadly in our case that would be bad breath, among others issues...

So my idea so far is: triying to stick to an alkaline diet. This theory seems very reasonable to me so far. If this would be the way of getting the body on balance again, we should get rid of bb sooner or later. And more sooner than later!.

The problem: Stick to an alkaline diet is probably the most difficult thing I tried to do to get rid of bb so far. It's really hard: you cant eat gluten, you can't eat meat or fats. You cant eat processed food or any kind of sugars. In fact, you can't even eat fruits, because they are high in sugar too. You can only eat veggies, if they are raw the better. And most importantly, green veggies. Because they have the larger quantities of chlorophyll in them and they are very alkaline.

The facts in my case: accidentally i started to get closer to this kind of diet, (actually I was trying to eat more healthy, eating more veggies and less fat, and got back to sports) then I read and see all this info which I'm posting part on this links above, and I realize that maybe its not casual that this has been my best bb week maybe in years.
And I realize that, for example, this last week I ate a lot of advocados, who seems to be very good to overall health and for the alkaline diet.

I dont know, I would like that other members take a closer look to this and share their experiences and thoughts, and maybe try the diet. There is really nothing to loose in fact.

As I said, this diet is reaaalllllyyyyy difficult to follow, you got to get use to it gradually I think. But I think that if even not following it strictly I already seeying some good results (I'm having less bb and less weird tase in my tongue and mouth) Following it strictly could really lead to something.

My longterm plan: If i manage to follow the diet for some weeks and this actually get rid of my bb, then maybe I can slowly start to incorporate, diary, gluten or sugars, one at the time, to see what tipe of food is really causing the problem. Just a theory right now.

I know subjects regarding to alkaline diets had been discused before, but I really not remember the conclusions, and this seems to be really doing something for me.

I've been here in this forum and live with this problem for a lot of years, and Im tired to auto prescribe me drugs and medicines, or doing nonsense things without any medical or scientific background or support.

This seems reazonable and harmless to me. In fact healthy. I would give it a try.

Sorry for my grammar, as you can see english is not my native language, hope I make my self clear.

Have a nice week and would love to hear your opinions about this!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:45 pm
by fthis

Only green vegetables, that's very hard indeed. And somewhat unhealthy I can imagine,

Good luck to you.