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Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:40 am
by MrDoubleB
Hi everyone,

I'd like to give a little update on my situation.

Maybe I should explain my history a bit first:
1. At age of 13 I was told I had bb and that I should not talk to people when I'm close to them. But before this age there were also many indications that I had bb. But it was at this age that I really started to become aware of it and avoid other people.
2. At age of 18 I visited different ENT's and had my deviated septum corrected, which allowed me to breathe much easier through my nose.
3. At age of 19 I had my tonsils removed, this did not help with my bb problem unfortenately
4. From age 20 to now I pretty much accepted the fact that I had to live with it, but still I've never been myself and never happy of course.

Lately I have been taking some medicine against stomach acid called Omeprazol Actavis. I think they only sell this product in the country where I live.I got this medicine after I went to the doctor to complain about my problems with stomach acid. I mean sometimes after I ate, I suddenly get this feeling that I got hit by a bullet in the heart lol. It's just for a few seconds, but it really hurts. There's a chance I might have acid reflux, but I still need to get it checked at the hospital later what exactly the problem is. I'll give an update on tha later when it's done.

The thing is my breath has definately improved for like 80%. I still have bb though I think, but it could just be that I'm paranoid, cause I asked some friends and they said I don't have bb. It could be that they just want to be polite and don't want to hurt my feelings.

I have experience with this, not everyone speaks the truth about bb. ;)

But what I definately noticed is the reactions I get from other people. I sat around the table and ate a lot of stuff while talkin to other people. Usually I get the strangest of reactions.

I also had a conversation with a few people from just a few inches away from them. I've never been able to do this before in my life. I was pretty shocked at that moment. "Like woah, why are they not reacting, I'm only a few inches away form them." They did eventually have one moment where they did rub their noses, but it's really hard to tell if it is because of my bb or not. I mean in the past I use to get reactions as soon as I opened my mouth, so i could easily tell I had bb 24/7. It was really that bad. I had to do my best to keep my mouth closed while other normal people could focus on their communication skills.

But now I only ocassionally get reactions from other people, so it's hard for me to tell if it's my bb or not. But I've been living with this problem for more than 12 years now, so I don't expect this problem to go away like that. But I'm sure my bb has improved.

I'm guesssing my bb problem is stomach related after all, which makes me feel a bit confused aswell. I use to think that my problem was related to my sinuses and throat. That's why I have visited like three different ENT's in the past. It could be that it's a combination of all.

I don't expect myself to get cured 100% to be honest and become normal, I'm really happy to have found something that actually works for me. It just gives me a bit of hope...which I really need at this moment.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:56 am
by halitosisux
Hi there. Well done.
Did you have any tests for helicobacter pylori?
Did you have a coated or smelly tongue and has this changed now?
Sounds like your medicine is what most of us know as Omeprazole, which is a PPI and reduces the amount of acid your stomach produces depending on the dosage.
Please give as much feedback as you possibly can.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 5:20 pm
by MrDoubleB
Hey thanks for your post. I have not been tested for h pylori yet. I'm not sure where and how i can do his test...there is a possibility I might have i though. Also I am 100% sure I still have bb, because I still get nose rubs like I use to, but far less frequent than I use to. I also do have a coated tongue. I just made an appointment with a stomach specialist and I'm definately going to mention he bb problem with him...Hopefully he can help me out. Chances are that I'm never going to get cured 100%, so I will probably have to try and live with it.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 5:20 pm
by MrDoubleB
Hey thanks for your post. I have not been tested for h pylori yet. I'm not sure where and how i can do his test...there is a possibility I might have i though. Also I am 100% sure I still have bb, because I still get nose rubs like I use to, but far less frequent than I use to. I also do have a coated tongue. I just made an appointment with a stomach specialist and I'm definately going to mention he bb problem with him...Hopefully he can help me out. Chances are that I'm never going to get cured 100%, so I will probably have to try and live with it.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:27 pm
by halitosisux
You're welcome.
A good idea for you to start with would be a $5 helicobacter self-testing kit.
If you get a positive result you can just take it along to your doctor and get them to confirm it or just give you the therapy for it.
These kits are highly reliable, providing you haven't already been treated in the past, in which case you can sometimes get a false positive.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:03 pm
by Tibya
Hi Halitosisux, I may have missed your post on $5 helicobacteria self testing kit. Could you tell me where to look for this? My search on popular search engine resulted in some in UK. I haven't seen any in US. Please help if you could direct to this kit - brand name will help. Thnx

@MrDoubleBB - I did see some improvement after I took some acid reducing medicine. It helped with my tongue coating too along with diluted hydrogen per oxide rinsing. But it did not take my BB completely away. And I quit taking this because I realized I cannot take this medicine for ever.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:07 am
by halitosisux
Tibya, in the UK they are widely available. I don't think these self-testing kits have FDA approval in the US though. I don't know how the law works in these situations, but I can't imagine there would be any issues if you tried to obtain one of these kits on ebay.

I've found one available on ebay (a UK company who will ship to the US) - $10.93 plus $6.25 shipping ... 4834eb6b38

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:35 pm
by MrDoubleB
Thanks halitosux. I'm definately going to mention my bb problem and the h pylori to the stomach specialist. Hopefully this is it!!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:57 pm
by aues
Helicobacter Pylori can also be checked by performing a stool test.

If you don't want to ask a doctor for a test you can just google for a laboratory and ask them if you can do such a test without a doctor and how much it costs.