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Low Stomach Acid - My Cure??

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:58 pm
by HopefulOne
Well everyone I am on day 5 of taking HCL Betaine with Pepsin and yesterday and today, I have had "normal" breath all day long!!

As you all know, I have been trying every natural substance under the sun to kill the bacteria in my mouth and stomach. I may get some relief but never for long. However, I noticed when I drink lemon water ( a whole lemon squeezed) my bad breath diminishes. So I started reading up on stomach acid and decided to try the HCL Betaine. I started taking 1-2 capsules with every meal and now I'm up to six capsules per meal, however I still don't feel a burning sensation. Tomorrow I will try seven per meal then eight, etc. My breath smells so much better!! I believe I'm cured, but don't want to get my hopes too high. My tummy is flatter too....even after pigging out the last few days, I haven't gained ONE pound, Yippee!!

I believe the hydrochloric (sp?) acid is killing the bacteria in my stomach and making my food easier to digest, so it's not putrefying in my belly. TMI, but my bowel movements don't smell as bad anymore.

Anyone else tried this supplement? Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:50 am
by MissPretty
Lovely !! Congratulations !! How does it feel to be like a normal person? :P

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:58 am
by halitosisux
Have you been tested for helicobacter?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:49 pm
by ThisSucks
I really like how some of you people can `tell` if you smell bad or not without the help of someone else........

But if you are indeed cured then Gratz :D

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:06 pm
by Tibya
I have tried lemon with water. It has certainly helped in reducing my bb by small %age. Not a very significant reduction. But i did this for only 2 days. Maybe I should try doing this for few weeks.
The day I stopped, my bb came back in full force and much stronger.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:26 pm
by HopefulOne
Miss Pretty, thank you, however I don't think I ever will feel normal. After dealing with BB for 40 years, I don't know what normal feels like :(

Halitosisux...I have never been tested for H Pylori, but I think I may order the kit tomorrow. Whenever I have massive doses of antibiotics (while hospitalized) my BB is completely gone for about a week. But I noticed I get these massive sugar cravings and once I eat alot of sugar the BB returns. Maybe the few bacteria left in my gut was screaming for

ThisSucks, I know absolutely when my breath is bad, terrible, or fresh. I really don't need anyone to tell me. After massive doses of antibiotics, my mouth has a neutral breath is light, airy, and my tongue is pink. When my breath smells, my breath feels heavy and I have a bitter nasty stinky taste in my mouth. My tongue is also coated when my breath stinks.

I just licked my arm and smelled it and I don't smell anything. My tongue is pink right now and I only have a slight bitter tase in my mouth because I just ate cabbage.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:18 am
by halitosisux ... ath-1.html

This is just the first example I found after a google search, but if you search for more info on this, you'll see how important it is to make sure you have eliminated HP as a possible cause.
There have even been a number of studies to try to find out why so many people with chronic BB are cured following treatment for HP.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:45 pm
by danger
how do you test for HP? do you have to go to your GP?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:14 pm
by halitosisux
Simple blood test from a GP, or you could get a self-testing kit which some pharmacies sell for about £5. It tests for helicobacter antibodies in your blood, which is what the GP blood test also does.

You can sometimes get a positive if you've had a HP infection in the past, or recently had treatment for it. So if you wanted to know for certain whether you've successfully eradicated it or not following treatment, you'd need to go for the more invasive and expensive options, like endoscopic biopsy or the urea breath or stool test.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:41 pm
by MrDoubleB
I am also taking medicine against stomach acid and it is definately helping with improving my bb problem. THe ones I take are capsules.

Check out my other thread for more information. It might help some of you too. But I wouldn't go as far as to say that my bb problem is completely gone. Sometimes I can talk close to someone, which I could not do before. Now it's really hard for me to tell if the reaction I get is due to my bb or just random.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:32 am
by compor
Hey HopefulOne,

It's been almost a month since you have last posted. I hope you still have fresh breath. Could you tell us how you are doing, HCl supplements really worked for you?

Take care

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:49 pm
be careful with this stuff - it can really tear up your tummy. I had to stop using it.

Re: Low Stomach Acid - My Cure??

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:18 am
by ruch
i am beginning to think my bb comes from somewhere other than just my mouth.. so have been reading and investigating.

whenever i eat beets (even a small amount), my pee and poop turn pink or red. i have heard this is a sign of low stomach acid.
recently been dealing with some sort of reflux problem too.. and today, i ate about 4 hours ago but my stomach is bloated and i still feel very full. also been feeling food in my throat and a little comes up when i burp. this doesn't happen all the time, but i do get digestion problems from time to time.

i also have symptoms of hypothyroidism which i have read can be connected, but i haven't done any thyroid tests yet.

anyway, going to buy some betaine HCL and try it tomorrow..

also, found this: ... CauseofBad


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:47 pm
by billie
Maybe i need to try this again. I never felt a burning sensation when taking it.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:23 pm
by ruch
billie, if you google, you will see that it's suggested to take betaine HCL a bit at a time till you do feel some warmth in your stomach. that's the point at which you can cut back on some. i read of a test in which you eat a lot of protein and take betaine HCL. if you feel nothing, it means you have low stomach acid. i don't have the details handy but you can find it if you google..