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Has anybody done the deviated septum surgery here?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:06 am
by clara0
Hi guys
First of all sorry that I am not that much active like before here, that is because I am both busy and too disappointed and I dont want to make others depressed.

At the moment I am seriously thinking about doing a deviated septum surgery...because almost all the doctors I have been to told me that I need to do it.But I have some worries and questions:

1)Does it help with my chronic sinusitis?
2) Does it help with allergies?
3) Is it possible that it cures bb?
4) The surgery is expensive and painful and I also need to take antibiotics(the enemy) afterwards...I am afraid of my bb getting worse after taking the drugs (in past it always did)
5)Is it safe to use my current nose/sinus drops after my nose healed? it is very important for me to know...because they are the only things that give me temporary relief from bb, I carry them everywhere and use them right before any important appointment or meeting...

Sorry for writing too long but I am desperate and it is the only thing that I have not done yet.... I would appreciate your experiences about it.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:30 pm
by heregoesnothing
I just had my deviated septum surgically corrected on Tuesday August 21 and the very first day I could already breathe through my nose better! Seriously, I was amazed that it was so instantaneous. It didn't last long though, my nose got all stuffy again the next day but via my ENT and people who have gone through it it's a normal symptom. Along with a deviated septum, I got my turbinates reduced, polyps removed, and a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. ](*,) quite a lot of work but I feel like it was worth it so far.... my tongue is actually PINK for the first time since I was a kid!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:05 pm
by clara0
Hi heregoesnothing...thanks for the reply, you made me hopeful, I have never had a pink tongue since childhood like you...I have also a bony spur in my nose. I am going to meet an ENT tomorrow and discuss the surgery...I have worries & hopes. How long did it take you to recover? I have nobody to take care of me and I am just wondering if I can manage it by myself.
And one important thing...are you still on antibiotics? I am curious to know if your bb comes back after finishing them because everybody knows bb disappears when people are on antibiotics but it is temporary.