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My Ups and Downs :]

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 44
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:28 am

My Ups and Downs :]

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Hello everyone!

I've been reading this site for about 3 years now and post on and off under different usernames (because I forget my password :( )

Anyways, I have BB like most of you guys. I have been suffering from it since I hit puberty about 12-13 years ago.

No matter how much I brush, floss, use magical mouthwashes, I have that taste and smell in my mouth even when I'm brushing my teeth.

I have not been to a dentist since 2008 when I lost my dental insurance coverage.

For the past couple of years, I have been trying to find the main source of my BB. I always thought it was coming from my stomach because it had that fecal odor to it. I tried all kinds of probiotics to introduce good bacteria in my stomach. I almost bought that powder stuff thinking I had internal candida.

Anyways, this year I was suffering a lot from allergies. I tried Claritin and it didn't do anything for me, so my fiancee bought me an over-the-counter nasal spray (AFRIN). After the first use, I noticed how much it reduced my BB.

This made me realize that I have nasal congestion almost all the time, even when I'm not suffering from allergies. It got me thinking that maybe I suffer from Post Nasal Drip. So I bought a neti pot from Walgreens and tried to irrigate my nasal passages and sinuses. I just couldn't handle the feeling and awkwardness. Besides, it gave me an incredibly painful sinus headache afterwards.

Coincidentally, I had an appointment with my GI/Liver doctor that week (I have Hep C from a blood transfusion). I decided to open up to her and told her EVERYTHING regarding my BB and my thoughts on my own research. She referred me to an ENT and ordered me an ENDOSCOPY (through the throat).

I went to my ENT appointment this past Monday. She shoved a thin tube with a light and a camera at the end, up my nose to check my throat and sinuses. Afterwards, she said it didn't look like I have Post Nasal Drip. The only irregularity she saw was that I have a deviated septum in my right nostril.

She prescribed me a much stronger antihistamine nasal spray (Floticasone?) and a Chlorhexidine mouthwash.

That night I got home, ate dinner, used my new nasal spray, flossed, brushed my teeth, and swished with the Chlorhexidine mouthwash (making sure I gargled way into the back of my throat). Went to bed for the first time in more than a decade with a neutral taste/smell in my mouth. I didn't get too excited as I've used other mouthwashes before and at first they seemed impressive, then the lost their efficacy. The next morning I woke up and I BARELY had any morning breath! My morning breath was weaker than my regular break before all this.

I have been using my spray and mouthwash for the past 3 days now and I have had a neutral taste and smell in my mouth.

I have a question for you guys. When you take a sip of water from your glass/cup, after a couple of minutes, do you notice a change in the taste and smell of the water?