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Post by TIRED »

Doctor told me I have reactive hypoglycemia. He didn't give me much info on it so I have been researching it online. Basically it is a reaction to eating too many carbs in one meal. My body releases too much insulin and I get extremely tired and sometimes get headaches. Alcohol will especially effect me and I get an instant hang over. I hope this is not a pre curser to diabetes for me. Anyhow, I think that this disorder might be a result of the cause of my bb. I've always thought that the cause of my bb was too much bacteria in my digestive tract and I read that h pylori (which is a bacteria) can cause hypoglycemia. It is either that or my hormones which i know have not been right for a while. My plan is to try taking Chromium and eat only organic meat. Was talking with a woman from Russia the other day and she said that she couldn't get pregnant due to something wrong with her pituitary glam releasing a hormone that made her think she was already pregnant. One month she visited her family in Russia and she went came back home to the US and got pregnant right away. She thought it was all the hormones that we put in our meat here. The pituitary is on charge some of the hormones that trigger insulin, so I will try eating only organic meat and see.

Maybe this is the cause of my bb, but most likely it is a reaction to it…we shall see after i go on a low carb diet and take chromium. Was also thinking of trying golden seal to limit the bacteria in my gut. Was tested (breath test) for h-pylori a while back and I was negative. I should do a stool test since the breath test is said to be false-negative often.

Was wondering if anyone else on here had hypoglycemia? Here is a link…

http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictio ... poglycemia

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Re: hypoglycemia

Post by Rorsach »

I've had hypoglycemia for many years. I'm 68 and recently it's started to get worse. Apart from diet, it is triggered by stress and anxiety which is also linked to immune system deficiency which I am convinced plays an important role in suppressing good bacteria in our mouths and allowing anaerobic gram negative bacteria to flourish. These in turn may trigger the formation of coatings on the tongue, tho maybe something else makes the coating happen and that provides a safe haven for the anaerobic bacteria.

I've noticed on this forum and many others, a reluctance to tackle the possible psychosomatic aspect of chronic and persistent halitosis. I suffer off and on from a list of psychosomatic symptoms that may stem from childhood conflict and that may cause deeper levels of anxiety that may not be consciously evident in the way that "anxiety attacks" are but which may be working away in the background to cause many sorts of mischief such as an immune deficiency.

I also suffer from chronic PND as well as chronic allergic rhynitis, a fissured tongue and oral lesions that come and go.

We really need to find an access to the medical literature to get a handle on the biochemistry of oral flora and their relation to oral anatomy.
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Post by malory »

Can you find an old post of mine about the Zone 40:30:30 diet to regulate hormones and insulin levels. I hope it may help you. I can't yet control my odour by doing it but I feel great doing this diet and am more relaxed about everything, even reactions... If you have hypoglycaemia, you could find Sears' 40:30:30 very helpful. good luck
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