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My survival tips

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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My survival tips

Post by Geese »

I am 30 and have had bad breath, among other health issues, since I was 18. When I was 16 I had a bout with anorexia, lost 70 pounds, and then I started to eat normal again, and have been experiencing, sinus, gastro, neurological, and bad breath problems ever since. On a side note, never deprive yourself of nutritious food, you could be doing irreversible damage. Looking good is not worth it, not by 100x over.

These are some things I have learned. It might not work for everyone, but It helps me a little.

1. Don't eat/drink cold stuff.

If you look into TCM, most westerners are overly yin and not enough yang. Unless you fit the description of being yang or having yin deficiency, always drink hot herbal tea. Cold stuff is bad for digestion. Think about it, traditionally in Asia, where it is hot, they drink hot beverages. Ice and fridges are a modern thing anyway, iced beverages are a relatively new addition to the diet. If I am going to have a beverage that is in the fridge, I pour my glass out and leave it for an hour or two till it warms up, same with food. Also, dress warm, wear layers, it is good for chi.

2. Cinnamon Gum

I won't hawk a brand, but find the spiciest one you can tolerate. Cinnamon is a anti-microbial. It's not a cure-all, I can't go up to my crush and ask them to make-out, but at least I can say "have a good day" to a cashier without feeling self conscious. It works for like 25 minutes. Mint gum just works for like 7 minutes then makes my BB worse.

3. Use two different tooth brushes.

I use a stiff bristle brush for my molars and and a light bristle brush for the fronts/backs. It helps get stuff out of the molars, and is easier on the gums

4. Eat spicy food/vinegar.

These things are aggravating to some people but it helps me and my digestion. Capsaicin (also anti-microbial) is good for metabolism and vinegar has been used in folk medicine for 1000's of years. It helps me chew and swallow better/easier. There has also been recent medical studies showing vinegar lowers the glycemic index for food, which is good for diabetics. Some people's bad breath has to do with blood sugar problems.

5. If you are 21 and over - Hard Liquor -

This is obviously a short term fix, but a couple shots of vodka/whiskey completely takes away my BB. My breath just smells like liquor, which is a huge improvement from my normal breath. It gets me through things like holidays, weddings, ect. Wine and beer doesn't work, in fact it makes it worse. and don't make a fruity vodka drink or a rum and coke, you have to shoot it or swig it straight, without a chaser. This is bad for you, so if you do it, pick your battles to use this "nuclear bomb" approach. And obviously, don't do this unless you are not driving.

This all I can think of now, i'll try to add more later.