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Just another rant

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:45 pm
by HigherThoughts
The treatment for h. pylori did not work so now I still don't know what my problem is. I'm so sick of living like this. I can't go anywhere in public because if I do I just feel like some freak show.

I'm sick of the way people act around me. Every time I have to talk to customers they act so awkward around me. Like the smell is so bad they can't even think straight. They just stand there and think in their heads how bad the smell is. I just wish I had just one person that would be honest with me about this. It would be so helpful to have someone describe the smell to me and how far they can smell it. It would be helpful to know and I can try treatments and see if something is working or not. But I have no one to tell me. How the hell can I get rid of this when I can't even describe to a doctor how it smells. Even if I try some treatments I would have no idea if it is working so that I can continue it until it cures me. I can't tell any doctors that I have people tell me directly my breath smells. Because of that no doctor will take my problems seriously. They will all dismiss it and not try to fix my problems.

I want to get rid of this problem so much. I have been trying and I'm just sick of this. I just can't do it alone. I have been trying, but I can't do it. I really need some help, but I have no one. It's bad enough living with this problem, but its worse when everyone around you ignores it like its not a big deal. They probably think I should just get over it. Yet at the same time these same people constantly react to my smell. Always rubbing their nose non stop and making a stink face. I bet people don't even realize they are making a face and they are doing it involuntarily. Too bad they don't know I see that face even if it comes on for only a split second I see it.

I feel helpless all the time. I don't even know what to do anymore. I spent so much money on all these products and visiting doctors. I just can't afford the more expensive procedures like an endoscopy. If I was rich then yea I could afford to spend tens of thousands just going to specialists and taking all these tests to find any possible problem. But I'm broke as hell so what am I supposed to do? I can't even focus on making money because I am so depressed from this. I have no motivation to do anything at all. Everyday I just distract myself from my problems by just watching tv shows non stop. Or playing a game online for hours just so I don't have to think about anything.

You know I would even be able to live regularly if I could even just get rid of my nasal smell. If the smell only came from my mouth I would even be ok with that. Because then at least I can go in public places and people won't smell me as long as my mouth is closed. But my smell is so bad I can stink up any area I go to just by walking around. At this point I feel so defeated. I am exhausted mentally, and physically. I don't want to give up, but I have so little hope left.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:33 pm
by MrChips
Your in the same boat as me my friend. Halitosis through mouth and nose is hell! I wish BB would just come out my mouth. Iv not been tested for H Pylori yet. Im thinking of TMAU. Have you been tested for TMAU?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:51 pm
by HigherThoughts
No I have not tested for TMAU. I don't think that is my problem because mine happened over night. I don't know if TMAU can suddenly cause someone to have intense bad breath over nigh and just never go away.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:55 pm
by halitosisux
HT, have you had tests to confirm the h.pylori was eradicated?

Anyone can develop TMAU. If TMA builds up in your bloodstream and you start to go past a threshold where it starts to get released from your lungs and secretions. There's lots of way this can happen.
Hormone fluctuations, gut flora imbalances, enzyme dysfunction/impairment, liver problems, diet, systemic changes.

Has anyone tried Dr. Aydinmur's choline supplement experiment to see what effect that has on odour?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:24 pm
by jess
I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope things get a bit better for you soon. I can also feel and understand your frustration. I believe it would’ve made a difference if we had someone who could truthfully tell us exactly what our breath smells like.

That is one of the reasons why I posted here so many times asking people to post their locations on their profile. That way we could see who’s in our area and arrange meet ups. I’m pretty sure a lot of us would’ve been able to smell each other; therefore describe to each other what our breath smells like. Unfortunately the majority of the members on this site don’t wanna actively do anything, pretty much. All they’re waiting for is for the cure to fall right on their lap in front of their computer screen.

Look at the secret facebook group that's there for all of us members to chat and socialize with each other. There is so much potential from that alone to help a lot of us who feel so lonely so much of the time. But so far only 39 members have joined. Why don't much more people join? 99% of us already have a FB account and we don't even have to worry about the public seeing our posts there because it's set to "secret".

Now I’m sure a lot of members here are from California. Wouldn’t it be great if you could meet some of them and be honest about what you guys smell from one another? I’m pretty sure none of us here are monsters. We’re all normal, intelligent people who unfortunately have been afflicted by this bb plague, so it’s time we stop feeling ashamed and stop hiding

If this continues like this I’m afraid 10, 20 years from now the majority of us will be in the same spot, hiding behind our computer screen and hoping the next post we read is our cure...plain and simple

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:45 pm
by HigherThoughts
@halitsosiux - Well I just recently took the antibiotics and I know you need to wait at least a month or so before testing so it doesn't screw up the results. Didn't know that about TMAU. I may have to get checked out for that.

@Jess - Yea it would be so helpful to have someone be honest with me. I still have a hard time being around people. Anxiety has gone up so I can't go around in public places. Way too many people for me. Yea I know I shouldn't be hiding, but being around public areas with too many people just gives me high anxiety now. I have pushed away all my friends because of this.

Thanks for the kind words and replies.

For now I just went to a lab and got my blood drawn for the tests the doctor ordered. I now have to wait on those results and hope they can find whatever it is that's causing my problem. The doctor didn't even tell me what all the tests were for, but I looked them up online:

Lipids panel - Check for cholesterol level, triglycerides level
complete blood cell count - check for any abnormalities with my blood cell count
hemoglobin a1c - check for diabetes
hep a, b, and c - check for hepatitis virus a, b and c
Complete urine analysis

He must suspect liver problems or diabetes since he wants to check for hepatitis and diabetes. I don't even know how it can be possible for me to get hepatits. I got vaccinted for A and B when I was younger and I don't know about C. Worth a check anyways. He didn't even tell me any of this and explain what was on his mind. That's what I don't like about going to doctors. I cant always think of the right things to say on the spot. Doctors only see us for about 10 minutes at a time so can't really discuss much either.

I just hope they find the problem with this.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:13 pm
by Born To Suffer
Hey sorry to hear about your suffering.

But if you don't mind me asking, did you have your tonsils removed?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:30 pm
by HigherThoughts
No I didn't have my tonsils removed. I believe tonsils are not my problem though. My tonsils were not stinky before and never had tonsil stones or tonsilitis even though I had bad breath. Now I believe my tonsils recently got messed up as a side effect to whatever is happening. After I took the anitibiotics for h pylori my tonsils don't stink anymore. But it does feel like little food bits can get stuck in there. I try irrigating my tonsils now, but I only got a little tonsil stone out once and now there is nothing.

I still think my form is the rare systemic bad breath. Maybe in my bloodstream so I breathe it out through my lungs. Or some digestive problem that comes out through my throat. But I highly think mine is from inside my body and not the mouth area.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:10 pm
by DanielPine
The absolute worst is when your parents lie to you and refuse to help you. If your own parents dont even want to help you, you know your screwed lol

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:51 pm
by HigherThoughts
Yea Daniel I know what you mean. I don't even care if they don't want to help me, but it just makes me mad how they try to tell me its in my head. Act like there is nothing wrong, but they always rub their nose or make some slight stink face.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:09 pm
by Born To Suffer
Can you accurately describe the smell?

Do you get a stinky discharge in your mouth? like a smelly liquid is leaking through your gums?

We are in the same situation, I had terrible bb before removing my wisdoms, and talking to the customers is a nightmare. I'm helping my mom in her shop until I get bb cured.

Look it's no good taking meds now because no one knows where the smell is coming from. I'd say first go get your tonsils and wisdoms out.
Why don't you give those a try?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:25 pm
by HigherThoughts
No I can't accurately describe it. Sometimes I smell something like fecal and stale musty breath. Sometimes I smell like a fart like smell. I don't have anything from my gums and my mouth doesn't really smell. Like my tongue and gums don't smell. My tonsils don't smell either and I never had any tonsillitis.

I had my wisdom teeth removed long time ago. I can't even afford a tonsillectomy because I saw with the price estimator it will cost me around $4,000 out of pocket with my current insurance. I honestly don't think that is my problem because I feel like the smell just flows so freely when I breathe through my nose. It seems more like it is something inside my body causing this problem.
Born To Suffer wrote:Can you accurately describe the smell?

Do you get a stinky discharge in your mouth? like a smelly liquid is leaking through your gums?

We are in the same situation, I had terrible bb before removing my wisdoms, and talking to the customers is a nightmare. I'm helping my mom in her shop until I get bb cured.

Look it's no good taking meds now because no one knows where the smell is coming from. I'd say first go get your tonsils and wisdoms out.
Why don't you give those a try?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:35 pm
by Born To Suffer
Hm.. seems like the problem is in your nose. Like there could be anaerobic bacteria growing in there. Because if your mouth doesn't smell, the smell may not be coming from your lungs.
I had cyst growing near my nose, and for years the only smell I smelt was my own bb.
I think that all of us have some sort of anaerobic bacteria in our body, and it can have more or less the same odor. Before removing my wisdoms I sometimes smell fecal and sometimes sulfuric, it varies.