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Using Oil of Wild Oregano 4 diferent ways is helping me

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:19 am
by Bazy
Hello everyone, I had all but given up hope of ever getting relief from my bad breath. Over the last 14 years I’ve tried so many things (HP, baking soda, salt, tea tree oil, GSE, golden seal, Vit C, neti-pot and on and on) & wasted a lot of $$ (breezecare).

I am a 46 y.o female. I feel my bad breath originates from the very back of my throat (not my nose) and that I have PND or sinus issues. Bad breath disappears when I’m on antibiotics as it did when I was treated for H Pylori but it quickly returns when I cease antibiotics. I do not have any tonsil issues/stones.

Seriously, bad breath had been devastating for me financially, socially & emotionally.

I purchased oil of wild oregano over a year ago and was only using it as a gargle and decided it did not work.

One week ago I decided to pull it out again and use it in the following:

• Hard gargle with a few drops in water & swallow, 3 times a day or at least 2 times a day.

• Take a few drops sublingually (bypassing the digestive tract) 3 times a day or at least 2 times a day

• Brush my tongue with a few drops and scrape before my oral routine 2 times a day.

• Use it in my neti pot rinse 2 times a day, allowing some of the mix to run down my throat.

WARNING: This stuff burns like hell when using it in the neti-pot. I use 1 drop in 500 ml jug of boiled water. Mix & then fill my neti-pot. 1 drop directly in my neti-pot is too much !!. I also urge you to start off in small doses for the ingestion & sublingual method. There’s lots of info on the web regarding oil of wild oregano. The brand I have is solutions 4 health – it is actually past it’s expiry date but is still working !!

I have had great relief so far (1 week) – less nasal congestion, less bad taste coming from back of throat & just feeling fresher in general but the real test is when I ask my sister to test my breath for me, which I will do next week & report back.

I sincerely hope this helps someone.

Love Baz.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:31 am
by Bazy
Forgot to mention that my oil of wild oregano is not 100 %. It is 80 % carvacrol & contains a mix of 1 part wild oregano to 4 parts extra virgin cold pressed olive oil. Mine burns like hell so imagine what the 100 % stuff will do !!

Please, if you are using 100 % oregano oil use very, very small amounts & check to see if you may be allergic to it first.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:28 am
by ruch
keep us posted! i have some of this stuff too but i find it burns on the tongue if you don't dilute it in lots of water... so i don't know how you are able to tolerate it the way you have described.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:44 am
by Bazy
Hi Ruch,

it’s going great for me so far but I’m trying hard not to get too excited as I have been let down before. I’m breathing easier through my nose, less mucous, bad taste, tongue coating & fresher breath. I visited my sister today but she had a cold and could not check my breath – will try again next week.

What strength oil are you using? I personally would not use 100 % oregano oil - far too strong. As I mentioned mine is 1 part oil of wild oregano to 4 parts extra virgin olive oil. If yours is 100% you can easily dilute it 1:4 yourself with olive oil.

When I first started using it to brush my tongue it burned a lot but I persisted. When using it in the neti pot it burned like hell & I would get a ‘brain freeze’ if you know what I mean. I actually could not tolerate the full pot in one go. Had to do it in small bursts with small breaks in between. I almost gave up as it hurt so badly & I was quite scared because I burned my mouth & tongue quite severly a few years ago experimenting with hp & gse.

So glad I persisted as now it does not hurt so much & in fact I have increased the amount of oil in the neti pot. The left side hurts more than the right.

I am also experiment with using some of the mix as a nasal spray I can use during the day.

I am hoping that the oil is killing off whatever fungus and/or bacteria living in my sinus/nose/throat.


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:45 am
by my3rdmolars
I would like to try this too, i just dont know here to get them

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:29 am
by ruch
I have Hedd Wyn Essentials brand which is 4 parts olive oil and 1 part oregano oil.

Let us know if your sister checks and says it is working.

I have been gargling with a mixture of about 6 drops grapefruit seed extract (GSE) and 1 drop wild oregano oil mixed in about 1/2 cup of water. i do this after brushing and scraping, and then i follow this gargle with my usual rinses of chlorhexidine or smart mouth. i find it makes the others more effective and does work for awhile. the only thing is i am not sure if it is working or if the lingering aftertaste of oregano oil is just asking it. i am also not sure if GSE numbs my ability to detect bb on myself or if it actually helps.

am curious to hear what your sister says.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:31 am
by ruch
my3rdmolars wrote:I would like to try this too, i just dont know here to get them
you can order online or go to a natural foods or natural health store (where they sell natural supplements). it is a popular product these days for colds, etc. so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it.

start with a very small amount though.. it stings at first!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:14 am
by Bazy
Hi Ruch, yes it is still working for me ! I too thought it was messing with my sense of smell (since I'm flushing with it twice a day) and taste. But then I noticed that I can still smell other bad smells and taste my food OK.

About two weeks ago I told my mum a little of my problem and asked her to check my breath and be brutally honest about it. She smelled nothing bad. I asked her to check again & if there was anything even slightly bad about my breath & she said no. I still would like confirmation from another person & will do that next week.

I have stopped gargling/swallowing & taking it subligually. Curently I am using it to brush my tongue and in the sinus rinse twice daily. It does not hurt anymore and I have increased the amount of drops in the neti pot.

Previous to using the oil I would get to work at 7 am and feel the bad taste and smell even then. Now that does not happen - it just feels fresher. I believe sinus & PND was my issue & now I have less mucous & am breathing easier. I really notice it in the morning if I miss the night neti pot rinse.

I am not getting any reactions at work & communicating closely with people is part of my job. I won't say I'm cured yet as I still can't believe it having suffered for so long. Baz

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:24 am
by Peace
I hav been using oil of oregano for more than a week and ..OMG! It works for me! I had been spraying antibiotics in my nose with good results but decided to find something that could be used on regular basis as an antibacterial. I use 1 drop of 100% essential in 12 oz saline as nasal rinse and it's nothing short of magical, I'm really floored. I think the combination of anti-bacterial/antifungal of OoO may have done it. So it really was in my nose after all ,all this time for the past 40 years....I can't believe it.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:50 am
by halitosisux

Sorry to have to mention the Katz word, but his nose drops are supposed to be really good. Just shows that for a lot of people it might just be bacteria that have found a crevice up there amongst all that naturally occurring mucus, and not necessarily anything to do with the sinuses.

Every time a person sneezes, they shoot a fresh supply of throat and oral bacteria straight up there.

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:55 pm
by Peace
Thank you. I am still waiting for the bb to come back, but nothing yet, really an enormous difference with this magic plant which is oregano. I am not a big believer in herbal remedies but this has got me convinced. Here is a summary of my history with bb. If it sounds familiar to some of you, plz PLZ give it a try.

-It started when I was 11, now in my 50s.
- Could smell/taste it from the back of my throat when really bad, going from cheezy all the way to fecal.
- Nasal odor that could fill a room, and then some.
- As far as I can remember I've always had a clear, clingy PND (not anymore)
- Always had one nasal passage stuffy, could change from one to the other
-I have a deviated septum, but that was from after i had bb.
-Got tested for allergies as I do sneeze from time to time: pollen, grass, dust are allergens for me. months of shots did nothing
- 2 years ago ENT did scan and did not find anything except inflamed nasal passages, was on all kinds of sprays, no result.
- Started to develop acid reflux 5 years ago and have slight inflammation of lower oesophagus. Tried nexium etc, no result
- Tried acupuncture, no results
- suspected liver (had gallbladder removed at 30 something) and adjusted diet accordingly, no alcohol and also no gluten, coffee, milk product, no result.
-of course no result with the ususal suspects, therabreath,smartmouth etc..
-The only thing that did help was nasal rinse/sprays with antibiotics and xylitol, may be lactoferrin.
-I had tried also nasal rinse with essential oils of eucalyptus, lemongrass, GSE, not much going there.
- Now that I am using oil of oregano mouth is fresh, mint taste fresh in my mouth, nasal congestion gone and PND is reduced to 1 event every 1-2 hours.


Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:55 pm
by umbata
checking in with Bazy or Peace... any updates? I just read your posts and see that its been months since you posted. I'm considering trying the oil of oregano in the neti pot...