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Recent Cures (If you were one of them, Please post here!)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:54 am
by mike987
Having been around a bit lately, it seems to be that a lot of people, at least 3, maybe 4 or more, have seen cures or have been properly diagnosed and their current treatment is working, some being longtime members if I'm not mistaken.

If you were one of the people recently freed from BB, I'd like you to post in this thread with some short, to the point information that could help our other members.

1.*Short analysis of your BB and related symptoms*

2.*Diagnosis leading to treatment (if available)*

3.*Treatment or procedure made to cure you of your BB, or your BB causing issue.*

I hope you can post here and lead the rest of us toward a possible conclusion to our own BB nightmare.

Thanks guys, and enjoy the natural state of being human once again!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:02 pm
by halitosisux
My story is stupid beyond belief, but I'll detail it and hope in some way it may help further the whole understanding for anyone who cares to read it.

(1) Type-1 BB only. Very strong tongue odour and fecal taste in the mouth. Mouth felt like it was rotting flesh, it felt hot and like I was eating SHIT. This would abate temporarily while eating foods or drinking spirits. Tonsils (while they were still present) produced discharge and stones. PND from allergic rhinitis and deviated nasal septum. Asthma. Unexplained stomach ulcer symptoms, probably caused by stress and smoking - H.Pylori negative. Endoscopy revealed no issues. Tonsillectomy - only stopped production of stones and some of the skanky feeling in throat.

(2) Eventual self-discovery of foul discharge from the gum surrounding an impacted wisdom tooth.

(3) Removal of the tooth resulted in 90% reduction of overall tongue odour. Bad breath confirmed by trusted person before removal. The same person confirmed there was no more bad breath after the extraction. Still suffer from intense fear and a degree of halitophobia, based on my mind being unable to stop focusing on whatever feeling and taste is in my mouth. Currenly trying things out, with zinc etc, just to see what's possible with tongue coatings etc and prevention of the small amounts of odour I sometimes experience at the back of my tongue - probably due to PND. I think I need a brain transplant.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:59 pm
by halitosisux
Any replies to my above post, please go here:-

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:51 pm
by mike987
Thanks for posting halitosissux. This information looks to be very helpful for those with Wisdom teeth still intact.

I know the people cured don't browse as often anymore.. Maybe not at all. I'd hope to catch them here though. I could have sworn I saw at least 3 people lately posting about their cures. H.pylori elimination.. Wisdom Tooth Extraction.. Complicated routines.. etc.

I know you're out there. Please post. Seeing people beat this thing is the only thing that keeps me going.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:18 pm
by halitosisux
I guess many have felt they've explained their story, and that was enough. And now they're gone.

I'd like to see an entire section devoted to things that have been proven to work.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:49 pm
by aues
Well there's no reason to write my story down again.