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can someone please look at my x ray

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can someone please look at my x ray

Post by time4change »

hey is it ok if someone could have a look at my xray and give their opinion of my teeth and any possible problems??

all 4 wisdom teeth are still under the gums, am due to get bottom two out in next few months and am going to try to persuade him to remove top wisdom teeth too but its not a gurantee. I have quite a few fillings sorry i didnt used to brush my teeth lots when i was younger


hope this works

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Post by halitosisux »

Look carefully at the black line that goes all the way around the crowns of both bottom wisdom teeth.

That's all area where gum is just sitting against the enamel of those two teeth. It's unable to seal and adhere like the root part of the rest of your other teeth and even the roots of your bottom wisdom teeth. It's also happening to your top wisdoms. And look at how close those roots are to your sinuses. Bacteria and oral debris are getting in these unsealed areas, guaranteed. But can that cause bad breath? A dentist would probably say no. I would say it's a very good possibility that it can if any stench is constantly oozing out of there.

I don't want to raise your hopes, because I still have 1 lower wisdom tooth that looks identical to yours and it's not causing any bad breath (or maybe it is slightly and I'm just being lied to as I still get some tongue odour if unless I follow a certain routine).

But you should definitely have all four removed. Even if they aren't causing any problems now, they could well do in the future. The pressure on those impacting teeth can cause decay of adjacent teeth.

Even where I've had my upper wisdoms removed, there still isn't enough room! the next molars along are always digging into my cheeks. I can always taste blood and soreness with my tongue in that area.
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Post by time4change »

Thanks so much for your response halitosisux, I was thinking the same thing in terms of sinuses, and i get constant pnd, which doesnt taste pleasant.

I have read on here quite a bit about bacteria getting around wisdom teeth, but wrongly assumed that would only happen with a partially erupted tooth as the gum seal would then be broken. But I think youre right that the gum between the bottom wisdom teeth and molars is thin, its a possibility that bacteria can get in there.

Just thinking about wisdom teeth makes my mouth hurt, its like i can feel them pushing all my teeth out of place, and my jaw hurts, could be in my head though.

Im sure youve mentioned it before but do you not think about removing the last tooth just to rule it out?
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Post by halitosisux »

You're welcome. Yes, it's that thin bit of gum that can be quite deceptive. Looking into the mouth it can look quite normal, but you can see clearly from your xray how thin that gum is. Not only is it allowing germs to get around the crown of the bottom wisdoms, but it's also allowing germs to get deep down along the root of the adjacent molars. Not a good thing in the long term. I know what you mean about the feeling of pressure, my teeth are all crooked along the bottom. I guess that's helped to relieve some of the pressure. Yours look fairly aligned, so I can imagine how much pressure there must be.

I'm on a hospital waiting list to have that last remaining tooth out, but I'm not in a position at the moment to be going into hospital for non-essential things. That sounds crazy I know, but I have a person I'm responsible for at the moment, so I'm having to wait for the time being. It's my choice to do that, so I could reconsider this decision. It'll be good to know how you get on when you have yours extracted.
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Post by time4change »

Just an update, went to my nhs hospital and they have refused to an extraction. They've cancelled my scheduled removal and he says there's no reason to take them out. I told him I have sore gums at the back and food keeps getting in, he said there's no way this can happen, and that I clearly don't know how to brush my teeth.

I'm absolutely heartbroken, I really thought this was gonna be a major step in eliminating bb, I feel so stupid. I'm going to go back to my dentist to be referred again, hopefully to get a second opinion, although he is also getting fed up with me visiting him.

Does anyone know exactly what symptoms give them good reason to remove wisdom teeth? I said I had a lot of toothache, he brushed it off as saying I clench my jaw too much. Next time I need to say the right things
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Post by halitosisux »

Sorry to hear about that. If it wasn't for BB you probably wouldn't be thinking of taking them out either. That's how they're seeing it too.

My bottom wisdom tooth that I had removed, on a couple of occasions, became deeply infected. The pain was unbearable. I could hardly move my jaw to open my mouth, I couldn't talk. But it cleared by itself within a week or so. If you're absolutely desperate, you could go down that route. I don't think they'd refuse to remove them if you make a few complaints like that. It's a bit like tonsillectomy and the need to have so many cases of tonsillitis each year before they'll consider their removal.
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