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Someone please help me, im so depressed ):

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:52 pm
by Badbreathscuk
I have got halitosis for about a year, im now 20.
I have good teeth and already taken wisdom teeth out.
Last week i went to the ENT, he checked my Xray of the sinuses and it was normal.
I dont have any problem about my GI tract except gastritis for only 2 times since i was born so i dont think that's the reason.

My BB will appear after i brush my teeth about half an hour.

***** When i use my finger to swab at the back of my tongue, the saliva smells really bad and it's the same smell with my BB. But the saliva aroud the tip of my tongue is OK.
And when i swallow saliva, it feels like some kind of mucous and tastes a little bit strange.

I am so depressed because i cant talk to anybody face to face .. Anyone please help me
Thanks a lot..

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:00 pm
by Born To Suffer
go take out your tonsils, I had a similar problem. Although I'm not cured yet, it's good that I took them out turns out I had a serious infection. Very sour taste right? sometimes it smells like fart?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:24 pm
by Badbreathscuk
ENT said that my tonsil looks fine. He couldn't see any tonsil stones and i have never had tonsillitis, too.
I think that the strange sour test comes from my saliva.
And again.. My saliva around the back portion of my tongue smells disgusting all the time ):

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:32 pm
by Born To Suffer
ENT said my tonsils were okay. I don't suffer from tonsillitis. Only after tonsillectomy did they find out that I have a severe bacterial infection.
Anyway's our situation sounds the same, my bb worsens due to the sour taste.
I'll keep you updated on my progress, I'll probably see results in a month, if tonsillectomy doesn't cure me, then I won't suggest you do it.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:46 pm
by HopefulOne
Have you been tested for H Pylori? If not, get tested.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:16 pm
by Mm123
Hi.. i am also a sufferer here i am sorry to here that your depressed we're ALL depresed here with this condition BAD BEATH! ..

with me..when i actually swallow down my saliva something like a weird smell comes up from my throat.. i dunno how. r

and u know i try to cover my bad breath with chewing gum (mint) and after a long time when i swallow the saliva being produced... i get this smell from the throat..

i think it's quite similar to your symptoms... also when i checked my throat by sticking my tongue out.. i saw like a white bits around bottom of the tonsils and between the 'Eustachian tube' or yellow i dunno what it is really ......any suggestions? :/

p;s i haven't removed any wisdom teeth yet and i am going to ENT next month (hope everything goes ok)! and if they say nothing if wrong with my Ear Nose Throat then i would highly suspect it is coming from my stomach or wisdom teeth...

anyways good luck guys! :D dun worry

~ Being patience is where you get the reward at the end ~

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:31 pm
by MrChips
The only way to make yourself feel better and more confident is to keep researching and trying out different thing to try to get the cure.
Iv had a tonsillectomy. Had my wisdoms removed. Been checked for H Pylori which came back 'negative'. Next im gonna do a food allergy test. Then go to doctors and get tested for TMAU. And then i will see an ENT specialist to get my sinuses checked. Keep trying different things, this will make you feel more happier ;)

Hydrogen peroxide

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:45 pm
by Badbreathscuk
Hi everyone, i have some updates to tell you.
Today i tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide, at first my tongue turned white but it could be easily washed away. And now (3hours have passed) i can only feel weak smell from my breath and saliva. Actually my saliva would smell like shit now without hydrogen peroxide.

So i guess that my BB problem is caused by bacteria on my deep part of tongue. I will try hydrogen peroxide tomorrow again and see what will happen after i eat some foods

I will keep updating (:

14 yrs of pure hell

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:52 am
by tiredofcrying
I'm so tired of living with my bb. 14 yrs and counting. I'm a nurse and I want to quit my job so bad because it is breaking my heart to hear ppl's inside jokes when they think I don't know their talking about me. But I can't quit because I have to provide for my children. I just wish I would get cancer or get in a car wreck and die sometimes. Anything would be better than living the rest of your life like this. I know that one day my own children will tell me how bad my breath smells and I know its really going to hurt me because I know there is no cure for me. Just been really depressed since Friday when I overheard my co-workers making inside jokes about my breath. I hate working and going outside of my house. I have had patients with bb and I would never make comments or make them feel uncomfortable because I know it had nothing to do with just brushing your teeth better. The cause is so much more deeper than that.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:46 am
by Born To Suffer
Hey there, tiredofcrying, don't go bashing yourself. Don't say things like dying and cancer, you still have kids to support for. Trust me there are cures for everything you just have to find it. Now have you checked your wisdoms/tonsils? I feel like I have to repeat this over and over, but I believe that most of us suffer from wisdom impaction/ infection of tonsils. Just get those taken out before trying meds.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:33 pm
by tiredofcrying
yes i had my wisdom teeth out when I was 20 and it was within a year after that when I got my bb. I had my tonsils taken out back in 2009. I do have Gerds so I'm going to the dr at the end of this month and asking for a referral to the gastro dr so I can ask about being tested for h pylori. I watched a video on you tube last night about the british woman with TMAU. I wonder if I could be suffering from that and how do I go about getting a test for that? Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated. I know that I really don't want to die but it just makes me so depressed when the drs make inside jokes about me to my coworkers, they think its a simple fix like brushing better but its not. It makes it so hard for me to work day to day like this. ENT said I didn't have any adenoids when he took my tonsils out.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:22 pm
by halitosisux
tiredofcrying what country do you live in?

What things have you ruled out so far?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:27 pm
by Born To Suffer
@tiredofcrying, whoops sorry I'm still at the stage where I'm recovering from tonsillectomy, so I'm as lost as you.
The only step I can recommend right now is that you change your diet, stop eating processed food and less meat. More fresh veggies and fruits.

People with TMAU suffer from a "fishy" odour, I think I may have that as well because when I stick my tongue out and breath it has a slight distinct fishy smell. Unfortunately for TMAU sufferers there ISN'T A CURE. It can be controlled with diet and pills, but this is a very hard and difficult road.

Before assuming it's TMAU, try get tested for h. pylori.

Screw the world, those ignorant people are stupid so just ignore them. The main reason why we suffer so is because there is a problem in our body that we to need to resolve. Remember God gave you this obstacle because He knows only you are strong enough to endure it.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:04 am
by tiredofcrying
I live in the US in the state of Indiana. I think I am going to start eating just fresh veggies and fruits and eliminate all dairy products.

It was 1999 or 2000, I can remember sitting at work at the time I was in customer service and I was at the front window taking payments. My mouth just felt different that day, my mouth was very dry and I could feel like I had something on my tongue. So I went to the bathroom and sure enough I saw a white coating at the very back of my tongue. So I started brushing my tongue and scraping but it didn't help. So I just dealt with it and I starting getting the reactions from ppl when I would talk they would cover their mouths and noses. Then my nephew told me my breath stinks so I know its really does. My husband swears he can't smell anything but I think he is lying, because he knows how depressed it makes me.

Then in 2002 I had sinus surgery and they fixed my deviated septum too. That didn't help any. I've asked my family dr if she smells anything and she said no, and I have asked 2 different dentist and they both deny smelling any bad odor from my mouth. So in 2009 I had my tonsils removed after the healing I did feel a little fresher for a week or so but then the bb can back. So now I'm going to see if the dr will send me to the gastro dr to rule out h pylori. I know I have bad breath because one day I was in the store and I had to ask the clerk a question and he backed up 15 plus feet away from me and the look on his face said it all plus I have had a few ex coworkers from different employments make comments behind my back or leave mints or gum on my desk. I hope its not TMAU i don't think I have a fishy smell. I think mine smells more like poo or rotten eggs. The cashier at the BMV told the girl next to him that he smelled rotten eggs and they started laughing at me. And the thing about him is he was gay how would he like if someone harassed him about being gay. I had never cried so hard before that day because they didn't try to hide their comments and laughed about it right in my face. But if it is TMAU then at least I will know whats causing it and can try to change me diet and take some supplements to make it a little more manageable. If it is h pylori has anyone really been cured from bb after treatment because I was researching and some ppl said they were cured and others said the bb came back after they ended their antibiotic treatment.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:18 am
by Born To Suffer
@tiredofcrying, hey girl there is hope near you. If you don't have fishy smell, you may not have TMAU. People with TMAU basically have no hope because it can never be eliminated, even controlled properly people still stink as hell.
I've read many stories of people curing h.pylori by taking a two week triple therapy course.

Remember people who make fun of others are weak and shallow.

Here is a person recently cured.
