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My BB is gone.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:05 am
by vuyo1
It is my first time on here but I want to share my own story in the hopes it may help someone else.

When I first discovered that I was suffering from BB(mainly by noticing people weaving and bobbing their heads when talking to me) I immediately rushed to see a dentist.The dentist, in turn, immediately diagnosed gum disease.This really was the beginning of a roller-coaster ride with dentists, doctors, ENTs and ultimately, voodoo medicine.

So the dentist started me on course of gum disease damage-limitation, because there is no cure for the disease itself. I remember hearing words like "scaling and root planing" being mentioned as being part of the process.She warned me it would take a few months to a few years to get back to "normal", but I was not worried about that, just being glad that someone was taking care of my problem.

After a year of patiently waiting for results I became restless, something at the back of my mind told me there was something more to the problem because it seemed like the BB was just as strong as it had ever been.
I started researching on the subject and soon learnt about tonsil stones. Sure enough, when I examined my tonsils, I discovered these yellow-colored growths on them. And when I ran my finger over them(as per suggestion by someone), and then held my finger to my nose, I almost passed out. Such was the stench!!

I visited my doctor who promptly told me she does NOT SEE ANYTHING wrong with my tonsils!! But she quickly offered to refer me to an ENT.I refused to be referred to HER ENT doctor friend. I looked for my own. When I went to see him, the first thing he told me was that, yes, the smell was coming from my tonsils and then he said he could help me by reducing the size of my tonsils in a process called "ablation".I went along with it. A month after the procedure and with my mouth having been healed, I saw the same yellow-cheese re-building around what was left of my tonsils.I was deflated!

I then decided to try non-traditional stuff. I will list just some of the dozens of "cures" I have tried:

gargling with grape fruit seed extract
therabreaths in all their variations.
gargling with warm salt/soda/hydrogen peroxide
chewing parsley leaves
sonic toothbrush
oral irrigator
chewing cloves
Indian herb called "neem"

All of the above failed.
Then, a couple of months ago, I felt a sudden craving for kids' cereal, "cocoa puffs". I bought myself a box and ate them just once, with milk of course. I must explain that I don't drink milk because it makes my stomach run. As expect, my bowel loosened, and I had to get a bathroom break real quick. But, happily, that was the beginning of my cure. After I had finished my business, I felt a strange sensation of "balance" or contentment as if I just got rid of something I had been carrying for the longest time. I immediately felt my breath getting lighter. Next morning, I ran my finger over my tonsils as per my ritual but this particular morning there was NOTHING!! No stench whatsoever!

It's been 2 months and people aren't ducking and diving anymore.
I don't know what my problem was but I know this; it was something within my intestines.

I thought I would share and maybe it might help someone else. I still eat cocoa puffs with milk and the milk still makes me run but I figure that's part of the healing process. I figure maybe my bowel movement wasn't frequent enough, I don't know.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:50 am
by my3rdmolars
How much cocoa puffs did you eat in a day?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:30 am
by Born To Suffer
So you basically took a crap and you cured bb. wow. amazing.
btw it seems that you are lactose intolerant.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:50 pm
by mike987
I busted out laughing when you got to 'Cocoa Puffs' ..

Are you kidding? A chocolate cereal saves you from your BB? What if you stop eating it?

What is in cocoa puffs that you think could be saving you from BB?

BTW, what kind of BB do you have? You can get rid of tonsil stones with a full tonsil removal.. I've got fart breath that from what I can tell, smells very UNLIKE tonsil stones, so I tend to think the stink wasn't coming from the tonsils, though there could have been a connection, though bad breath remains even without tonsil mouth.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:45 pm
by vuyo1
I apologize to everyone if I made it sound like the "cocoa pufs" cured my BB. That is MOST DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE. However the "cocoa puffs" led me to drink milk which I rarely do.Drinking milk gives me diarrhea and it is the diarrhea, I think, that washed away whatever was inside of me.So the take-away from this is that sometimes the BB is a result of bad "stuff" inside of us and it is worth looking at cleansers and detoxers instead of rushing to remove body parts that may just be doing their job as nature intended them to.I know for a fact that tonsils play a role as a defense mechanism against germs and, in my case, I have had them taken out for no reason!!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:32 pm
by Born To Suffer
Um.. I think that tonsillectomy saved you.
Did you reduce the size of your tonsils or did you completely remove them?
If the smell is indeed coming from your tonsils, no amount of detox can clean out the smell. I've been on a lot of forums prior to the surgery, with most people unable to completely clean the tonsil because there are stones well hidden.
Anyway's taking a BM everyday is important. Also I'd suggest you don't drink milk because it seems that your body is unable to digest it well, might as well be drinking laxative.
Rely on fibrous food to get things moving.

"yellow-cheese" lol, it's actually a scab, happens to everyone. It did fade away eventually right?