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The BIG Question?

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The BIG Question?

Post by Shit4Breath »

Ok, it is alot of intelligent researches and theorist on this forum so I would love to see who can crack this.

Why is it that bb gets worse in those who try to fix it versus those who don't?

I maybe uniquely qualified to ask this question because I have an uncle (not blood) in my family who had bad breath from the time my aunt meet and married. My whole family would avoid talking to him at family gatherings but he would seek us out talking loud and boisterous as if he didn't know. His breath was foul but only when he talked and even then it didn't fill rooms. Point is he has suffered from bb from as long as I knew him and it has remained the same. Even though he is ofcourse alot older and have had bb way longer than me. I have WAYYY surpassed him.

In the beginning, when I found out I had an inkling of bad breath I quickly tried different regimens to control it. At that time my breath was only smelly after eating certain foods.

Then it got to the point it was stink all the time even without eating those certain foods but gum always helped. However, this is the point I started taking different products and using specialized mouthwashes like Profresh. Because even though bb got better with gum I knew it was not normal to have constant bb.

Then it got to the point my breath was stank all the time even WITH gum, but you can only smell it up close. I thought this was the worse it could get so then I amped the protocols and everything up. I did diets, fasts, and cleanses THISSS is when my bb got HORRIBLY room filling even with my mouth closed. BTW, please stay away from the master cleanse I feel like that plus the hydrogen peroxide is what caused me to go room filling.

I wish I would have just let it go at the beginning stages and settled for my mildly chronic bb. My aunt has been married to my uncle twenty years now and his breath has remained the same or even better I would say after all these years. This girl I use to know back in school days had horrible breath, so much so she use to get made fun of about it. I've seen her several times later as adults before my suffering and never smelled a whiff of bb on her. If you know this girl like I do you would know she didn't do anything outrageous to control her bb either.

If you all look back at your progression of bb you all we see some of the same connections I've outlined in my bb journey. I even think the actually smell of my bb has gotten worse. Before my bb would have a hot, sour smell especially after eating dairy. Then I believe it went from sour TO shit TO hot rotted shit & garbage. Haaa, Knowing sometimes is a gift and a curse. What theories do you all have that could explain our bb getting progressively worse after TRYING to make it better???

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Post by Born To Suffer »

If you know this girl like I do you would know she didn't do anything outrageous to control her bb either.
She lied to you.
For some people bb is really easy, remove the culprit and the bacteria just dies away.
For some just by removing tonsils/wisdoms, and BAM just like that, no more bb.
For some taking drugs to cure h. pylori and BAM no more bb.

As for your friend, I believe she removed something that was causing her bb, maybe tonsils or wisdoms.
I had an uncle who had bb, whenever he drools on the pillow it stinks really bad, then one day, outta nowhere he starts talking to me and I DIDN'T SMELL A THING. I on the other hand suffer from bb, and he rubs his nose and coughs around me, like wtf? You use to suffer from bb and now you make fun others when you are cured, needless to say I don't need people like him in my life. There are people who have cured bb and won't tell you what they did, maybe they are embarrassed to bring it up? or secretly want you to suffer. Well whatever. I figured out his secret, I remember he came back from a trip overseas with a puffy face, and that was around the time when he didn't have bb. Then it hit me, he had surgery, whether it was tonsils or wisdoms, is unknown.
Point is, people have to change something in order to change the chemistry of their body. BB doesn't just go away, and this uncle is like 60 years old, probably suffered for a long long time.

Oops I digress, okay back to the topic of your subject.
This is based on nothing by theories and a wild imagination. I did not go to medical school so forgive me for my lack of intelligence.

What happens is that most of the time the bacteria in your body is under control, however sometimes it's bacteria overload, and the toxins itself releases a nasty smell. That is a sign that something is wrong with your body. A healthy body doesn't smell.
Now when you go on a cleanse, the antibiotics/herbal stuff has to penetrate the walls of the "good bacteria" to get to the "bad bacteria". Now do you really think that the bad bacteria will just go away quietly?
If you have a weak immune system, it's easy for them to spread around finding other places to hide, by this time you'd have done more damage, because now you don't have a damn clue as to where the bacteria is hiding. The bacteria just multiplies and multiplies.
On the other hand if you have strong immune system, it could stop the bacteria from moving to other places.
The reason why your body worsens during the cleanse is because the bacteria is putting up a fight, it wants to stay in your body, it's something alive. As you continue with the cleanse, the bacteria and stink should decrease.
If the bacteria is winning the war, it means that your immune system/ antibiotics/ herbs aren't really working against it. It's growing resistance against it.
Also lets not forget if you have a weak body, doing a cleanse weakens your body further, allowing toxins to easily penetrate other parts of the body.

If you can't digest diary, it means your body is lacking the tools to break down the compounds. Do you also break out in zits when eating diary?

Diet plays a very important role, eat the right things and it feeds the good bacteria, eat the wrong things and it feeds the bad bacteria.
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Post by halitosisux »

Could simply be that whatever you've done so far has not touched on whatever is at the root cause of your BB, and in that time your BB may have had the chance to progressively worsen, particularly if there's disease involved or there's a systemic cause behind it, which it would have done anyway.

And, some people might have BB which never worsens because the situation is self-limiting and contained, and perhaps have a minor cause behind it.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Thanks for the theories you guys! I was thinking somewhere on the lines of born2suffer theory. I feel as though if I would have left my bb alone in the beginning stages it would not have gotten this bad. Along with B2S, I believe the bacteria may have some how grown resistance and mutated to the harsh cleanses. I believe the cleanses got rid of my good bacteria also which caused the bad to over grow. Either way I wish I would have left this thing alone and settled for my "normal" bb. Any other theories out there?

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Hi Stankie, I'm open to other theories. I think being closed minded is a sure way to end up nowhere in efforts to get rid of this thing. Personally, I've tried it all candida diets, luferunon, antifungals, antiparastic supplements and tinctures. Even went the toxic route and took Zeotrex heavy metal cleanse, bentonite, Destroxin, as well as detox cleanses. For some reason I'm always brought back to bacteria being the culprit. But honestly I'm lost, it's like trying to find your way in the dark.
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Post by deebo »

Stankie wrote:I don't know if bacteria is mentioned so much simply because of it being easy to type, or if you are actually limiting your scope of treatment to bacteria, which is a big omission, IMO.

Living a life as a fungal magnet has taught me to fear fungi much more than bacteria. Then of course viruses and various forms of parasites.
Yes sir Stankie , think i saw your earlier Wired post . heres a relevant 1 I think a faulty system is open to fungal and bacterial overgrowth alike .

Reversing the question : "Does bb not get worse if you don't mess with it ?" I've heard a trusted researcher say "some people aren't that bad" who has met lots of us with bb/bo . Knowing that stress/anxiety makes stuff worse . Maybe persons like your Uncle or your school friend have the mental tools to not stress over it . Therefore not try a long , desperate list of measures and potions to do even more damage .

Some sufferers have tried a grocery list of things in efforts to cure bb, often with only anecdotal theory to go on . Maybe it was gonna get worse any way ,but maybe these substances made it worse Faster .(?) For me , this clearly happened when I went raw for 7 months then stopped. Just as you say , I needed to be close to people to get reactions and had to speak while raw . The day I went off fruitarian , I recall 3 black girls scoffing ,commenting and taking the stairs to avoid getting in the elevator with me . They smelled me from over 20 feet way ! 8-[ I've heard from raw foodist say that going raw allows the protective gut lining to become thinner so you can absorb more nutrients . Cleanses claim to do the same . Now for some of us ,this makes us absorb more of the stuff that causes bb .
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Post by ruch »

it might have to do with 2 things:

1. because you are worried about it, and try diffrent things, you are more conscious of it. it may have been bad before too but you were not as conscious of it. i know for myself, i am more obsessive about it now than i was when i was younger. i also realized i can usually smell my own breath by using a technique in which i breathe while jutting out my lower lip and inhaling quickly through my nose. i think it is more of an accurate assessment of the state of my breath than cupping my mouth and nose with my hand and breathing into it, or doing the wrist lick test.. so i think maybe i can just smell it more now and i couldn't before. it might not necessarily be worse, but you just think it is worse cuz you notice it more now.

2. all of these methods has been causing more resistant strains of bb (even if not antibiotics). many of us here use a method and find it works for a very short time period (maybe a day, maybe even a few days or weeks) and then we find the bb comes back, sometimes worse than it was before. i wonder if this means the bacteria learned to fight whatever it was we introduced and then learned to be stronger. :(
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