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Permanently Cured?.......Yeah Right!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Permanently Cured?.......Yeah Right!

Post by Shit4Breath »

Sorry about the cynical title but I'm just in a funk today, literally. I really believe that all of these so called "Finally Cured" post are ppl who either A) have had temporary relief due to a placebo effect OR B) have no idea how stinky they are because they have to rely on mix messages. Hate to sound so negative. Do I believe there is a cure out there for us? Yes! Do I think it has been discovered or mentioned on this site? Not yet.The diets and non-dairy/gluten/carbs we decide to do I believe only makes our mouth itself feel fresher and more tolerable to taste, while who knows what smell is still spewing out. God help us! I have no idea what to do anymore. ](*,)


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Stankie, This post was not directed at you or any one member in particular. I'm not even sure what your cure was, maybe I missed it. I will go back and look.

My post was just a rant because I have tried nearly every so called remedy and cure on this site with no relief.

I think anyone who suffers from any ailment especially a socially and emotionally crippling ailment like this would have issues. We are constantly reminded by society how bad we stink and how we should have never ever left the house let alone be in public with such an offending presence.

I think the majority of us on this site are beyond oral causes of bb. If we've hung around this long it is because we have tried everything orally and likewise possible to get rid of this nightmare.

Around the Holiday season is toughest for me with this. I used to get so excited around the Holiday times, I was a Christmas spirit type of person. Even voluteered at the Salvation Army one year raising money standing in front of K-mart ringing my bell for donations. I missed those times! Coming and going. Being infront of anyone and everyone without a care in the world.

Wish cannabis cards were legal in my state!

Edit: Just read one of your post and I agree with you on keeping our tonsils. They are an important part of our bodies natural defense system in helping create white cells to fight invaders. I will never have mine removed, God made us with them for a reason.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

If your smell isn't oral, have you tried going to a gastroenterologist for a check up?
Get a prescription from a real doctor, and don't buy drugs online/otc

Oh I found an old thread you created.
Tell Me What You Think.....

If you have a bad smell in your nose, the only thing I would suggest is a visit to the ENT, and do a CAT scan/ endoscopy.
An infection near the nasal area can CAUSE BB, it leaks down into your mouth, or the smell can leak through your nose. You may have to do surgery to remove the bacteria. The moment you kill the source of infection, bb will eventually go away. If the infection is indeed in your nose, no amount of antibiotics can reach it.
Just go to an ENT, what do you have to lose?

Just that that checked out before moving down the body. One step at a time.
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Post by HopefulOne »

I know how you feel but TRUST ME I have been BB free for over three weeks now. I suffered for over 30 years of stink....PEOPLE TOLD ME I had BB plus I could taste it and see it on my tongue. Supplements will not work until you get to the root cause of your bacteria whether it's tonsils, wisdom teeth, h pylori, etc. Mine was H Pylori. My intestines have been infected with this bacteria for years so a few days of antibiotics and many supplements only gave me partial temporary relief. After 10 days of quadruple therapy my breath is normal.

Of course I am using supplements now to make sure the bug doesn't return, because h pylori can definitely come back. Please go to the doctor and find out the CAUSE and treat it. Don't waste YEARS like I did. I went out to a bar yesterday to watch football and I was crammed in a booth with many people. I felt confident enough to talk freely in their faces!!!!!
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Post by FedUp »

"Anything is hard to find when you will not open your eyes" Morrissey

What have you tried so far to cure yourself?

Do you produce tonsil stones? have you had any sinus scans?

There's no point in giving up although that feeling is there in the back of all our minds at times I'm sure.
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Feel your pain buddy but it's time to get serious. Start by removing your tonsils. That would be a major culprit and you will never know if your breath is curable as long as those things are still there.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

Start by removing your tonsils
Removing tonsils won't really cure pnd. Best to get the nose examined.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
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