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My family is lying!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:08 am
by echodelta
I think I'm being lied to by everyone I know. My breath clearly smells like S&$%. However, I ask my mom, brother, sister, I even asked my brother's girlfriend to smell my breath tonight and she said she didn't smell anything. I think they are all lying to my face.

I started a new job this week and I'm in training. People are not talking to me and they cover or rub their noses when I speak. Today, I had a whole row of people scoot themselves from the table so they wouldn't have to smell my breath. How embarrassing? I wanted to die!!!! in the hell can they not smell my breath? They's in your imagination. You are imagining things!!!! They don't move their heads when they talk to me so I feel comfortable around my family and I know they love me. But I know they are f^%#&^@ lying to me. I say to are not telling me the truth. They say...why would we lie to you? That's what the hell I want to know!!!!

Why can't they just tell me the damn truth? Lying to me is making things worse. Because I ask them before I go anywhere...."does my breath smell?" I always get a no. But I go out and not 30 mins later I have people reacting to my breath.

What a bunch of b*#&^@*#$?

I just had to vent....I'm at my breaking point and I'm starting to cry myself to sleep again. I'm starting to feel like I cannot talk to my family which I never thought would happen. It just breaks my heart. I just needed to get things off my chest! Thanx!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:01 am
by neverstop
They may not smell anything at all. My family said the same thing to me even though they keep complaining that my Dad's breath stinks.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:48 am
by DanielPine
My family do the same, and so do 90% of peoples family on this forum, But we have to remember that if 90% of our families do this it must be a pretty natural reaction. So I dont think we should be mad at them if its so normal. Its like getting mad at them for wanting to eat food if you get what I mean

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:44 pm
by needcurefast
I agree with Daniel, Everyone families do that, basically you can't ask your family. Ask someone who can keep it real and don't give a ***k.

Echodelta, I truly feel ya about how embarrassed you be. Its scary man. I remember working at a restaurant and everyone was talking about me and they didn't care I hear it. I know I really can't get mad at them its not their fault. Though I do feel like punching their face in. Just keep hope and try different things. When I cure mine I'm thinking about moving faraway from my hometown because I don't want to be known for this curse. Goodluck finding your cure.

Re: My family is lying!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:51 pm
by hopelessone
echodelta wrote:I think I'm being lied to by everyone I know. My breath clearly smells like S&$%. However, I ask my mom, brother, sister, I even asked my brother's girlfriend to smell my breath tonight and she said she didn't smell anything. I think they are all lying to my face.

I started a new job this week and I'm in training. People are not talking to me and they cover or rub their noses when I speak. Today, I had a whole row of people scoot themselves from the table so they wouldn't have to smell my breath. How embarrassing? I wanted to die!!!! in the hell can they not smell my breath? They's in your imagination. You are imagining things!!!! They don't move their heads when they talk to me so I feel comfortable around my family and I know they love me. But I know they are f^%#&^@ lying to me. I say to are not telling me the truth. They say...why would we lie to you? That's what the hell I want to know!!!!

Why can't they just tell me the damn truth? Lying to me is making things worse. Because I ask them before I go anywhere...."does my breath smell?" I always get a no. But I go out and not 30 mins later I have people reacting to my breath.

What a bunch of b*#&^@*#$?

I just had to vent....I'm at my breaking point and I'm starting to cry myself to sleep again. I'm starting to feel like I cannot talk to my family which I never thought would happen. It just breaks my heart. I just needed to get things off my chest! Thanx!
My family says the same thing, yet there are reactions, and even the gag-cough at times, yet, when asked, 'Nooooo your breath doesn't stink.' It's not helpful and only makes the situation worse.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:50 pm
by hopelessone
i just talked to my daughter. She thinks it's mental health issues. She says she has never smelled my breath. Ok. Yeah, that helps.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:19 pm
by bbshiat
yeah don´t trust em

my parents and brothers are lying too.. and some stupid doctors :evil:

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:47 am
by echodelta
bbshiat wrote:yeah don´t trust em

my parents and brothers are lying too.. and some stupid doctors :evil:
Yeah....I went to the doctor today and he said he didn't smell anything. I don't know who or what to believe. I doubt I'm seeing things that aren't there. I doubt it!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:41 pm
by bbshiat
i have "some friends" making jokes about my badnosebreath, so u should ask your friends

day 3 on lactoferrin.. nothing happens 54 for pills to go..

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:33 am
by HigherThoughts
Yea I don't understand why is this the automatic reaction for people around us? I understand strangers or people we don't know well might lie to us if we ask them.

My family is the same way and I really don't understand them. They had no problem being honest with me in the past. Like when I had a "normal" spouts of bad breath in the past my sister would have no problem telling me I stink. Now with this problem it must be extremely bad or something because she adamantly denies it even though she has slight reactions.

If my family had no reactions at all then I would believe that they don't smell it. That's not the case though. They lie directly to my face and call me crazy. Tell me its in my head. Put me down about it. Then every single day I'm around my dad he rubs and touches his nose nonstop. I know people rub their nose, but not like 20 times a minute. Then my mom, as much as she loves me she still can't control her facial expression. When she thinks I don't see I catch glimpses of an expression that shows slight disgust. Along with my sister constantly rubbing her nose too, but my sister has the least reactions among everyone.

I try to understand what goes on in their heads, but I just can't understand it. Just thinking about it pisses me off so I've been just trying to shrug it off. The thing is they don't even care about this. To them its no big deal and think I should go on living like this like nothing is wrong. That really hurts me because it's a BIG DEAL to me. It's a big deal to every single one of us who has to live with it. The way everyone else treats it like it doesn't matter just infuriates me.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:57 am
by DanielPine