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Could any body explain this please

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:54 am
by daan
I think I have kind of Type 1 bad breath for more than 10 years (I have no stomach problems, no PND, no tonsils stones or sinus problems). My bad breath I realize come from my throat and tongue (but no heavy tongue coating if not say it is quite normal).

But there is one thing that I could not explain is that when I get flu like sore throat, have PND, mucus or then fever, my bb disappear during this time. Or when I am on antibiotics, my bb also disappear during the course.

I do not know why it is. Could you please help me to explain on this mechanism? so that I could rule out something toward my solution.

One more thing, I usually have a jelly-like white substance along my cheek and gum after I brush my teeth. Maybe it is candida also?

Thank you,

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:55 pm
by halitosisux
The white stuff might be an allergic reaction to your toothpaste.

When you have a cold, your sense of smell and taste becomes less effective, so it may be for that reason?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:01 am
by daan
halitosisux wrote:The white stuff might be an allergic reaction to your toothpaste.

When you have a cold, your sense of smell and taste becomes less effective, so it may be for that reason?
No, I'm sure that it is not because of my sense of smell. I just think if it is because of the counteration of the bacteria from the cold, they might suppress the halitosis bacteria? Or the trigger of my immune system to defense the cold just have impact on bad breath bacteria - so Do I have a weak immune system? and why it could not activate in normal circumstance when I do not have flu?
I have read and see that some people here also experience the same, and still no clue...

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:03 am
by halitosisux
You may well be right, but it also depends on how you determine your bad breath levels.

According to Dr. Aydinmur, it's impossible to self-determine the state of our own breath. Only by means of feedback from trusted persons or those who are skilled in using diagnostic equipment.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:32 am
by daan
halitosisux wrote:You may well be right, but it also depends on how you determine your bad breath levels.

According to Dr. Aydinmur, it's impossible to self-determine the state of our own breath. Only by means of feedback from trusted persons or those who are skilled in using diagnostic equipment.
What do you mean it depends on the bb levels, Hali
My bb is not kind of room filling, it only get trouble in close contact and I just could not talk to people face as people always cover their noses.
When I got cold or on antibiotics, I could even talk loudly into people face, my mouth feels cleaner and the lick tests show no to faint ordour compared to stink ordour normally.
I think I should work on my immune system.
And if anyone here has the same situation, please share your ideas for our better understanding :(

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:57 am
by halitosisux
According to Dr. Aydinmur, we cannot reliably determine for ourselves whether or not we have bad breath.
Not only is this because our senses and psychology become habituated and completely unreliable, but because even odours which we think we can smell are usually very concentrated odours which may not even be the type that is detectable to others on our breath.

That's why most of the time, people who actually DO have bad breath don't even know about it.

Bad taste in the mouth does not mean a person has bad breath - although sometimes if a person really does have bad breath, there will be a correlation. Most of us think that the lick-test or putting our fingers down the back of our tongue tells us about our breath, but that's not reliable either because what may smell bad on our finger does not mean that the odour has anything to do with the kind of volatile odour that can cause bad breath, although, again, if a person truly does have bad breath there will usually be a correlation between this and increased odours on the back of the tongue.

There has to be a correlation between what we think we know and what others can reliably tell us - otherwise it's nothing other than pure madness.

Having said that, you do sound like you probably have a level of Type-1 BB - which most people have on and off throughout their life. It's usually due to hygiene or correctable issues which need identifying or managing. Odours on the tongue which MAY contribute to odour on your breath can often be managed with zinc based breath products. Count yourself lucky that you do not have room-filling odours or nasal BB, and work at improving every situation that can be contributing to that odour on the back of your tongue.

Work on your immune system, but there's only so much you can do, like ensuring a healthy diet and making sure you don't have any other health issues.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:51 am
by daan
halitosisux wrote:According to Dr. Aydinmur, we cannot reliably determine for ourselves whether or not we have bad breath.
Not only is this because our senses and psychology become habituated and completely unreliable, but because even odours which we think we can smell are usually very concentrated odours which may not even be the type that is detectable to others on our breath.

That's why most of the time, people who actually DO have bad breath don't even know about it.

Bad taste in the mouth does not mean a person has bad breath - although sometimes if a person really does have bad breath, there will be a correlation. Most of us think that the lick-test or putting our fingers down the back of our tongue tells us about our breath, but that's not reliable either because what may smell bad on our finger does not mean that the odour has anything to do with the kind of volatile odour that can cause bad breath, although, again, if a person truly does have bad breath there will usually be a correlation between this and increased odours on the back of the tongue.

There has to be a correlation between what we think we know and what others can reliably tell us - otherwise it's nothing other than pure madness.

Having said that, you do sound like you probably have a level of Type-1 BB - which most people have on and off throughout their life. It's usually due to hygiene or correctable issues which need identifying or managing. Odours on the tongue which MAY contribute to odour on your breath can often be managed with zinc based breath products. Count yourself lucky that you do not have room-filling odours or nasal BB, and work at improving every situation that can be contributing to that odour on the back of your tongue.

Work on your immune system, but there's only so much you can do, like ensuring a healthy diet and making sure you don't have any other health issues.
You always deliver very throrough, clever and heartfelt suggestions Hali.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:27 am
by halitosisux
Thank you for saying that.