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e n t recommendation

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:02 pm
by loyd99
Hi im new to the forum have suffered with halitosis for a long time now im determinded to get to find the cure. i recently had my tonsils (brought up tonsil stones) out now i can smell the odour even more an can feel food getting caught in my trachea and throat passage. the ent speacalist really didnt give me the time of day and check me thoroughly as i still have the problem. is there a ent specialist someone would be able to recommend in the london hertfordshire area i dont mind if its private also.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:51 am
by Born To Suffer
Sorry to break it to you, but ENTs won't operate unless you are 200% sure you have a problem. I guess it's against policy/ they are afraid of being sued or whatever. They will not take out tonsils just because it gives you bb, you would need a valid reason, I guess to them living with bb isn't a big deal.

Also I highly recommend taking xray of sinus, wisdoms before rushing into tonsillectomy. Identify first where most of the problems lie.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:39 pm
by loyd99
the ent i saw took my tonsills out with no hesitation as it was private. i know the problem is food getting caught in my throat somewhere but obviously not my tonsils.

so xrays would identify exactly where my problem lie or something like swabbing?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:32 pm
by loyd99
forgot to mention im going for a recheck after my tonsillectomy tomorrow morning
can anyone give me advice on what to say/ ask for?

here is whats happened
i just recenlty had my tonsils (10 days before xmas) out and i can feel food debris getting caught an rotting in my throat. after i have cleaned my teeth i can feel the odour take over within minutes. i can really smell it now and feel it.
i gargle with salt water as much as i can as it seems to help clear some debris.

but eating food like rice, nuts, seeds etc i can feel the debris getting lodged in my throat. chewing my food as much as possible is helping but its not a cure.

i also find i am coughing alot as food getting caught is tickling my throat.

could anyone suggest what this is? or how to get to the problem?
is there a throat irrigation device that works?

ive had a clean bill of health from the dentists my oral hygiene is fine, im currently on a gut heal a because im a nutrition freak play sports at a high level an the benefits are endless and it could possibly be the cause(im pretty sure its not)

i really want to get to the bottom if this it has plagued me for far to long
hopefully someone will be able to reply before my consultation tomorrow morning

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:35 pm
by FedUp
Are you sure it's not post nasal drip that's stuck in your throat. I get that alot too and it infuriates me.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:41 pm
by loyd99
i dont think so (but i dont really know what it is ill do some research) i have a cold at the moment but i can literally feel food get stuck when i eat. if im up right or walking around an even more gets stuck.

i find dairy and gluten sets my sinus off an have had food sensitivity checks which prove this.

the doctor today said just keep drinking lots of water an try not to eat foods that get stuck which is not the answer.
he also said my mucus glands will grow back fully at the 6month time point and they will clear my throat?
does that advice make sense to anyone?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:46 am
by Born To Suffer
Oh you already have your tonsils taken out!
hm.. have you checked your wisdoms? There could be a rotting wisdom stuck there that could be causing all your stink.
The only advice I can give you right now is to gargle with saline water after every meal to remove the debris.

Get CT of sinus, get xray of wisdom, it's gonna be costly and expensive, but even after going around in 360 degree circle, you could end up being at square one. But at least you tried.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:09 am
by loyd99
gargling with slat water definitely helps. i have just had feedback from another doctor he suggested this below after i described my symptoms.

There are one or two other possibilities, such as other oral pathology or possibly acid reflux entering the throat (this can occur even in the absence of normal symptoms of indigestion). loyd would need to be seen in clinic for nasendoscopy to confirm/refute these possibilities, which I would be happy to oblige with if required”.

what would a ct scan of my sinus show? and what would be the symptoms if thats the cause?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:54 pm
by Born To Suffer
CT would show if there is an infection in your sinus. You say you have pnd, pnd is the result of saliva trying to get rid of an infection that's in your sinus.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:52 pm
by loyd99
so do you think oral pathology or acid reflux would be worth getting checked out??

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:27 pm
by Sickandtired
Born To Suffer wrote:CT would show if there is an infection in your sinus. You say you have pnd, pnd is the result of saliva trying to get rid of an infection that's in your sinus.
A little bit of preform. I would say it's a body reaction to fight infection/inflammation.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:36 am
by Born To Suffer
Imagine flushing a pipe full of crap with water, the water will just come out contaminated and smelly because of what it went through.
Now if the pipe is clean, water coming out the other end will NOT smell.
This is how I imagine sinus would be if it was full of mucus.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:43 am
by Born To Suffer
loyd99 wrote:so do you think oral pathology or acid reflux would be worth getting checked out??
If you have the money both!
Well you know your body the best, whether it be oral pathology or gastroenterologist, it's up to you.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:05 pm
by loyd99
ill guess ill have to as i wanna sort my problem its been going on for to long
if anyone has some advice on what they think it could be please help me