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PND and Type-1 BB & possible connections to other BB typ

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PND and Type-1 BB & possible connections to other BB typ

Post by halitosisux »

Most of us describe having certain similar BB symptoms.
Tonsil stones, coated smelly tongue, PND.

How can it be that even though there are so many different descriptions and types of BB, we all seem to share these basic symptoms.

Are they connected? Just different intensities?

Please give your thoughts on what you believe can lead to thickened PND in the absense of any significant nasal abnormality. Links to the digestive system for example.

All it might take is thicker than normal PND to completely change the ecology of the throat and back of the tongue, and lead to BB of varying intensities depending on the microbial flora that develops there.


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Stankie »

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Post by Frantix »

here is a little observation I made recently:
i had to work with a woman for some weeks who never had BB. then one day she got ill (cold) and the day she came back, she had BB. not very strong one, but i think it was a scent that i also smell like. so why did she smell this day? maybe its because of her body was struggeling and she had not enough body´s defences to fight the bacteria in her mouth. or it was a higher amount of mucus (which is usual during infections) that was causing her BB. so maybe its true that under certain conditions just a slight higher amount of mucus could cause noticable BB...?

however i´ve read of people suffering from huge amounts of mucus in their throats and they didn´t mentioned BB with a word...
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Post by halitosisux »

Glad to find both your replies.

Yes, I am definitely over-generalizing. My knowledge about BB is very limited to my own experience.

My BB was very easy to understand. I simply STUNK the same every day within 30 minutes of eating something that cleaned my mouth out. Sometimes it had slight variations, but it was the same for most of the time.

Probiotics also improved my BB too.

I want to focus on PND and try to gather ideas and experiences.

Frantix, that's exactly the kind of information I want to hear about. Maybe when we have an infection-caused reason for mucus, such as when we have colds, our immune system works harder and increases substances which prevent the mucus from being decomposed by bacteria? But when it's mucus caused for no apparent reason, it easily becomes smelly when it hits the tongue?

There's no doubt that certain people do have bloodborne bad breath that comes out via the lungs (and possibly via the saliva and mucus too). There are undoubtedly issues similar to TMAU responsible for this as well as gut flora disturbances, bowel diseases, infections and infestations. Type-1 BB may be caused by any of these. We're told it's the bacteria in our mouth responsible for type-1 BB, but how the ***K do we know that for sure when similar flora as the mouth also live in the gut and pathways exist which would allow things that go on in the gut to affect the odour in the mouth?

Anyway, what I want to try to find out, is whether something other than nasal abnormality might be causing the PND which so many BB sufferers describe, and whether or not this PND can cause bad breath.
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Post by halitosisux »

So nobody else has any thoughts to share on this?
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Post by Peace »

I agree with halitosux, PND is a major culprit in my opinion. I don't think all mucus is created equal with regard to levels of protein content and stickiness. What we have to fight is both inflammation and bacteria. I am going to Europe for a couple of weeks and will try to get some Bioparox which tackles both.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

BB varies from person to person because some may have
1 type of bb~ tonsil bb / wisdom bb
2 types of bb~ wisdom+tonsils
3 types of bb wisdom+tonsil+chronic sinusitis
4 types of bb wisdom+tonsils+chronic sinusitis+ h.pylori.

That's why smell varies from person to person, imagine 4 different places of infection leaking out a stink, and the smell will vary based on the intensity of the infection. What causes bb isn't mucus but an infection that the body can't fight off.
For example can you get rid of wisdom bb without removing wisdoms?
You can clean tonsils by pushing out the stones but wisdoms? Using sea salt to clean is painful and torturous.
So of course mucus itself isn't smelly, but what happens is that when mucus can't get out it will rot in your sinus.
Imagine a pipe that's been clogged up for years, when you clean it out everything will start flowing again.
The holes leading into my sinus was closed up, so the ENT had to widen it so air and water can flow into it. I had a lot of foul mucous because it couldn't come out, so it just rotted there, causing all kinds of problems, smelly saliva and facial infections.

I guess when you have taken all measures in eliminating the infection, the next and last step is to simply chop off the head, problem solved.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Peace, interesting to read about Bioparox. I agree that it may be the constituents of the mucus itself that may be different in certain people.

Stankie, that's interesting too. Do you know what the exact reason is why lactose intolerance would cause a person to have increased PND when lactose intolerance relates to a missing enzyme and not relating to allergic reaction? How would it cause PND in the way you've described?

Yes, gut mucus increase might be harder to notice, compared to PND, yet they are likely to both be part of the same thing and both be likely to be occuring together. Good point.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

I don't know what you mean Stankie.

Lactose intolerance is due to lactase enzyme deficiency. It has nothing to do with allergy.

But maybe there are secondary effects from the undigested lactose which lead to microbial overgrowth. This could then increase the toxins produced in the intestine, leading to irritation which then leads to even further problems.. which then lead to increased mucus production all around the body.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

I guess that's why it's referred to as an intolerance rather than allergy.
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