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acid reflux

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:58 am
by ruch
beginning to wonder if i have it. sometimes i can feel food in my chest throat kind of come up.. like right now, when i burped, i could feel some of the food i just ate come up. i could also sense/taste some odour coming from the back of my throat. however, i almost never get heartburn which i read is a symptom.. but is it always a symptom?

what are symptoms of acid reflux? how is it diagnosed and how is it cured? has anyone been cured of bb by curing acid reflux?

also, i read that low stomach acid can be a factor in acid reflux. i also read that you can tell you have low stomach acid if your feces and urine turn red after you eat beets. mine always get very red right after eating beets and will last up to a day like that.

also, i came across this: ... 536GDHCP58

and this: ... reath.html
(i know people hate therabreath but this article isn't trying to sell us anything)

this is interesting: ... how/958672
(i do tend to eat a lot right before bed since i tend to get hungry.. will try to resist the urge to eat within 3 hours before bed and see if that helps)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:40 am
by halitosisux
Someone recently said they cured themselves by taking a lot of betaine HCL tablets - I don't know how dangerous it can be to take an excessive amount of these tablets, but I think it's worth carefully experimenting with. I tried HCL years ago and no matter how many I took it was like eating sweets, I felt nothing. I never get acid symptoms no matter what I do. Vary rarely I'll get slight heartburn if I eat irritating foods. I'm probably achlorhydric.

Standard Type-1 tongue odour BB in many cases probably doesn't smell anything like as badly as we fear it does (when it isn't caused by dental problems). But when you have that awful taste and know it stinks back there, the brain will tend to distort the true picture.

Taking omeprazole (PPI) or other antacid medications for long periods of time can lead to the development of SIBO and lung infections. Maybe that applies to the throat and sinuses too, and that's how BB develops, and how it often involves type-1 BB initially, followed by type-2 and type-3. Gotta keep an open mind cos one minor problem can lead to others, which we can easily miss. (Having achlorhydria in general I mean, for no apparent reason - which is nothing uncommon).

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:03 am
by needcurefast
Halitosisux, I remember you saying you was cured? I f so I know probably already been ask many times and told many times, but how bad was your bb, did you have nose bb, digestive (Gerd/Acid reflux) bb, drymouth? If so was it all at the same time?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:11 am
by halitosisux
My BB was like most BB I encounter on others. Detectable within a couple of feet range only.

My tongue odour was horrendous. Really awful taste in the mouth, would disappear while eating.

No nose odour as far as I was aware. PND never smelled of anything. Saliva did though.

Some digestive issues (bloating and distention), ulcer symptoms for a number of years, but endoscopy showed nothing and helicobacter negative. I think the ulcer symptoms came from stress and chewing gum constantly.

I have asthma and chronic need to cough to clear my throat. Never had any symptoms of any acid reflux.

Today the only BB-related issue I have is slight odour on the back of my tongue when things have stagnated for a while, such as from sleeping. I have a deviated nasal septum and chronic congestion on one side of my nose at all times, which is usually my right side, but sometimes it alternates by natural regulation. I used to have tonsil stones on my right tonsil more than my left. That may have been due to the fact my stench-producing wisdom tooth was also on my right, or it may have been because my right side of my nose was blocked the most and produced the most PND, or it may have nothing to do with anything.

I wouldn't say my mouth was abnormally dry, except as a sign of thirst. Yes, my BB was there constantly for a good 25 years, but I also got teased for having BB way before I had wisdom teeth, but I don't remember even having a toothbrush until I was about 14.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:35 pm
by needcurefast
Sorry to hear you had to go through all that. Though it's good you cured it. You free. Congrats, i am inspired to keep going because of how you never gave up. How did you cured it? I'm kind of lost on what to do. My fridge has everything I am told not to eat while living with BB. I attend to school everyday and tried to hide it. I did for a couple of days, but it's not that easy when you have those teachers who likes to ask a certain student many questions. I drink green tea before school everyday sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I think it's the food i eat. I am very weak when it comes to sweets. I desperately want to go raw, but find it impossible when your parents buy pretty much everything i am not suppose to eat. This i because i have siblings who likes all that stuff. I know I would still be eating all that if i didn't have BB. In my stomach i have bloating and burping. I dont think my tongue stinks because when i talk i get no reaction. Though when i breathe i get many reactions. So i think my main source is my digestion. I have dry mouth sometimes but that's the only time it stinks is when i wake up. i also can smell my food i ate a while ago when i burp, so this has to be it. So please if know anything that helps digestive problems than all the normal pills and tablets that doesn't work I'll appreciate it very much.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:46 pm
by Source
Halitosisux, everything you just described is exactly everything I have as well... well minus the tonsil stones.

No nose odor, BB detectable 3-4 feet range, saliva smells, deviated septum on the right side, irritating feeling of the need to clear my throat, and same digestive issues of bloating and distention.

All 4 wisdom teeth of mine have erupted and are coming out straight - any possible way they could be contributing towards my BB?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:06 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:17 pm
by Source
Mr. Stankie, do you think every possible cause should be pursued and eliminated before resorting to wisdom teeth extraction?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:34 pm
by halitosisux
Needcurefast, thanks for your reply. All I can say is make sure you've ruled out helicobacter pylori if you haven't already done so.

Source, if you wisdoms are all straight and fully erupted and you can't smell anything bad coming from your gums then it's not likely it has anything to do with your BB.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:59 pm
by Stankie
. . . . . . .

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:55 am
by Source
Stankie wrote:
Source wrote:any possible way they could be contributing towards my BB?

I never said don't do it ...... Did I?

Why does everyone ASSume soooooooo much??????

Did you not ask for opinions on the subject?????
So fncking sorry for trying to offer my viewpoint.

Or are you one of those people who only want opinions that embrace your own myopic viewpoint of the world?

I offered another viewpoint ... now ASSume I'm being negative. Quick make a fake account and complain about it . . . . . .
Whoa there guy. Relax. It was just a simple question.

When I first read your response, I was going to reply back with a very harsh response, but I have a feeling you're feeling very hopeless and frustrated, and that's why you have been lashing out at others on here.

It's okay my friend. It'll get better.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:13 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:01 am
by ruch
halitosissux.. so you got cured through curing h.pylori?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:52 pm
by halitosisux
Ruch, I have never been h.pylori positive.
What made my BB reduce by about 99% was the extraction of 1 of my wisdom teeth.
I still get slight odour at the back of the tongue when things stagnate for a long time, but I've got that under control too, by brushing my tongue with Oral-B ProEnamel toothpaste which contains zinc lactate, followed by 60 seconds gargling with chlorhexidine gluconate.

The idea for using zinc lactate/chlorhexidine gluconate combination came from the basis of CB12 mouthwash which uses zinc acetate/chlorhexidine diacetate.

That remaining odour I have is either perfectly normal, or it's due to my PND, or it's due to my 1 last remaining impacted wisdom tooth, or it's due to other unknown reasons.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:34 am
by ruch
that is amazing that you cured most of your bb! it's also great that you come back on this forum to help others.

i had all my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago.

i got 2 of my amalgam fillings removed recently, and have one more to go. 2 of the 3 require a crown. i wonder if there are cracks and holes in my molars that may be harboring bacteria.

do you wait in between the zinc and chlorhexidine or you follow it one right after the other?

my bb used to be controlled by rinses like that but a few years ago, it stopped working or the most part.