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WHY ME??????

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:03 pm
by Zombie
:(:( I am a 23 year old male who use to be normal.....i had a perfect social life until BB struck.......sometime in june last year i woke up,did my usual oral cleaning, went out to college as usual. After classes i hooked up wit some friends we had a few drinks chatting and laughing in each others faces until a friend told me to get some gum for my breath..... That was when my downward spiral into the pit of halitosis began....MY LIFE CHANGED FAST FROM DAT POINT...y me???? now a shadow of a shadow of my former self, the former outgoing me has now turned into an introvert bcos of BB. I cant talk to anybody without them rubbing their noses...friends kip leaving clues pointing towards bad breath.....BB has murdered my social life now i wish i had no friends because talking to them is a big problem(unfortunately i made too many friends before BB came into my life) . I hate this life af mine, im so depressed and if things dont get better i would take the sucidal option......

I wish people would undastand that BB is a medical issue not a hygiene issue......i brush,floss,use mouthwash but it still persist....
bad breath is the worst disease on earth cos it kills you slowly psychologically, socially and worst of all u are all alone all through this pain........Y ME??????
thank heavens for this forum, i now feel there are others like me out there....i hope and pray one day we would find the cure for this 'hell we live in'

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:48 pm
by ThisSucks
Because that halitosis asshole is cruel and doesn't pick his victims carefully lol. If only it would pick only beautiful women so we could all have one (Just Kidding).

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:18 pm
by FedUp
well you've found the right place to make a start towards a cure.

Halitosis is not prejudice towards anybody.

Do you still have your tonsils? Do you get tonsil stones?

Do you scrape your tongue - alot of bacteria on there can be a cause of halitosis.

my halitosis started around the same time as you I was 22, now 23.

Have you had a dentist check your wisdom teeth.

try and get tested for H pylori aswell.

Has anybody told you what your breath smells like? Is it fecal or sewage or garbage smelling?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:22 am
by Zombie
Nobody has ever told me how my breath smells, i guess they dont want to break the 'halitosis code of silence' lol............
I havnt done much concerning this disease except maintain a fanatical oral hygiene.
A Dentist has checked my teeth and found nothing wrong with them, they keep telling me its psychological but i know thats wrong cos people keep ending a conversation with me by rubbing their nose......... I wld follow this follow this forum closely and try all possible cures.
My hopes are high

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:14 am
by HigherThoughts
happened suddenly overnight for me too. I don't know about you but mine is room filling and comes out when I just breathe through my nose. For people who have it just from the mouth you have it a lot easier. People don't smell you everywhere you go from 50 feet away like they do me.

Are you sure you still have it? Maybe it was just that one day and that comment upset you so you keep thinking about it.