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losing my mind. feeling hopeless and alone.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:49 am
by cursedlife
I'm a 20 year old female. i have bb since i was a little girl. Dealings with years of sexual abuse and neglect, i ended up having this disease. i never took care of myself nor did i know how to do so. i have a white tongue and bb smell of feces. i tried goin on a diet,eat healthy etc but no help. I've been usin anti bacterial tongue spay for about a year and my tongue has gotten a lot pinker since but i still have bb. not sure y i was even born. all i feel is pain and hurt. i brush EVERYTHING EVERYDAY multiple times a day. i workout and eat healthy. my teeth are and gums are fine!! i feel the smell is deep inside. i hate being judged and alone because of this. even during the abuse,i still thought one day i'll be somewhere happy and pregnant with an amazing husband.. but that's not going to happen while i have this condition. any help /comfort will be appreciated. thanks

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:21 pm
by louisa
(hugs~) Please don't give up hope of solving this. I've been battling this since I was little too. It's been very embarrassing and hurtful at times, but at the end of the day, the person who truly loves us is ourselves. I've learned that depending on others can leave you disappointed sometimes, even when it's people who we think should love us the most and that's when it hurts the most.

There are other causes for bb, not just teeth and gums. You can go through the forum and read about what others have done. Maybe start with wisdom teeth? Mine were fully grown out with no problem so I didn't think taking them out was needed, but now I have and the smell is gone from that part of my mouth. I think even though there was not any problems with my teeth growing out, my mouth is small so I was not able to reach that far back to brush them hence the bad smell. But I still have a bad taste in my mouth. It feels like coming from my tonsils so I'm scheduled for surgery to remove my adenoids and tonsils at the end of next month. The ENT says my tonsils are badly scarred from infections, though I've never been really sick, just the usual colds now and then. But I do have tonsil stones.

We all have crosses to bear in life. Just take it one day at a time and try to eliminate each possible causes one at a time.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:44 pm
by FedUp

we all know the pain you're going through.

Do you still have tonsils? Tonsil stones smell literally like shit. I plucked a load out when I first discovered them. I smeared them on an old work shirt, that smell was stuck to that shirt for days, i might aswell have took a shit on it.

Do you have sinus issues?

Are your wisdom teeth still in?

H Pylori can cause bad breath also, stomach halitosis causes are real. If you can try to get an endoscopy of the stomach to see if you can be diagnosed or not.

Do you find the odor is noticeable to others when you breathe through your nose?

You've found the right place.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:18 pm
by cursedlife
i don't think i have smell coming out my nose. if i keep my mouth shut kinda hard(its a weird face lol oh well) i can be close to ppl and have no reactions. i do have my tonsils,no sinus problems and i don't have my wisdom teeth. i read about tonsil stones but i don't think that's my problem. never really had a problem with my throat or whatnot

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:40 am
by louisa
Sorry, I should clarify. I don't have a lot of tonsil stones that I can see when I look in the mirror. I only have one or two stones from time to time in my right tonsil. Very, very few. But I have a very bad smell that's seems to come from my throat area. My right tonsil is also several times bigger than my left. I recently went to an ENT, told him about bad taste in my mouth, that sometimes it's like rotten eggs, sometimes like something had died, sometimes like the bad smell you get when you crush the tonsil stones. He took a look at my tonsils and immediately said my tonsils are scarred from inflections and the best thing is to take them out. I'll have surgery in a few weeks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is try to pinpoint where the smell is coming from and what it smells like. That'll help in narrowing down the possible causes. If your teeth and gums are not the problem, then brushing a lot will do nothing except wear down the gums and make your teeth sensitive. However, when I had my wisdom teeth, the dentist also said my teeth were healthy too. Then I had trouble with my right ear and took out the wisdom teeth (which were fully erupted and didn't cause my any problems) that the smell from that part was gone. That's when I realized even though the wisdom teeth were fine, my mouth is too small so I couldn't brush them correctly. And yes, there was a horrible smell there when I touched them.


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:34 pm
by doop
I know what you feel. the same story here . some times it helps to talk with someone with the same problem . I have sent you a private message.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:44 pm
by Jenc0
Hey cursedlife, don't give up, cure exist just we need to find them.

Have you eve try take any antidepressiv or any pill for psyhical stress condition...some people may help for time of taking ADs.


Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:17 pm
by exume
same problem but im a guy and my breath been smelling like shit since i was 15 im 19 too but i just accepted my self

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:39 pm
by cursedlife
thanks to all who replied :) . ive never been on any medication besides when i had an uti few years ago.