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my story, 19 yo student

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:41 pm
by merijn
hi guys,
I've been reading this site quite a lot, finally decided to join in.. First I want to thank you Jimi for the enormous efforts you've been making.
My bad breath started at my 12/14 year old i guess, it's like faeces. It's not roomfilling but very unpleasend to say the least. I really digs your selfconfidence huh. I always knew it was because of the coating, it used to get it off and it really smelled. I know milk was terrible for my breath, I never drank it anymore. Once I drank 3 glasses of it and I coulnd't sleep the entire night because of the bloating. You could say I don't tolerate it. Now I brush my teeth with colgate total too, and things seem to be better, coating gone, bb not. I've been to a couple of doctors, 2 couldn't help me but I was lucky last time. I told the doctor my problem, he looked at my mouth and said he'd help me cure this the 'university' way. His brother suffered too, got help there, so he knew how they do it. First step, he says was Helicobacter Pylori. This made sense to me because it's said it makes you have food intolerances(lactose in my case) He gave me 2 antibiotics, and a medicament to keep my stomach less sour, it's called pantoprazol sandoz. Also he gave me isobetadine to gargle with. This is the seventh day and I don't think it really helped that much but i have to wait, i have to take the pantoprazol 46 days.. I also developed some body odour last since I'm in college, guess the alcohol and less healthy lifestyle will be the reasons for that. It's quite a 'heavy' oder, tends to smell quite like my breath, so I think it's not a mouth related problem, although my right tonsil is way bigger then the other one.

Long story: I have feacal bb since years, body odor shortly. Went to the doctor, only told him about the bb, he said it's probably Helicobacter, when it isn't solved I can come back and we'll seek for other possible causes.

I really respect your work here Jimi, but maybe it's possible to make more specific subfora? Like feaces, rotten eggs smells. I think the same smell indicates the same underlying problem so maybe it'll be easier to solve?


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:09 am
by billie
Are you dutch??

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:13 am
by merijn
belgian, how did you know? :)

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:50 am
by billie
Ik kom uit Nederland. Ben geen blanke Nederlander maar ben wel in Nederland geboren en getogen :P
Is er misschien een mogelijkheid dat ik ook bij jouw dokter terecht kan?
Ik leef al veel te lang met dit probleem. Mijn adem ruikt ook naar ontlasting en het ergste is dat het wel de hele kamer vult. Ik zou graag met je willen praten gewoon over de tel, want ik word er moe van om maar constant online met mensen contact te zoeken. Ik heb geen leven en ben ook gestopt met school. Dus hopelijk wil je even contact gewoon om onze symptomen te vergelijken.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:17 pm
by merijn
ja man, kheb je normaal een persoonlijk bericht gestuurd, voor de makkelijke communicatie